Pump's Pain: Part 1

*** 2 years ago for the Erghon Timezone, 2 months ago for the Earth Timezone ***

— [Alliance Chat is on] —

[RES] Pump - Scaar! Where the hell were you, you bstrd?

[RES] Scaar - :) Sorry brother, I was busy

[RES] Pump - You are always busy. Damn, we lost the war.

[RES] Scaar - lol. Do you imply that we lost because I was absent?

[RES] Pump - No, on the contrary, we narrowly lost thanks to your absence. If you were here, we would have lost a lot more points. You've been gone for days so I was just afraid something happened to you.

[RES] Scaar - lol. I am a soldier, brother.

[RES] Pump - Yeah, you are telling us that every time but what kind of soldier are you? It's not normal for a soldier to disappear so often, you dumpster!

[RES] Scaar - :) just a normal soldier.

[RES] Pump - No, I am not convinced. I want to come to visit you this weekend and meet you for the first time.

— [/AC] —




***A pub in Dallas, Weekend ***

"So Andrew, You're still determined not to tell which military unit you're from?"

"I told you, Lucas, I am just a common soldier."

"Leave him alone. He is the calmest and most stubborn guy ever, Lu...no, what was your gaming name?"

"Hahha. it is Pump but call me Pumpster, lady"

Pump, Scaar, and Scaar's girlfriend had fun until late at night. They dropped Scaar's girlfriend home and then picked up their beers and went to the edge of a cliff to watch the darkened city.

"Hey, Andrew. Whichever soldier unit you're with, you must have been trained in combat techniques, right?"

Scaar, who had been playing online games together for weeks and had learned how crazy his friend Pump was for the first time, understood the impending danger. "Of, f.ck, no Pumpster!"

"What, brother? You are huge. Definitely stronger than me, I am just a hired bodyguard. Come on, let's fight fair."

"I told you, no!"

But Scaar's resistance was in vain because Pump had already frantically thrown his beer bottle off the cliff into the sky and sprang to his feet, grabbing Scaar by the neck and pulling him backward.

"CUT THIS, YOU KNUCKLEHEAD!!!" As Pump had said, since Scaar was much stronger than he was, he stood up quickly and threw Pump away.

"HAH HA! THAT IS IT, BROTHER. LET'S DO IT!!!" It was obvious that Pump was enjoying this so much.




*** 5 minutes later ***

"You are definitely crazy!" Scaar, one of the buddies lying side by side on the ground with fatigue and pain, was angry, but it was obvious that he was having so much fun.

Pump had bruises under his left eye, and Scaar had blood dripping from his ruptured lip.

"We should do this time by time, buddy!"

"F.ck, no!"

"Hey, Andrew!" Pump suddenly pulled his feet into a fetal position and pressed his hands against the ground, leaping to his feet like rappers, and sat down again.

"What is it, buddy?" Scaar, more sluggish in his everyday movements, simply glared at him with his pupils.

"Did you ever kill someone?"

Scar's brows suddenly furrowed. "Hell, no! What kind of question is that?" Slowly he stood up, too, and sat cross-legged with his feet, looking into the distance. "You saw, buddy. I love her. And I made a promise to her. Actually, she just wants me to protect my pride, but I insist that I will come back safely. And when these two oaths are combined, the following result is obtained... I must not kill anyone...and I shouldn't die..."

"Well...I don't quite understand that last part, but whatever...Ok then...I will give you a promise also...I won't let you kill anyone!"

"Hah hah! It was such a silly word."

"I mean the game we're playing, you idiot!"

"Hah hah..."




And 2 months later in the Earth timezone, Pump had truly entered the world of Erghon as another prisoner for the first time, while playing with his phone in his home... At the same time, Scaar went to the park with his girlfriend...




*** Erghon Game World, 6 months ago in Erghon Timezone ***

Scaar and Pump simultaneously opened their eyes at the RES Alliance's shrine...

Like other players who opened their eyes for the first time in this world, they were shocked for a long time, but their alliance friend Mini, who had arrived there a few months before them, explained the situation to them well and helped them get used to this world...




*** A few weeks later ***


"You heard me well, Pump. We will go for the Throne tonight!"

"Are you crazy? I agree with Pump. Rules are clear... In the game and in this bloody World also! This time it's Dark's turn to take the throne. There is a certain order to the throne, and the punishment for trying to steal the throne by interfering with it during the throne ceremony is very severe. And not just for us. Our friends in the alliance will suffer serious damage."

"That is why I am telling this, Scaar. We are talking about Dark here. He is a vulgar person... You've witnessed what he did this week to earn the right to be crowned. I'm sure he will cause a lot of people to die here with the temporary rules he will announce after he takes the throne. So many people whose bodies are in a coma like ours on Earth will die! Currently, there are at least 2 Murdering Event days every 2 weeks. I'm sure he'll be declaring ME 24/7 for the duration of his stay as king. I will not allow someone so dangerous to be our King. With or without you..."

Although Pump and Scaar were vehemently opposed to Mini's action, they still did not want to leave him alone, and the three of them set off for the Throne Castle together.

When they reached the entrance of the castle, they encountered a group outside the gate and stood in amazement. Even though they were in the dark of night, they recognized these people as soon as they saw them.

"KB and Lighty of Oni...?" Mini looked at them with his brows furrowed.

"and Hell and Ocean of SbG!" Pump completed his unfinished sentence. "What the f.ck are you doing here!?"

"I think the same as you..." Ocean also looked at them as if annoyed. "To prevent a bloody king from sitting on the throne..."

"Do your friends in your alliances know about this?"

"No, Scaar..." Lighty answered.

"And Dark?"

"He went into the Castle half an hour ago. He isn't aware of our existence. If we get in now, we can make it in time."

"Ok, then..." Pump took a few steps forward. "It's better to be stronger that way. But we are too crowded. A few of us should stand guard here.

Mini, Pump, Scaar, Lighty, and Hell entered the Castle, and KB and Ocean stood guard at the Gate...


