Pump's pain: part 2

When they entered the Throne Castle and started walking, they encountered an astonishing sight. The hole they were walking on suddenly turned into a turn that split into 3 different corridors.

"What the hell is this!?"

"There shouldn't be these corridors, guys."

"Mini and Lighty are right, guys. When I spoke to kings who had been crowned before, they said that the inside of the castle consisted of a simple structure that led to the Throne room at the end of a straight corridor. Not three!"

They were right. The coronation ceremony was a fairly simple process according to the rules of both the game and this World. The new King would come with some alliance members, and the members would surround the Throne Castle against a possible attack, while the King would simply and easily reach the throne room by entering the Throne Castle, residing there for an hour.

Dark, on the other hand, had come to the ceremony alone, as he was a player who was not affiliated with any alliance and was overconfident due to his ruthlessness.

However, the corridor confusion they encountered confused the raid team.

"Well, After all, we have no other choice. We're going to split into three. Whoever of us reaches the throne room first..." Mini didn't need to finish his sentence because their purpose was clear. They would prevent Dark from being crowned no matter what. Hell and Lighty entered the corridor on the left, Mini in the middle, and Pump and Scaar on the right.




Mini kept walking down the corridor with one hand on his hilt, his squinting eyes constantly looking ahead. Hearing a whisper-like sound suddenly, he stopped, and with one foot slightly bent forward, gripping the hilt tightly, he took an attacking position.

From the dark center of the corridor ahead, something was approaching, he could feel it.

"What!? This is not our Dark!"

"Hah hah!"

"Ha ha ha!"

"Hah hah ha ha ha ha!"

And the shadows that emerged from the center ahead, laughing, poured off the walls of the corridor and materialized around Mini. The silhouettes, nothing but faint shadows, continued to laugh provocatively.

"Well, I have never worn a crown before., but I am sure that such a development did not exist in this process." Mini grinned and took a step forward, making his final preparations to attack the shadows.



"WHAT!!!" Mini, whose eyes were growing as if they were going to pop out of their sockets, froze with the effect of shock. Because the shadows materialized completely every five seconds, taking the shape of the silhouette of a player in armor, and then returning to the shadow form again. And stopping their laughter every five seconds, they were begging and then they were laughing again.

This gruesome development had destroyed all of Mini's mobility because he didn't know if the opponents were innocent players or some kind of monsters that the system had sent to destroy them.

"YOU DAMN BLOODY SYSTEM!!!" The brown pupils in his white eyes were starting to get wet because he was on the verge of mental collapse. Mini was determined to kill a tyrant tonight, who had butchered dozens of players, even though he had not killed anyone before. But not innocent players...




The corridor Pump and Scaar had chosen led them up the stairs to the upper floors.

"A more chilling aura emerges as we move along the corridor, Scaar. Stay on gua..." Pump hadn't even finished his sentence, when the same shadows came from the bottom of the corridor, attacking them.

"WHAT THE!!! GET BACK, PUMP!" Pump and Scaar started to retreat, wondering what to do in the face of these enemies. Shadows who took on the silhouettes of players in armor every 5 seconds and swung their swords at them, turning into shadows again.

"F.CK! WE SHOULDN'T KILL THEM, PUMP!!!" In the shock he was in, Scaar was only trying to throw back the swords that were thrown at him with his own King's Sword for now.

Like Mini, they did not know whether they were fighting against players or monsters.

But their situation was getting worse because the shadows were starting to squeeze them into a blind spot.

Focused on the enemies before him, Scaar looked at his friend Pump in the few seconds of freedom he found and froze with a second shock.

Pump's sword had caught one of the shadow enemies just as it materialized and pierced his throat.

"HAH... HAH HA..." Pump started to laugh painfully, tears welling in his eyes. Because the shadow enemy with which he stabbed his sword was now completely in human form and his last words were "ple...ase"... No matter how many times he used the word "kill" in his sentences, he had killed someone for the first time in his life. Although the system had raided him in such a way that he could not tell whether the attackers were human or something else, this did not change the fact. He was a murderer from now on...

"No... You shouldn't kill, Scaar...COME OUT, FAFNIR!!!" And Pump had made a decision.

"WHAT!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, PUMP, STOP IT!" Thinking that Pump summoned his dragon to attack the shadow-looking players, Scaar panicked. He had managed to get within a meter of the Pump, fending off the shadow enemies who were trying to attack him.

"Sorry, my brother... But I will not break my promise." He made his last move, saying his last words of farewell to his friend. He kicked Scaar hard in the stomach, who had reached him to stop him, and threw him out of the castle window. As Scaar fell uncontrollably onto Pump's dragon, Fafnir, which was flying around the Castle, Pump continued to kill the shadow enemies that continued to attack him...




Hell and Lighty, on the other hand, continued to roam freely in their respective corridors, and surprisingly no enemies attacked them. And at the end of the corridor, they reached the huge door of the Throne Room.

"STOP!" Just as they were touching together to open the door, Hell yelled, stopping Lighty.

"What happened Hell?"

"Do not you feel it?"


"Vibrations..." Hell's brows furrowed as he touched the wall next to the door with his other hand for full understanding. "There are vibrations everywhere."


"Stay behind me!" Hell, much stronger than Lighty, protectively stepped first through the door they had opened.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" But even as they stepped inside, the shadows that emerged pulled Lighty by both arms, dragging her back down the corridor, and then the Throne Room Door slammed shut.

"LIGHHHHTTTTYYYYYYYYY!!!" Panicked, Hell ran to help the kidnapped Lighty, trying to open the giant door again, but he couldn't even move it because it was locked. He then took a quick glance at the throne room, where he was locked inside, but was met with a sight that seemed completely deserted. Neither Dark, the player who should have been crowned, nor the throne itself was in the room...."WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE!!!?"


