The tension inside the carriage was palpable as Sebastian's chilling voice cut through the air. "Hello there, sister. Your elder brother has really missed you. Why don't you get off and we can catch up?" The casual way he tossed aside the guard's lifeless body belied the menace in his words.
But Adelaide's response wasn't quite what he had expected. Instead of panic or fear, a calm smile graced her features. "We should catch up indeed! Why don't you get in so we can talk?" she offered, her composure unwavering.
Sebastian hesitated, studying her with suspicious eyes. This wasn't how he'd imagined this confrontation would play out. Was she hiding something? Planning some sort of trap? Or was she just bluffing? He wondered. After a moment's consideration, he dismissed his concerns. No matter, she's already surrounded so what could she possibly do? he reasoned, climbing into the carriage and settling himself opposite Adelaide.