Your Life Has Ended

Adelaide stared at her brother, horror and disgust warring on her face as she took in his transformed appearance. The grey skin spreading across his body like a disease, those crimson eyes blazing with inhuman malice – it was the unmistakable mark of a demonoid. She had known Sebastian was capable of deplorable things, but this? This went beyond mere moral bankruptcy into the realm of absolute taboo.

In their world, those desperate for power had many paths available to them. Some devoted themselves to rigorous training, others sought ancient artifacts or rare enlightenment. But borrowing power from demons? That was universally acknowledged as the lowest, most despicable route. Not only was it a shortcut that corrupted both body and soul, but it was also seen as the ultimate betrayal of humanity. Demons were mankind's greatest enemy – to willingly take their power was to turn one's back on their entire species.