Vill-V’s "Helpful" Invention (Deleted Scene – Yandere Edition)

Fire Moth HQ's workshop was always cluttered, always chaotic. But tonight, an unsettling aura lingered—an eerie hum of machinery, the flicker of dim monitors casting distorted images across the walls. Security footage of the cafeteria, training halls, and one room in particular—Lee's quarters—looped endlessly on multiple screens.

At the center of the madness stood Vill-V, hunched over a strange, ornate mirror surrounded by an intricate array of lenses and prisms. Her hands moved with manic precision as she adjusted the final component.

"Almost… perfect…" she murmured, eyes gleaming. "Just need to enhance the psionic refraction index…"

The door creaked open.

Lee stepped inside, eyes immediately drawn to the wall of screens. Her own face stared back at her from multiple angles.

"…VV?" she said slowly. "You… needed me for something?"

Vill-V spun around, grinning too wide.

"Lee! My muse! My inspiration! My… perfectly stable source of existential fascination!" She twirled, nearly knocking over a beaker of bubbling green liquid. "I have a breakthrough!"

Lee took a measured step back. "A… breakthrough?"

"Yes! You see, while your condition is aesthetically pleasing and conceptually elegant, I've identified a certain… vulnerability in your operational parameters."

Lee frowned. "Vulnerability? I haven't felt vulnerable."

Vill-V waved a hand dismissively. "Not physical vulnerability, darling! Emotional! Social! You're surrounded by inferior beings constantly demanding your attention, your energy, your essence! It's inefficient! It's… distracting!"

"They're my friends, VV."

"Friends?" Vill-V's smile twitched. "Such… primitive attachments. They drain you, Lee. They sap your strength. They…" Her voice dropped into a whisper, laced with possessiveness. "…They touch you."

Lee blinked. "They… hug me sometimes? It's normal—"

"Affection is a biochemical anomaly! Irrelevant! I have created the solution! Behold!"

She gestured grandly at the ornate mirror. The flickering images stabilized into a single, clear reflection—Lee's face, but… off. Something about the eyes.

Lee narrowed her gaze. "And this is…?"

"The Psionic Reflection and Redirection Matrix! Or, as I like to call it—the PRRM!"

"…The perm?"

Vill-V huffed. "P-R-R-M! It reflects and redirects! A psionic decoy! A perfect replica of you, capable of handling those distractions while you remain undisturbed, focused, and…" She leaned in slightly, voice hushed. "Mine. I mean—safe! Safe and undisturbed!"

Lee raised an eyebrow. "You… made a psychic clone of me… to deal with my friends?"

"Not a clone! A projection! A simulacrum! It can smile, nod, offer vague words of encouragement, even… hug!" Vill-V shuddered at the last word. "All while your true self remains untainted by their… needs."

Lee glanced at the monitors. Kevin was brooding. Su looked exhausted. Elysia was—well, Elysia. Then, back at Vill-V, who was practically vibrating with excitement.

"You know what, VV?" Lee said. "This is… surprisingly thoughtful. Let's give it a try. I have a meeting with Su later. He's been rather… intense."

Vill-V clapped her hands in delight. "I knew you'd see the brilliance of my design! Now, just stand here and…"

She adjusted the dials, muttering about "psionic resonance" and "empathetic projection matrices." The mirror pulsed with light. A shimmering, slightly uncanny version of Lee stepped forward.

"Hello," Fake Lee said. "It is… pleasant… to be here. I am… ready… for… social interaction."

Lee stared at it. Then at Vill-V. Then back at it.

"This is either going to be a brilliant solution," she murmured, "or a complete disaster."

Then, because she wasn't stupid, she subtly nudged Vill-V's thoughts using her Herrscher of Sentience powers. Just a whisper of an idea, planted gently.

Vill-V straightened, eyes gleaming. "I should make some more!"

Lee took that as her cue to leave.

As she slipped out of the lab, she wasn't sure if she'd made the right decision.

But at least she'd finally get some peace and quiet.

For now.