Diary of Seras Maldonado #2
Sophia stole my diary yesterday. I've only had it for two days and she's already being nosy. Mama says that all little sisters care about what their older sisters do. I personally think she's just a little Troll pretending to be a person. That's why she likes being in the garden so much and is so bad at talking to actual people. Sophia says it's weird that I title the pages and sign the bottom. I told her it's weird that she still talks to fairies even though she is already a middle schooler. We probably would have devolved into throwing food if mama hadn't broken us up. I think I'm going to start hiding my diary though. Sophia looked worried and a little sad when she talked about it. I think reading about how I felt upset her. Momma is already worried about me, she doesn’t need to worry about Sophia as well. I'll try to keep this to myself for now.
Diary of Seras Maldonado #3
In my dreams there is water. It’s cool but not cold, fishy smelling, and slightly too thick for comfort. I am submerged in it and slowly sinking further into its depths. Or at least I think I am, there is an indescribable weightlessness to it all. Ever since I started writing this dream diary in the morning I've tried to slowly go over what I remember. When that didn't work I tried going over how I felt. I let myself sink into my own body and just feel and sense. I felt wet like when I'm in the shower except the liquid is just a little thicker and slicker like there are too many algae and other materials mixed in messing with the consistency. I still smell salt but now it's fishier and a little putrid, like the fish, has gone bad. My lungs burn like I haven't breathed properly in a while. My fingers hurt and underneath my nails feels heavy and smelled earthy, like I was clawing at mud. I sat in bed letting myself drown in these feelings for at least 20 minutes before writing this. It was awful but necessary. Now I know some details of my dream and I can use that to continue to reveal more. One day I will remember and I will look on, unafraid.
Diary of Seras Maldonado #4
I learned a lot yesterday. They are the following: My new friend Julianna is an ace flyfisher. Our History teacher Mr. Gastery has insanely good hearing. Franklin has a lake, Lake Greene.