I watched the Christmas ornaments in front of the tree. The decor was very beautiful. It was not an artificial tree, as we usually buy in stores, this tree was a real pine. It was fixed inside an ornate bucket filled with stones so that the pine would stand upright.
I looked at my picture on one of the red Christmas trinkets, remembering when I was a kid and writing letters to Santa Claus. I wrote it and put it on the tree, but whenever I woke up the next day, the letter was still there. I thought it was because I misbehaved during the year and Santa Claus never brought me presents.
That's when, one time, on Christmas Eve, my mother coldly told me that Santa Claus didn't exist. From that day on, I wasn't as obedient as I used to be. If Santa Claus didn't exist, there would be no reason for me to behave all year round. I was only eight years old.
But I believed in the guiding star. She guided the shepherds to find the baby Jesus, every year she asked so that she could guide my ways. Before I had Hector, I asked to spend Christmas as a family with my parents, but that never happened. However, after I had Hector, I always asked to spend Christmas with him, as I was always alone.
The guiding star guided me back to my son, however, I still couldn't spend Christmas with him. Marcos took him on a trip and will only return at the end of the year. However, as Romão had said, when we go to the farm, I'm going to spend Christmas as a family, my first Christmas as a family. The first request, which I made for the guiding star as a child, was being fulfilled that Christmas. We often choose the family to be part of it.
I held my pendant in my hands, opening the mini frame and looking at my photo and Hector together. I kissed, closing my eyes, thanking the guiding star and the baby Jesus for having given me this family as a gift. Maybe I don't deserve them, but I thanked them anyway. I took the opportunity to make a request for a guide star, so that next year, I can have my son with me.
I felt two strong arms wrap around my body and a breath that gave me goose bumps, right on the back of my neck. I opened my eyes and saw our image on the red Christmas ball. Romao had his eyes closed, breathing my perfume. My hair was pulled back into a messy bun that left my neck free for him to bury his face in. He looked like he was mesmerized by my scent for an instant.
"I love your smell," I didn't say! “Especially when you get the urge.” Oh Shit! “His body gives off a heady scent.
"Control yourself, there are a lot of people on the farm."
"That doesn't stop me from kidnapping you for a few minutes."
"I don't think a few minutes for me is enough."
"I'm dying to get inside you, maybe they don't notice our absence."
"We'd better wait when everyone goes to sleep."
"Today is a feast day, it will take a while to sleep."
"So when things calm down, let's run away."
I turned my face to look at him, for a moment we were staring at each other as if we wanted to read each other's thoughts. Romao ran his eyes over my face and slowly brought his mouth to mine.
Shit! I still shove something down this girl's throat to stop interrupting our moment.
"Maybe we can escape sooner than expected."
He chuckled and gave me a peck.
"What is it, Cidinha?"
"They're all waiting outside for dinner."
"Were going..."
Instead of leaving, she continued to stand at the door.
"He said we're on our way."
"I heard."
"And what are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you to finish so I can start dinner."
"Cidinha, excuse me, just a little?" Romao was already starting to get annoyed with her.
"I have every right to stay here, I also live here."
"But it's not your home," said Romao in a thick voice.
Cidinha looked at him with her mouth open, as if she didn't believe what he was saying. I noticed that Romao felt guilty about the way he spoke to her, and she hurried out of the room.
"I don't like her, but I think you were a little rude."
Am I defending her? I can't believe I'm doing this. What love doesn't do, I'm getting too sentimental.
"Yeah, I know. She drives me crazy. Since the rodeo, we haven't been talking straight. I'll find a way to apologize later."
Romao turned me so that I was facing him, without taking his arms from my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I let my emotions rule the moment and felt my heart race. Yes! I was in love! Passionate and happy, a joy so great that it didn't fit inside me. However, it was not complete, it would only be if Hector had it here.
"I'm so happy!" I said as we parted our lips.
We were petting each other, like two kittens wanting to pet each other.
"Good to hear that." I'm sure you'll be happier after the surprise I planned. "
"Surprise? What is it?"
"If I do, it won't be a surprise."
"Oh, at least give a hint."
He looked at me for a moment and took a deep breath twisting his mouth.
"Um, no! You'll know when the time is right. Which is in a little while."
I hated getting anxious, so I always used to be straight about my business, I didn't like being ridiculous. Anxiety made me restless, unfocused and didn't let me think straight. Romao took my hand and led me to the backyard, despite my protests and beaks. He guided me to join us with the others, laughing a lot because of my tricks.
Outside, there was a huge makeshift table made of wood and pieces of tree trunks. Decorated with various Christmas themed tablecloths. People were arriving and placing the prepared dishes, which Dona Meire distributed for each family to bring. On stage, engineers arranged the last details of the sound, so that after dinner the musicians would start playing. The front of the house was all decorated with lights, Christmas ornaments and several pine cones. My sister and Miguel helped set the table and Romão and I went to help.
Everything was ready, everyone had arrived, there were many people, adults, teenagers and children. Most of them are related to the engineers and employees of the farm and warehouse. I looked at some kids running around playing tag and my eyes watered, thinking of Hector. My heart was happy and sad at the same time, I just wanted Hector to be with me. I was also worried about the conversation I had with Conrado, I really wanted to know how they got to the name of Hector. I still had an advantage, no one knew who he was and who my son was. I needed to find out what they want with him before connecting him to me.
"What is it, Alexia? Are you sad?" asked Patricia.
"Oh no! It's just that I've never celebrated Christmas with so many people and I felt a little melancholy."
In part, it was true. It was the first time I really celebrated Christmas, I always celebrated it in my bedroom while my parents spent Christmas with their lovers.
“Oh sis. Since today. Your Christmases will be different."
I smiled at her and hugged her.
"It will be, we never spent Christmas together. It's the first time!"
"First time of many."
"Girls!" Alessandra spoke, approaching us. "This is amazing, I've never been to such a beautiful supper. It feels like a party."
"Really," said Patricia.
"Dona Meire knows how to throw a party," Miguel said, hugging Patricia from behind. "Hello mother-in-law!"
"Hi Miguel, how are you?"
"I am good and you?"
"No ma'am, for God's sake I feel old. How's your relationship going?"
"He's fine! Isn't that love?"
Patricia's yes wasn't as convincing, even Alessandra noticed. She looked at me, raising an eyebrow.
"Excuse me! I'm going to steal my girlfriend a little bit."
Miguel took Patricia's hand and pulled her into the barn.
"I'll see what's going on," Alessandra said.
"No, Alessandra, let them work themselves out."
"She's been sad for days, I don't think this relationship is doing her any good."
"Disrupting their conversation now won't do any good. Let them come back, if they still continue, we'll both talk to them."
"OK I will wait." She looked at something behind me and frowned. "Who's coming now?"
I looked in the direction she was looking and noticed a car entering the farm gate. I couldn't see the license plate because it was a bit far away, but I felt I knew that car model somewhere. I saw Romão coming towards me smiling and when he approached he turned to the car.
"Do you know who's coming?"
"Yes! It's your surprise."
My heart sped up, I looked deeply into her eyes and knew immediately what this surprise was about.