

Alexia widened her eyes and opened her mouth to what I said. I think she understood who was coming.

"You didn't do that..."

“Oh, I did.

"You…no…" She looked confused and didn't seem to like the surprise. She looked at everyone in the yard and then looked at me. "What am I going to tell the others?"

"The truth!"


"Alexia, he's your son, sooner or later everyone would know."

"I would prefer it to be later." I didn't understand her reaction, she looked worried about something.

"I wanted to give you a Christmas you never had in your life."

The car parked under the guava and the door opened revealing Marcos' person. I saw Alexia's eyes water, she looked at me, smiled and hugged me.


I let out a sigh of relief, for a moment I thought I had done something stupid.

"I would do anything for you." She broke the hug and gave me a little kiss holding my face, the kind you breathe, smelling the person. "Now go there, receive your son."

Alexia walked quickly towards the car, Marcos opened the passenger door revealing Hector, who ran as soon as he saw Alexia approaching. The two hugged tightly and hugged for a while. Alexia greeted Hector's adoptive parents with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Is that what I'm thinking about?" Mom asked touching my shoulder.

"If what you're thinking is what I'm thinking. Yes!" I say.

"How wonderful! Tonight will be perfect. Did you surprise her?"

"Yes mom! I wanted her to be happy tonight."

"This is Love!"

I smiled at my mother and we approached them. Alexia was beaming, she couldn't stop smiling in their presence. Our eyes met and her smile widened.

"Dona Meire, these are Marcos, Carla and Hector."

Marcos and Carla greeted my mother with a handshake, a kiss on the cheek and a hug. My mom loved to cuddle.

"Alexia, the boy is just like you. He has your eyes, your smile and…" My mom looked at the boy frowning. "His chin looks like Romao's."

I noticed Alexia and Marcos looking at each other suspiciously. I found it strange, but decided not to call.

"Nothing to see, Mom! It must be your impression."

"Yes, should be."

"Hi!" said the boy, taking my mother's hand and bringing it to his mouth to kiss her.

"Look, what a gentleman!"

"I just saw it in the movie and it made me want to do it."

"Smart boy! If you keep this up, you'll win a lot of girls."

“Let it grow a little more, and I'll teach you how to get a woman,” I say.

"How is it?" Alexia asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

I don't think this was the best time to tell a joke.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the others," said the mother, guiding Marcos, Carla and Hector to the table where dinner will be held.

"What's this about teaching you to pick up a woman?" Alexia asked pulling my arm.

"It was just a joke!"


"He's going to grow up and he's going to need advice about girls."

"And would you be the best person for this?"

"And why not? He needs a male reference."

"Like that ridiculous 'fry and oil' line?"

"That was just a joke, I knew it was you."

She laughed in my face. Alexia was right, that phrase was ridiculous, I never do that again in my life. We walk towards the table and see my mother introducing the new guests to the rest of the people who have arrived. There was no one who hadn't been surprised to learn that Hector was Alexia's son. She hid the boy very well all these years and now everyone is aware of him. At least everyone at the table.

“Look Alexia, I'm surprised, I think we all are, I never imagined you had a child,” Alessandra said.

“It hasn't been easy to keep this secret all these years. I dedicated myself to my studies to gain my independence so that I could have my son close to me again."

"Do you intend to claim custody of him?"

That question made Marcos and Carla restless in their place, waiting for Alexia's answer.

"No! I can't do this."

"And why not? He's your son."

"Alessandra, it wouldn't be fair to the boy or his adoptive parents."


"ALESSANDRA!" Alexia spoke in an aggressive tone of voice and looking seriously at Alessandra, who was intimidated by her businesswoman posture. “He is my son and I love him more than anything in the world, but I will not take him away from those who loved him and cared for him so much. I couldn't stand it if someone stole from me and I didn't want the same for them."

"Patricia knows about the boy?

"No, not yet. She's talking to Miguel, when they're done I'll tell her."

"Who is the boy's biological father?" asked Cidinha, intruding on the conversation.

Alexia held her breath and widened her eyes in surprise at Cidinha's question. She was uncomfortable with the conversation, maybe she didn't like to bring it up, I needed to do something.

“This is none of your business,” her mother said before Alexia opened her mouth.

"Now! I just think Romão has the right to know who the boy's father is. Since they're living together."

"This is their private matter, you have nothing to do with it."

"I was just curious."

“I don't care who the father is. I get along well with Hector, that's all I need,” I defended my girlfriend.

Alexia looked at me smiling, I took her hand and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"What made you cancel the trip?" Alexia asked Marcos so she could change the course of the conversation.

“We were apprehensive about this pandemic outbreak in Europe, so we decided not to leave the house,” Carla said.

“We were at least reimbursed for the cancellation of the trip, otherwise it would have been lost money” commented Marcos to his wife.

"Where would you go?" asked Mom.

“For Disney, I would like to see a mcqueem lightning,” said Hector sadly.

Alexia ruffled the boy's hair, who smiled at her.

"You'll have plenty of time to go to Disney, next time I'll go with you and it'll be all up to me."

Hector smiled excitedly at Alexia, his eyes widening.

"Is Romao going too?"

Alexia looked at me and smiled.

"For sure!"

"Yah! I can't wait for time to pass soon."

"That will depend on how you behave during the year, young man." Hector pouted at his father's comment.

"Some problem?" Alexia asked worriedly.

"He's not eating well, if he wants this trip he'll have to feed as well this year" Carla chided.

"Gross! I hate vegetables." Hector grimaced.

“But it's good to eat right to grow strong and smart.” Mom hugged the boy who clung to her waist.

"But it tastes bad."

"No, it's not bad! I made super delicious food, lots of vegetables, added my special touch and you won't taste bad. Can I put a plate for you?"

Hector nodded in agreement with his mother. She always managed to convince people, one way or another.

"Now let's sit down and I'm starving."

"Do you think this pandemic will reach Brazil?" Dad asked, changing the subject as we walked to the table.

"Absolutely! I've already taken care of everything in the company if that happens" argued Alexia.

"What kind of providence?" I asked curiously.

"Prevention is the best medicine. When we get back to work, we'll have new rules."

"Are you going to need all this?"

"Of course you will!"

Miguel and Patricia returned from the barn with a smile on their faces and their faces red. I think there must have been more than just a conversation. They looked at Marcos and Carla frowning, sure digging they were there.

"Hello! Did we miss something?" Miguel asked looking at the couple.

"No! We were about to start serving dinner," said the mother.

"Alexia introduced us to her son," joked Cidinha.

"Cidinha!" Mom scolded her.

"What? Alexia is pregnant?"

Patricia put a hand to her chest as if she had been scared. Alexia widened her eyes and opened her mouth, surprised by Patricia's question. She blushed and, not knowing how to explain herself, Alexia began to stutter.

"N... No! What an absurd question! Of course I'm not pregnant."

I get the impression that Alexia was embarrassed by this conversation? She didn't seem to know where to put her face.

"So what did Cidinha mean?"

"Alexia has an eight-year-old son," Alessandra said, no emotion in her voice.

The atmosphere was unpleasant, it seemed that this conversation was not going to be easy for the sisters. Patricia looked at Alexia with a questioning look, while Alexia was looking at everything but Patricia. Alexia did not know how to behave in this matter. It made me think: did I do well to surprise Alexia? Maybe she wasn't ready to face her story head-on. Suddenly, the two faced each other and I saw complicity in their eyes.

"I think we need to talk."