Christmas supper time


We went into the office to have privacy, I wanted to talk after dinner, but Dona Meire insisted that we talk soon, she guaranteed that she would wait for us to start the party. Patricia had a serious face, I already realized that this conversation was going to be prolonged. I also didn't want to prolong this wait, I was ready to fight if possible, I just didn't want to hurt my sister, I wanted her to participate in my son's life.

Patricia went in first and I went in right after, after taking a deep breath to prepare myself. I locked the door so we wouldn't be surprised by inconvenient people, that is, I was referring to Cidinha. When I turned to start the conversation, Patricia did something that surprised me. Instead of yelling and releasing the dogs with me, she hugged me.

I was paralyzed for a while to understand what was going on, the conclusion I came to was that... I didn't understand anything anymore. I slowly returned her hug, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I'm happy for you sister."

Hi? Did she hit her head when she was having sex in the barn?

"I don't understand, I thought you would be mad at me."

She broke the hug and looked me in the eye.

"Angry at you, Hector is beautiful!"

What sex doesn't do.

"I hid his existence, at least you should give me a good slap."

“I really want to do this, but after he introduced me to Hector, it was like the penny dropped. His disappearance eight years ago, then his return, his depression, the psychologist. Oh sis! I can't imagine how much suffering you went through away from him."

I started crying all of a sudden, I needed that understanding from her, she has no idea how it washed my soul.

"Thanks!" I hugged her. "Thanks for understand me."

"Are you kidding me? Of course I understand you, with the mom you have and our dad's stupid attitudes, even I would run away to take my son away. I just don't understand, why didn't you trust me, why not did you tell me you had a child?"

"Couldn't say...Couldn't say the child's father threatened to kill him and kill me." If she knew who the father was... "I was desperate, thank God I met Marcos and Carla."

"Now you're not alone anymore, I'm here for whatever you need. Romão too, apparently."

"He got along well with Hector."

"I love seeing that happy face on you. It's been a while since I saw this."

"Yes, I'm happy, so happy!"

And it wasn't just about sex. Also because Romão has been living with me for a week and so far we haven't had sex in our apartment. I worked a lot at the company, I left early and arrived late and Romão was sleeping on those two occasions. I urgently needed to be alone with him for a few minutes, although minutes would not be enough to satisfy my desire, I think we will have to wait until bedtime. Not least because I didn't want to miss any moment of this Christmas with Hector.

Damn it! I didn't know I was so eager to feel the Romao inside me until I thought about it. Now I will have to wait and wait was not my strong point.

"Let's go back, people must be cursing us already."

"Alessandra didn't like the news very much."

"You can let me talk to her."

We went back to the party. Everyone was talking animatedly, waiting for us to prepare dinner, only Hector and the workers' and engineers' children ate. Romao noticed us approaching and smiled. Oh! Heavens, don't smile like that, I think my panties are unusable. Shit! I need to be alone with him urgently. I sat a little nervous next to him, I had no idea why I was feeling this way. He placed his hand on my thigh and looked at me frowning.

"It's all right?" he asked.

"Y...yes, of course!" I replied in a shaky voice.

I felt an itch in my body that accumulated in the southern part of my body, I know it will only go away when I have what I want.

"Did everything go well there?"

Our! His smell entered my nostrils and intensified this feeling, I'm totally addicted to him, I can't live without him anymore.

"No! There are so many sensations I can't explain."

"But you looked satisfied."

Maybe he thinks it wasn't enough anymore, but it was just the opposite, it was him I needed.

"It was just an impression, actually it's a mess I can't explain."

"Did you fight?"

Hi? There he was talking about my conversation with Patricia. Jesus, and me thinking that... never mind.

“I'm glad you came back, we were already complaining about our hunger, only the children could eat”, said Cidinha, interrupting our conversation.

"You didn't have to wait for us, you could have already started eating," replied Patricia.

"Oh sure! Good to know, next time I won't."

"Stop complaining, Cidinha. It didn't take so long" Meire scolded.

Cidinha shrugged to Dona Meire and immediately we all started to help ourselves. Romão insisted on serving me, which made Cidinha frown. We started eating and talking about different things. Marcos and Carla interacted very well with Dona Meire and Sr. Ismael. Hector went to play with the children after he finished eating and Romão always looked at me and smiled like a fool. Yes, he made a fool of himself. Sometimes he would put his hand on my thigh and, without realizing it, his hand would move up to my crotch. It made my body heat up more every time he touched me.

For dessert, each family divided among themselves the dishes they brought. Marta brought to the table the pudding cake that I made with Romão in mind and which has not yet been unmold.

"Alexia made this pudding, she made it thinking of your son." Meire said, she didn't waste opportunities.

Cidinha rolled her eyes.

“I'm not going to eat what she made,” Cidinha said to annoy me.

"Why? Carla asked."

"A woman who has never set foot in the kitchen, she must have cooked nothing good."

"Well, don't eat because if it's okay, you just want it," Marta said, intruding on the conversation.

When Marta unmolds the pudding cake, we saw that it was beautiful. The pudding was evenly on top and the chocolate cake on the bottom separately, a perfect match. Wedding? I saw Romão's eyes sparkle and make my mouth water. Marta cut two pieces and passed one to me and the other to Romão.

"Here, you made it for him, so you two will be the guinea pigs," said Marta.

Is all this fear of the pudding being poisoned?

I cut a piece of cake with my fork, along with the pudding, and at the same time Romao ate a piece. I chewed once, twice, three times the piece that was in my mouth and looked at Romão, our eyes widened at the same time.

“Um, it's delicious. Um, I like orange. Hmmmm. "

Romao moaned with pleasure as he ate the pudding cake and his moans made me wonder how delicious that caramel sauce would look on his body.

"Hmm, I'll never get this recipe right again, it's wonderful."

Marta cut the rest of the pudding and distributed it to the others, only to Cidinha, who frowned and didn't want to eat. Your bad luck, she'll be in a good mood. Everyone ate moaning with satisfaction, Romão insisted on repeating the dessert and ate moaning.

Oh Jesus! Make him stop.

After dinner, Romão dragged me to dance forró. Always with a smile on his face, he led me through the makeshift dance floor.

"And that smile on your face?" I asked, not containing my joy at seeing him smile.

"I'm happy!"

"And even?"


He didn't take his eyes off me, I could tell he was very happy.

"Can I know the reason for such happiness?"

"You may." I raised an eyebrow at him, suggesting he tell me. "And it all!"


"This beautiful party, my family together, my friends present and you. The person who drives me crazy with just one intimidating look and who baked a pudding cake thinking of me."

I tried to look like a businesswoman, but I failed drastically and he burst out laughing.

"I can't be indifferent to you anymore."

"You lost the ability to intimidate me when you decided to give in to my charm."


"And I noticed you were excited when you sat down next to me."

Oh shit! He got it.

"How did you notice?"

"Simple, you got nervous, you didn't say anything and even closed your legs when I touched your thigh. That's why I sometimes went up with my hand."

Son of a bitch! Me, almost instantly combusting and he having fun with it.

"So, you know, it makes me boil inside."

He bit his bottom lip and looked at me longingly. And he took out his cell phone to check the time.

"I think we can have a little getaway that no one will notice. The party will still take a while to end.

"So let's go!"

Romao pulled me by the hand towards the barn, we tried to slip through the crowd, but were interrupted by a voice.

"Let's open the presents!"