Delivering the gifts


Damn! It can only be Cidinha, she saw me sneaking out, pulling Alexia by the hand and decided to invent opening the presents. I know it was after midnight and people were far from sleepy.

"I didn't bring Hector's gift," Alexia said worriedly.

"I went to get it, it's in the barn."

"Have you thought of everything?"

"I'm a wonderful boyfriend, aren't I?"

"You still haven't heard the request." I snorted. "But you are wonderful."

I smiled at her and kissed her fondly, being reciprocated by her.

"But Santa Claus isn't here yet," said Hector.

“Like he's going to show up,” I say, and am watched by Alexia and Carla.

"Why? Doesn't he know where the farm is?"

Now both women were looking at me angrily.

"Fix it now, Romao!" Alexia ordered, whispering in my ear.

"No…no, it's just that Santa Claus is a mystical being and only appears when no one is looking."

That was a good excuse.

"What happens if we see him?" asked the suspicious boy.

"He won't show up again."

"Ah! That girl said Santa Claus doesn't exist."

He pointed to a little blond girl, the daughter of one of the engineers.

"That's not true, darling! But he only appears to those who believe and that he's nice during the year," said Alexia.

They exchanged affectionate looks, as if with one look they could communicate. We made a great secret friend and the deal was to give only party favors, no expensive gifts. After the secret friend, my father dressed up as Santa Claus and the children were delighted.

“Ho, ho, ho! Santa Claus has arrived!"

Hector walked over to me and pulled me down so I could say something in my ear.

"I know it's Grandpa Ishmael, but I'm going to help fool the other kids."

Smart boy! Wait a minute, Grandpa Ishmael?

"I will help you!"

I confess my heart pounded at what he said, he considered my parents his grandparents. Does that mean he considered me his father? I looked at Alexia and she looked like a little girl looking at my dad in wonder.

Dad distributed presents to all the children who were on the farm, now I understand why the list of children's names he made. Everything was arranged with the parents of the children and when he said that another child would appear, he took the horse and left immediately.

People were saying goodbye and leaving, but we were still going to keep partying. Once it was just us family, we went to the room where the presents were. I put the gift Alexia bought for Hector under the tree, but I had more gifts than people, most of the gifts, it was Alexia who bought them.

The first to deliver the gifts was my mother. She bought a pair of earrings for Alexia, Patricia, Marta and Cidinha for each one and for me, Miguel and my father, she bought the plaid shirts, as she always did every year.

"Another for the collection" scoffed Alexia.

I know, she loved my shirts, especially when I was without them.

"I just didn't buy anything for Hector because I didn't know he was coming."

"All right, I got a present from Grandpa Noel," said Hector happily.

Grandpa again. Alexia looked at the boy with tears in her eyes, but quickly composed herself.

In Dad's turn, he bought Alexia a business book. Apparently, it was what she most wanted to buy that she never found in bookstores. For Patricia he bought a mini portable speaker that emitted light, if it turned on in a dark place, it felt like we were inside a nightclub, she loved it. For Cidinha, he bought a perfume. For Miguel, he bought a leather belt with a buckle that had the design of an ox's head, he loved these types of belts just like me. For me he bought a super luxurious Curren watch with a leather strap, I loved the gift. For Marta, a book that cooks Italian, as she always wanted. And for my mother he bought a necklace with a pair of gold earrings.

"Honey, it must have been very expensive."

"You deserve love!"

My dad exchanged a knowing look with Alexia, she must have helped a little because he never gave out expensive gifts like my watch and my mom's necklace.

"Now, it's my turn!" said Patricia.

She bought a state-of-the-art cell phone with a GPS tracker, waterproof that recharges, both with a normal charger and with solar energy for Miguel, my mother, my father, Alexia, Alessandra, Marta, Cidinha and me.

"Is it to know where we are?" Alexia asked.

Patricia just smiles and doesn't answer her question. Of course she always wanted to know where Alexia was, she cared a lot about her sister.

"My turn!" said Miguel.

Miguel bought perfume for everyone. He never knew how to buy gifts, so every year he bought perfume. This meant that we were all required to use the entire bottle in a year because next Christmas he would give perfume as a gift.

“It's my turn to deliver the presents,” said Cidinha.

He had the same idea as Miguel, he bought perfumes for me, my father, my mother and Miguel and nothing for the sisters. They weren't upset, they didn't care, Alexia just didn't like it when Cidinha kissed me on the cheek, I saw her jaw tighten.

"Now, it's my turn!" Alexia said, turning her nose in the direction of Cidinha, who was the first to win the gift.

Everyone was surprised, even Cidinha herself. Alexia handed the gift to her with a satisfied smile. Something tells me she was up to something. Cidinha's eyes sparkled when she opened the gift, it was a makeup kit, she loved to paint herself. However, she looked at Alexia with a superior look.

"Thanks!" she said dryly.

"You're welcome!" Alexia said with a devilish smile.

Patricia and I approached her with curiosity.

"I thought you didn't like her," said Patricia.

"I dont like!"

"Then why did you give her a makeup kit?" I asked.

"It's just that the makeup is waterproof and twenty-four hours, she's going to spend more time with her ridiculous face painting."

I knew she was up to something.

"You are cruel, Alexia!"

"You haven't seen anything yet, sis. That was for the rodeo tickets."

"Have you waited this long to get your change?" I asked.

"Revenge is a dish that is eaten cold."

I wanted to die being her friend.

Alexia bought my mom a pair of shoes, a bag, and a designer dress. For my father, a suit, a dress shirt, a pair of leather shoes and a gold watch, matching my mother's jewelry. They loved it, I know.

"You didn't need to spend so much money on us."

"It was nothing, I love giving gifts. I also have reservations at a luxury beachfront hotel. With a hot tub, private pool and romantic candlelight dinner, it's all paid for for a week."

"Oh my God, I don't know what to say."

“Just accept it, you deserve it. My driver can take you to the airport. There's a private jet waiting for you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What about the farm and the guests?"

"Leave it to me, Dad. I'll take care of everything."

After all, they deserved it! Always working and unable to rest, I couldn't remember the last time my father had a day off. Alexia was being generous with the gifts, except for Cidinha's, but that was just a detail.

"Now it's my baby's turn."

I handed her the gift she bought for Hector.

"I'm not a baby!" said Hector, stamping his foot and crossing his arms.

"Yes it is!" Carla and Alexia said at the same time.

The gift was a lego construction of the avengers of the ultimatum.

"Wow! Cool, love it!" The boy's eyes sparkled. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Alexia said with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.

Alessandra looked at her fondly, it seemed that the atmosphere between the two had dissipated. Alexia gave her a box containing a bottle of wine and two crystal glasses. The two embraced emotionally, looking like mother and daughter. For Patricia, Alexia gave a device that designed a laser computer keyboard and could be used on any device via bluetooth.

"I love it! I even had an idea for an electronic device."

"There she goes, with her ideas, as long as it's not tracking me down."

"Don't count on it, sister."

Miguel got a watch with a leather strap like mine and Marta and a cake decorating cookbook. Martha was visibly moved.

"I saw that this was the only book you didn't have so I decided to buy it."

"Thank you my dear!

For Marcos she bought a leather briefcase and for Carla a designer bag. And for me, she bought a cowboy hat and a guitar.

"How do you know I can play guitar?" She shrugged. "Dad?"

"I said nothing."

"I saw in your room that there was a broken guitar on the wall, I figured she wasn't just decorating."

You guessed it right! How can she be so perfect? She hit everyone present, even Cidinha, although Alexia did it out of malice, she still got it right.

"Good! Now it's my turn to give my presents."