The best comes last


Romao presented the parents with personal hygiene products. Dona Meire won, moisturizing for the body, rejuvenating cream for the face and neck, points repairer, hydrating soap, shampoo, conditioner... in short, a complete kit. Mr. Ishmael, gained the same things, but geared towards males.

Marta won another cookbook, this time about healthy foods, for those who have any type of allergy to any food.

"My gifts are just souvenirs, but I have a feeling you want me to make food as a gift for you," Marta said.

"This is the idea!" replied Romao, amused.

Marta took advantage of the opportunity and distributed the souvenirs she bought as a gift, they were pendants with images of saints, or rather, saints, her favorite saint, saint Antônio.

Miguel got Romão's leather boots and Patrícia got a digital watch, she loves everything with technology. Alessandra received a chain with a crucifix.

"Now it's for my best friend!" said Romao to Hector.

He approached Romao, who gave him the gift. I watched each gesture carefully, unable to hide the joy of seeing how Romão treated my son. Hector opened the gift and his eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Oh! A toy train! I've always wanted one."

"It's a collectible item, you can play with it and collect it at the same time."

"Thanks Dad!"

I choked on my own saliva, Romão was surprised by what Hector was saying, Cidinha's eyes widened, Marcos looked at me apprehensively. He was the only one around here who knew who Hector's biological father was and the rest laughed at the situation. Hector hugged his father, that is to say Romão, who was still without reaction, embarrassed and all red.

"Eh... good! Moving on... Cidinha is for you."

He handed the gift to her, without the enthusiasm of before, it seemed that Hector's words had moved him. Cidinha approached him awkwardly. Okay, Hector's words took everyone by surprise, no one knew how he reacted to that. Cidinha received a compartment to keep her makeup. It went well with the gift I gave her.

She threw herself excitedly into Romao's arms, who looked at me apprehensively. She walked past me and spoke softly just so I could hear.

“Looks like you came last. Maybe it's not as important to him as everyone thinks."

I clenched my jaw to hold myself and not smack my hand in this girl's face, I didn't want to put on a show like last time. But Romão left me last, I couldn't help but resent it, but I wasn't going to let this girl affect me, I'd talk to him later.

"The most important thing I left for last." He held out his hand for me to hold and I did. Romao pulled me close to him and handed me two packages. "I left it to give you your present last, so I can have enough time to demonstrate how much you mean to me and how much I'm in love with you."

My face froze, I can't stop smiling, it felt like botox was applied to my face, freezing my smile. I've never felt so happy, it felt like my chest would explode with joy. After all, it wasn't so bad coming last.

I opened the first gift and it was a picture frame that played music, there was a picture of the two of us with Hector, when he was sleeping in my apartment, but... Wait a minute! I have the impression that this photo...

"Wasn't Vitor in that photo?"

"Who is Vitor?" asked Patricia.

"He's friends with Hector."

"It wouldn't make sense to have him in the family picture," Romão said in a jealous tone.

I held my breath apprehensively, it looked like he had accepted the adhesion. I looked at Marcos and saw him downing his glass of cachaça at once.

I took the second package and opened it. It had a resin sphere and inside there was a flower, but not a simple flower, the flower was from the tree on which we engraved our name. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dona Meire sigh and place her hand on her husband's chest. As for us, this tree also had a meaning for them.

"What it is?" asked Cidinha.

"It's a resin sphere, I had it made and I put this flower."

"I loved!" I declared.

I kissed his lips tenderly and hugged him. Cidinha came close and took the sphere from my hand, it took me a second to react, I didn't expect her to be so bold.

"Return is mine."

"This is more like a paperweight."

"Laymen like you don't have the ability to understand what this object means."

"Laymen? Are you by any chance calling me stupid?

"Jesus! What I said is that you would never understand what this flower means."

She placed a hand on her hip and lifted her nose.

"What does that mean then?"

"A declaration!" Romao answered before me.


She looked at both of us uncomprehendingly.

"That we are each other."

My heart sped up, this time he kissed me passionately and I kissed him back. My heart stopped, I was ready to call an ambulance. This Christmas was being unforgettable, I was with amazing people, my sister was present and my son was with me. I was so happy to finally not have to watch those repetitive Christmas movies I see every year on TV. I was living Christmas for the first time.

"Yuck" Hector's voice disperses us.

"Yuck, nothing! When you grow up, I'll teach you how to get some girls"

"Romão!" Me, Meire and Carla reprimanded Romão.

"What do you mean take it?" asked Hector.

I looked at Romao widening my eyes and he laughed like an idiot at his stupidity.

"Don't answer! I think it's time for a kid to sleep. Come on, Carla, put that little boy to bed."

“I asked Marta to prepare my room for Carla, Marcos and Hector to sleep there, while Alexia and I stayed in the barn”, said Romão.

"But I wanted to be with my two mothers," said Hector.

I wanted to be with him too.

"Oh son! You're going to sleep with me and your mother. Tomorrow you have all day to miss your mother" said Marcos, a little annoyed.

Hector makes a beautiful pout.

"Let's do it like this, me and Carla put you to bed and when you fall asleep I'll go out and call your dad to stay with you. Will that be it? And tomorrow we'll be together all day."

"It's good!" he said sulkily.

"Come on! Otherwise Santa Claus won't show up to deliver your gift."

Before following him to the bedroom, Romao pulled me to say something in my ear.

"Tonight is ours. I'm waiting for you in the barn, I won't let you sleep so early."

With just those few words, I already felt hot and wet.

"I can not wait."

We went to Romão's room, which was arranged for Carla, Marcos and Heitor to sleep. I wanted my son with me, but it was safer for him to stay with his adoptive parents at the farmhouse. I was still worried about his safety. I couldn't forget the conversation with Conrado. We put Hector on the double bed between the two of us and talked until he fell asleep.

"Alexia, can I ask you something?"

"Of course! Whatever you want."

"Romão is Hector's biological father?"

I looked at the boy in front of me to make sure he was asleep. I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead, he took a deep breath but didn't wake up.

"I wanted it to be, but unfortunately my son's father was an idiot."

"I asked because Hector looks a bit like him, especially his chin."

I shifted restlessly on the bed, this conversation didn't please me at all.

"Sometimes there are people who look alike, unrelated."

"Yes, you're right. But you never saw his father again?"

"No! He never deserved to be a father."

"I understand!"

We talked a little more about Hector, what he liked to do and his favorite things that I didn't notice when I fell asleep.