Maddened Beasts

An old man with white hair and beard greeted Aeneas and the others when they reached the stables. He's the owner and stable master of the western stables in the town of Pergis. 

All households that own a steed are required to have a stable of their own. Furthermore, it is against the Panteran law for travelers to let their steed roam free or be unattended for a long time. Because of this, big stables became a good business in Pantera. Over time, it was a system that was adopted by all kingdoms on the continent.

These stables offer services from grooming, breeding, training, and looking after your steed. Most stables only deal with harions, while some are flexible with other beasts.

"Old man Thalis," Donos said. He greeted him with the Panteran way of showing respect. Placing his right palm on his chest and bowing his head. Both Aeneas and Eluard did the same. The old man smiled and returned the gesture.

"How's your first tournament, young lord Caspius?" Thalis said.

Aeneas showed a forced smile, "I lost in my first match." 

Still with a smile, old man Thalis caressed his beard, "From what I've heard a 'boman' named Aeneas almost won against that Alistair kid. That kid won his first tournament a month ago with a smug on his face," Thalis laughed, still playing with his beard, "Heard a lot of people speak how your fight was a great watch, wish I could've seen it."

The young Caspius's face lights up. His forced smile became natural, yet a bit embarrassed with the old man's praise. Donos and Eluard had a silly smile, proud of the kid they watched train every day. 

"How much was the rent, old man Thalis?" Donos asked. He took out a small wooden plaque that had a number on it. Eluard did the same and took out two.

Thalis signaled for some of his workers to come. He gave the three wooden plaques to them and they went to the stalls with the same number. The rate for keeping a steed is two bronze coins for the first three hours and one bronze coin every hour after that. You still need to pay two bronze coins even if you haven't reached three hours. It includes one meal for the steed and water. They track it by writing the time the steed was left in the stables.

While his workers were getting the steeds, Thalis took out a wooden board that had a thick layer of paper.

"Let's see," Thalis muttered scanning the list for the names of the customers in front.

"That would be eight bronze coins each for the young lord and Eluard," he turned to Donos, "Two coins for you," he said.

"So, a silver and eight bronze coins," Donos said while rummaging through one of the pockets in his trousers. He pulled out a couple of bronze coins and was looking for his pouch hidden around his waist.

"Here," Aeneas pulled two silver coins and gave them to Thalis. Donos saw it and stopped looking for coins. He knew that if he tried to pay it after Aeneas did, it would take long for them to go on their way since Aeneas would be stubborn and in the end, the result would still favor what the boy wants.

Thalis tried to give the change but Aeneas told him to keep it as thanks for taking good care of their mounts.

From the stalls came three harions guided by the workers, two of which had a brown color and thick white exoskeleton. The last one has the rare color of black with a silver-like exoskeleton protecting its head and body. All harions neighed gently at the sight of their partners.

"Orion," Aeneas called with a smile. He went towards the black harion and reached for the reins the worker held. When he received the rope, he thanked the worker with a smile before petting his steed.

The black harion, Orion, neighed. He looked gigantic beside Aeneas. Orion lowered his head and began rubbing it against Aeneas who felt the thick silver helmet-like exoskeleton covering Orion's head. But young Aeneas chuckled through the uneasy feeling.

"Then, till next time, old man Thalis," Donos said.

With a smile, "Be sure to bring your steed here next time you come to town," Thalis replied.

"Of course."

They were about to go on their way when Aeneas took one of the bags with pastries from Eluard. He went to Thalis and handed it over.

"What's this?" the old man asked.

"It's yours. We have plenty." Aeneas looked at the other workers. He apologized to the old man saying that he could only give much since he wanted everyone at home to have a taste.

Old man Thalis tried to return it. But, the stubborn young lord just smiled and told him it was his way of showing gratitude for taking good care of their steed, aside from the payment that is.

Donos jumped on the back of his steed, "Just take it, old man, I fear we might be here till dawn if you don't," he said before laughing in his deep voice.

Even Thalis laughed and thanked the young lord with the Panteran bow. The old man also stated that he would share it with his workers which made Aeneas's smile wider.

"I'll give you discounts next time," Thalis said.

With those last exchange of words, Eluard watched Aeneas climb Orion first before riding his own. Seeing that the young man could handle it, as he did the hundred times he rode Orion, Eluard also climbed on his harion's saddle.

A vast land decorated with fields of different kinds of crops bathing with its last drop of sunlight for the day was in view when Aeneas, Donos, and Eluard went outside the town of Pergis.

The brick road ended on the town's outskirts. It is replaced with a layer of concrete. The metal posts with sunstones on them are still present and are within a calculated distance from each other, lighting the entire way for those who wish to travel at night.

Harions, like all creatures in the continent of Nusterra, are capable of casting magic. Although known to have been capable of magic from the four elements, the most common documented magic harions does is manipulating the wind to run faster. Aside from their natural armor, their speed and docile attitude towards man was the main reason they were popular steeds.

With their harions, Aeneas and the others would arrive home around half an hour even if they didn't make their steeds run half as fast as their fastest. 

Most parts of their journey home were uneventful. That was until they reached a small forest the road home would pass. 

Donos saw traffic from a distance as soon as they entered. Carriages and harions stopped at the road with several people loitering around the area, blocking the entire path. From Donos's view, the people seemed to be watching something. 

After a gradual decrease in their speed, the three made a full stop when they reached closer to the commotion and went down their steeds, still holding their reins. 

"Watch over Basil. I'll check what it's about," Donos said as he handed over his mount's rein. 

Eluard nodded as he took the rope and petted Basil. Donos then walked past the bystanders. When people saw the color of his scabbard, they moved away to let him pass. One relieved onlooker even shouted, "An esteemed knight has come!"

"I want to see it too," Aeneas said. He looked at Eluard and told him to look after Orion as well while forcing Orion's reins on his hands.

"But Aeneas..." The boy was gone in a swift and dove right into the commotion. Sneaking his way, passing other people to catch up with Donos. On the other hand, Eluard was left standing, surrounded by three harions who were staring at him a bit confused about the situation.

When Aeneas reached the end of the waves made with people, he saw a knight wearing silver armor that had the same logo as Donos's scabbard. Located at the left chest, the logo was protruding out of the armor. The knight was keeping the people from intervening with them doing their duty. Then, Aeneas saw Donos approach the same knight and asked about the situation. Aside from that, the knight has a scabbard made of brownwood, a material of far less durability than the black one but superior to wood from common trees.

Then, a deafening neigh caught the young lord's attention. A distance away, three knights clad with the same armor and same-colored scabbards were trying to calm two outraged brown harions. A distance further were two destroyed caravans and a gravely injured merchant on the brink of death on the other side of the road, much further from the fight. Another knight was with the merchant while his peers were trying to give him aid. The same knight was also preventing other people on the other side from entering the scene before the others resolved it.

Wailing, the dying merchant was asking them to save his harions from their current predicament. Tears in his eyes weren't due to the pain, but were for his two friends that turned mad and attacked him.

Aeneas watched the fight. Both of the harions kept dashing wanting to hit the knights with their heads. Their eyes were clouded by something red that wasn't blood. The harions would sometimes cast magic of different elements. One of them would have flames around him before charging. The other would stomp the ground and kick the ragged shards towards the knights.

"Kill those harions! They've gone mad!" one person from the masses shouted. Some others said the same sentiments not long after.

Hearing everyone suggest the end of his friends, the dying merchant begged and shouted with his remaining strength to spare them.

Even though the knights wanted to save the harions, the serum they have managed to inject the two doesn't seem to show any effect. It was made from several plants that would calm one's nerves and render them unconscious. A hundredth version of the same serum for such cases.

Done talking with the knight. Donos pulled out his sword.

"It's not working. We have to slay them!" he shouted.