Reo Preda

The three knights trying to handle the situation glanced towards Donos's direction. They knew him, like the first knight he spoke with. And for a good reason. 

Donos Barakis is a renowned knight who would've achieved a titled rank within the order of knights if he didn't choose to stay and serve the Caspius family. His black scabbard is proof of his might for only knights of great feat, who don't have a titled rank, deserve to sheath their sword in one. Donos came from Doscuri, a kingdom far from Pantera. He came with his sworn brother, the deceased Adrian Caspius. A merchant that came from rags to riches, and the kind father of Aeneas.

Conflicted, a female knight among the three clicked her tongue. She didn't want to stop the harions by killing them. And the dying merchant's pleas echoed in her head. But, as enough time passed and the serum still didn't have any effect, as well as the growing number of people shouting, rushing the knights to end the problem, the female knight and the two others followed Donos's command. 

They fanned out. Surrounding the two enraged beasts. Both of the steeds stood still for a second, seemingly confused about what was happening. At least that's how they appeared before one of them did another mindless charge while being enveloped by flames it cast. It was going after Donos. The other one screamed and began stomping the ground causing tremors in the area. 

Donos stood straight, the Zeal on his face glowed, "Deal with the other one," he said to the other knights.

When the harion charging at him was meters away, Donos leaped. He was floating. Donos controlled the air around him and dodged the harion still in midair and with effortless grace while also redirecting the fire surrounding the enraged steed. Out of harm's way, Donos caught the harion's head with his left hand. The Zeal on his face lit up and flames began to appear on the same hand attached to the harion's face, burning it. Then, the renowned knight didn't waste a second, he plunged his sword into the harion's neck, avoiding its exoskeleton and ending the enraged beast.

On the other hand, the three knights also managed to slay the other harion. Although it was the middle of the night, when the power of the Lion's Zeal was at its weakest, they slew the enraged steed without taking any injuries aside from scratches. 

The bystanders clapped and cheered for the knights. They enjoyed the scene as if they were watching an exhibition match of man against beasts. Only the harion's owner was devastated by the result. Donos went to him to bow and apologize. Although the dying merchant understood that it had to be done, the death of his harions who he grew up with and thought of as family, took a huge toll on both his body and mind who rejected the aid of his peers. Minutes later after his harions were euthanized, the merchant followed.

While the knights were cleaning up. Trying to take the deceased harions to determine how they've drowned in madness, Aeneas could hear people's conversation about how entertaining the fight was. There were random chatters about the other knights, but, most Aeneas heard was about Donos. People were happy to see the Donos Barakis in action. How he ended the enraged beasts in the blink of an eye without receiving even a tiny scratch.

"Why is Sir Donos even under a squad captain? He should be a titled knight, at least a Chiliarch of Bronze." A male bystander behind Aeneas said to his companion.

Aeneas listened without turning around. The man's companion argued that Sir Arsen, Donos's captain, is someone who would be a Polemarch in the future. The pinnacle of knighthood.

"I could see that," said the male bystander, "But, I think sir Donos would still beat sir Arsen right now."

His companion clicked his tongue multiple times, "Haven't you seen sir Arsen's fights? He would've broken that harion's armor and head in one strike."

Their bickering about who's stronger continued, while Aeneas listened, filled with pride. The boy imagined his name being part of such arguments in the future. But, the question of who would win in a fight between his older brother and Donos lingered in his head. Same as the two people behind him, he also wanted to know.

Focused on the conversation of the people behind him, Aeneas didn't notice Donos walking towards him. Beside Donos is the female knight who removed her helmet. She has long blonde hair tied in a ponytail. It was tucked under her armor earlier. Her eyes have the color of an emerald. If not for the small scars scattered around her face, it would've been spotless.

"Young lord," Said Donos.

Startled, Aeneas jumped and looked straight to see Donos and the female knight standing in front of him. People were calling Donos's name, telling him how great the fight was. In return, he smiled at them, placed his right palm on his chest, and bowed. His action captured the hearts of many as they returned the gesture.

Donos looked at Aeneas, "This is Dame Kyra Rodotis," he said, introducing the female knight by presenting her with his hand. Kyra faced Aeneas and proceeded to do the Panteran bow.

"I am Aeneas Caspius," Aeneas said as he returned the gesture. His eyes turned to Donos when he looked up. Who realized that the young man was confused as to why he introduced the random knight to him.

Kyra chuckled, "I am a recruit under Sir Arsen, young lord," she said before Donos had the chance to explain it himself.

Kyra is a nineteen-year-old woman that has passed the test of knighthood just weeks ago. She joined Arsen's squad in the city of Byllenes located to the far northeast of Pergis.

"I see… Reo Preda," Aeneas said, paired with another Panteran bow. 

The term 'Reo Preda' is an old Panteran phrase that means, 'you make the Lion proud' or 'you are the Lion's pride'. The phrase became the Panteran way of saying congratulations.

The female knight smiled and returned the gesture, "Thank you, young lord," she said.

"But why were you here, Dame Kyra?" Aeneas asked.

"The captain allowed all of us a few days of rest," Kyra replied. She further explained that when they arrived at the Caspius manor, her captain, Arsen, gave them their allowance and said that they should go and visit their families. Most of the knights remained at the manor, while some wanted to check on their families the moment Arsen told them. Kyra said that when she saw the scene with the harions attacking and their eyes turned red, she asked other people to send a message to Pergis for aid while she distracted the two maddened harions.

Aeneas nods, "So you're from Pergis?" he asked.

Donos joined the conversation, "She's Marios's daughter."

What Donos said made Aeneas a bit confused. Trying to remember if he knew any Marios from the town of Pergis.

"Come on Aeneas," said Donos, "the baker from earlier."

"Ah, that mister Marios." 

Kyra nods, "So you've met my father, young lord," she said with a smile.

Aeneas talked about how kind her father was. He said that Marios gave them cake and pastries to bring home. While he was talking about it, the boy began looking around trying to find the bags of goods from Marios. It was when both he and Donos remembered about Eluard who remained with their steeds.

Both Aeneas and Donos had a worried face. They felt bad about the fact that they'd forgotten that Eluard was with them. The faces they made were too funny for the female knight, Kyra, not to laugh.

People continued on their way when the road was cleared. The knights assisted the dead merchant's peers in transferring his body to his family. Then, the deceased harions were loaded in a cart. They were being transported to Pergis at the town's clinic. With cases of creatures going mad increasing every year, all towns and cities, not only in the kingdom of Pantera, started an initiative to determine its cause. 

Because of the rumor that a person has caught the same madness, the pressure of finding its cause and cure became immense. In Pantera, the chancery of health took drastic measures when it came to this madness disease.

"Then, I'll be on my way," Kyra said. She came with the other knights and helped them bring the cart to Pergis.

As the number of people lessened, Aeneas and Donos could see Eluard manifest in the distance, not far away from them. He has an unimpressed expression, surrounded by the three steeds who are either blowing air from their nose or making a gentle neigh.

"Elu… We should hurry home," said Aeneas. 

Eluard walked towards them, guiding the three steeds as he went. His expression remained the same, "I wanted to see what was going on as well," he muttered.

Donos laughed, he patted Eluard's shoulders a couple of times, "Don't worry, the young lord will tell you," he said.

Aeneas stuttered, "Right." 

So, as they continued their ride home, Aeneas told Eluard what happened. He was expressive, making sounds from his mouth as he explained everything that he saw, from the harions' magic, to how Donos defeated one of them with ease. Their journey home was filled with smiles and laughter. 

It didn't take long for them to reach Heos village. Although it was called a village, the number of people settling down in the place has been increasing every month. Being at the border of two other territories, the kingdom of Aakdan to the south and the kingdom Akrisia to the west, Heos used to be a small military camp a few millennia ago when the entirety of Nusterra was at war. Now that peace is prominent, many think that Heos is a great place to live. And even though it is still known as a village, the population of Heos is growing closer to that of a town.

The streets of Heos took inspiration from Pergis. Stone houses, a brick-layered road with metal posts of sunstones beside it. On the outskirts, south of the village, the Caspius manor is located. When Aeneas, Donos and Eluard arrived at the gates of the manor, a man with a huge smile on his face welcomed them.