Upon dying, Icarus reincarnated into a futuristic universe that conquered the space age. Humans spread far and wide throughout galaxies without frontiers to stop them.
However, in this new world, humans weren’t the dominating species. It was Half-machines, the result of nanobots augmenting a human’s body! Icarus realized that this new world was far more different than Earth!
Treading on the path of the War Machine, Icarus embarked on a journey to find Earth again at all costs, even if it costs him the animosity of entire galaxies!
However, in a world that has surpassed mortality, some great Half-machines would prove to be Icarus's worst nightmares...
Obligatory shameless 5 stars from the author! Hello everyone! I'm gbaquero, the author of this novel. Since writing your own review is rather difficult, I just want to put some key details of The Immortal War Machine down here: 1. The novel is a mix of sci-fi and cultivation! If you like both mecha stories and cultivation, then I'm sure that this novel will be your cup of tea. 2. Villain tag, but with a slow burn! Icarus is not a villain from the very beginning. Circumstances shape the man. Hence, it will be the plot that will push his morality to the extreme! I hope you like his journey. 3. MC itself! A reincarnator from Earth into a universe that has expanded beyond the space age and it's now trying to tame immortality via Implants and Nanobots! He's still grounded by Earth's laws and morality, but in this new universe, that will soon change. 4. Updates! Easy answer. One per day and if the novel starts gaining momentum two per day! 5. Myself! I am an aspiring author. Hence, I still have many flaws as such, be it plot progression or pacing. Your reviews and comments will be the greatest influence on both the novel's quality and my quality as an author, so don't shy yourself from posting! (as long as it is constructive criticism) 6. Why are you still here? Genuine question. Come on, go read it! I'm sure you'll like it! And any questions, just ask down here in the review's comments ;)
i read till now it is quite interesting. . i am waiting for upcoming chapters..❤️❤️