Chapter 3: Answers Lead to More Questions.

Selina and Liam quickly cleaned off the kitchen table then spread out the contents of the envelope. Hesitantly, Selina picked up their mother's old journal while Liam picked up the flash drive. She remembered this, their mother had kept it on her nightstand next to the old, chipped vase she kept filled with fresh flowers.

The journal used to be black with a metallic silver moon reflecting off water. Now it was faded and the silver moon discoloured. Some of her fondest memories were of her mother reading from it. The notebook just contained memories of her parents' time together, before her father died. They had no memories of him. Selina began flipping through the pages.

"Lina, did you hear me? Does your USB drive work? My computer doesn't have one." Liam repeated while examining the drive. Noticing that Selina was too focused on the journal, he left to fetch Selina's laptop. He couldn't wait to learn what answers it contained.

Selina flipped through the journal's pages and several photos, and 2 letters fell out. Selina reached out to gather them up when Liam returned. "I got it, let's see what's on the flash drive." Selina looked up at Liam at the sound of his voice and watched as he sat down and plugged inserted the drive. "Hmmm, not what expected.", he murmured to himself as hurriedly tapped the keys.

"Let me see..." Selina said reaching for her laptop. "Some type of encryption?" She wondered out loud when the screen was in her view. The laptop's monitor was full of bizarre symbols, many of which resembled stars and moons in different phases. "Maybe the encryption key is one of these papers", Selina said while reaching for the letters and photos. "You check through mom's journal, I'll check these", Selina directed as she handed it to him.

Selina unfolded the first letter. It was in her mother's hand and was short:

I'm sorry my loves,

I have discovered a hunter on my trail and had to lure them away from you. If you are reading this, it means I was unable to return. Your safety is paramount, not only to wolf kind, but to all supernatural and human kind as well.

You two need to remain together. As long as you are together, no magic or tracker will be able to find you. The further part you are the weaker the protection enchantment becomes.

You will need your father's computer to decode the flash drive.

Selina, trust your instincts. Liam, stay close and help her think through problems.

I hope to see your beautiful faces again soon.

With love,


Selena silently handed the letter to her brother while she looked at the top picture. It was a picture or her mother and father when they were younger, hugging her mother's large baby bump with the biggest smiles she had ever seen. Selina flipped the photo and read the inscription on the back: Joel and I, less than a week to go!

Selina chuckled as she handed the photo to Liam, "Our family photo." Liam smiled as he looked at it. Photos were very rare. They were a risk and could be used to identify members of the Lunaria family.

The next photo contained their mother holding two newborns while sitting in a chair with a smile just as big as the previous photo. I wonder if this was taken after dad died? Is that why he isn't in the pictured, Selina thought to herself. Nothing was written on the back. She handed the photo to Liam.

The last photo depicted their mother standing arm in arm with a woman that seemed familiar. Selina gasped and quickly turned the photo over, looking for an inscription, which read: Me and mom after meeting my wolf.

"I don't believe it Li, that was our grandmother. I can't believe it", Selina stated passing the last photo to her brother. Seline went to open the last letter and froze, "What did she mean, what did she mean by meeting her wolf".

"Who? What who meant?" Liam asked while looking at the familiar faces. He turned the photo over and read the inscription. I wish we spent more time with her, Liam thought as he recalled the warm, comforting feeling he had in his grandmother's presence.

"I thought that Lunarian female wolves stayed bound until the human part met and accepted their mate." Liam questioned what he read. His mother was much younger in this photo. He doubted she had met their father yet. It was hard to tell though, nothing was dated.

"That's what I just asked. Pay attention, geez!" Selina smirked as she playfully slapped his shoulder.

"Well maybe these last papers here will tell us...", Liam said as he gestured towards the torn piece of parchment and several sheets of paper wrapped together. Neither of them expected to find the answer here, so they pushed the question from their minds. Selina grabbed the torn piece of parchment while Liam unfolded and separated the three sheets of paper.

"Hmmmm. That's strange", Selina mumbled to herself. "There doesn't seem to be anything on this, but it feels powerful." She stroked the paper trying to decipher what it was as it didn't quite feel like paper and seemed to have a slight ethereal silver glow. Selina sniffed the paper then gasped as she had a vision of their grandmother. "Grandma said this is important, to hide it."

Liam looked at his sister with a confused look, but didn't seem to hear her as Liam asked if she remembered what their father's last name was. She didn't know either. They only knew his first name was Joel. "Maybe it's Kendrick.", Liam stated. These papers detail the subsidiaries and other businesses under Lunar Lake Holdings. Joel Kendrick is the CEO."

"As in the Lunar Lake Pack?" A familiar voice asked from the kitchen door. The siblings turned to find Kurt with his own packed duffel swung over one shoulder while his backpack sat on the floor by his feet. His wavy chestnut brown hair was tucked inside his ragged old baseball cap and his ocean blue eyes looked at them intently. His black fitted cargo pants were tucked in his boots. He looked ready to go.

Selina and Liam were speechless, they hadn't invited or expected anyone else to join them. The thought never occurred to them. "Umm Kurt..." Selina began as she stepped towards him. He met her halfway, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I don't know, it will be dangerous, I..".

Kurt's firm voice interrupted her, "That's why you're not leaving me here. Since the day you arrived here, I have felt drawn to you and need to protect you. It gets stronger by the day. I'm not staying!"

It was true, Kurt was protective of her. When her and Liam would play fight or get into a disagreement, Kurt was always right there, siding with Selina or watching and attempting to intervene when he felt Liam was being overzealous or careless. He was quite annoying at times, interrupting their fun.

Selina sighed and looked at Liam and Liam looked back at her and shrugged his shoulders. "It's up to you Lina. If Kurt comes, he will need to know what we know. An extra body to help would be great. Just remember what mom always used to say...what do your instincts say?"

Selina looked at her brother and back at Kurt. "This isn't about hoping that we are mates, is it?",

"Shit no." Kurt shook his head. "Now that the pull to be near you and protect you is so strong, I know it's not a mate thing. I don't know what it is, but it's not that. Plus, going a road trip with increase the odds of meeting my mate", Kurt grinned as he finished speaking, and grabbed his backpack. "I'm driving and I know the way to Lunar Lake Pack, if that's where we're going. Hurry up, it's at least a three-day drive!" He shouted back at them as he headed toward the front door.

Looking at Kurt's empty spot, she sighed and said "Ok, you can join us, but I want to drive". She then pouted at Liam.

"Lina, Lina, Lina. If it is a three-day drive, we'll all get to drive." Liam chuckled as he placed the contents of the envelope back in it. "We better hurry, he night just leave without us!", Liam chuckled as they grabbed their bags and left their home for the last time.

As they stepped onto the front porch, Liam and Selina found their adoptive parents sitting on the swing, enjoying the warm sun and the early spring's cool morning air. They said their goodbye's and shared their hopes to see each other again in the future.

Kurt tossed them each a bottle of juice and a snack as Selina sat in the back and Liam took the passenger. "Wow, when did you pack this stuff?", Selina asked, noticing the back was packed with bags and coolers.

"As soon as breakfast was over. Mom and dad helped." Kurt responded as he cranked the music and squealed his tires sending the gravel flying in their wake.