"Are we really ready for this?" Selina asked, shifting her gaze to her brother, Liam, who sat quietly in the front passenger seat, his indigo eyes focused the mysterious flash drive he held in his nervous hands. The sunlight glinted off the silver ring hanging from the old leather cord around his neck, a family heirloom neither of them knew the history of.
"Of course we are," Liam replied, his voice steady as he peered at his sister in the rearview mirror. "We've been waiting for this. I'll be there with you every step of the way." Liam glanced over his shoulder, giving Selina a reassuring smile. "Kurt and I have got your back!" Liam added, slapping Kurt on his shoulder.
"I'm just so used to being on our own. In our own safe little bubble. I mean I have always accepted what mom told us, but now that it's here. I... I just don't understand why its me and why suddenly I'm so unsure of everything. What if I fail?" Selina's heart raced at the thought as the familiar images of blood and fire fanned the flames of fear growing within her. "I mean, we don't even have experience dealing with packs. Nevermind the dangers of the prophecy but making a mistake in a pack can lead to our deaths."
Not taking his eyes off the road, Kurt spoke, his tone both matter-of-fact. "Selina, while I may not yet know what's going on, I do know YOU! Your instincts are always on point and you always seem to know what's going on. You are the most confident person I have ever met. Seeing you like this weirding me the Fuck Out! For the love of the Goddess, please someone tell me what this damn prophecy is?".
Liam twisted around in his seat, checking to make sure Selina was OK. Meeting her brothers eyes, Selina spoke, "Thanks Kurt. Li you tell him. He needs to know everything."
"It's about damn time. Let me pull over first," Kurt said as he quickly glanced back at Selina before slowing the car and pulling over and next to a clearing filled with wildflowers.
They're so beautiful, Selina thought as she she opened the car door. "I just need to stretch my legs and clear my head bit. I'll stay near the car," Selina said to no one in particular as she bent to pick a few of the fragrant flowers that caught her eye. Selina examined flower after flower as Liam and Kurt spoke in whispered voices.
"Wow, I had no idea what I was getting myself into joining you. This will be a fucking insane trip. Let's stretch or legs before we head out." Kurt exclaimed as he stood.
Suddenly Selina tensed and stood up suddenly and faced Kurt and Liam. "Li," she whispered, walking over and touching her brother's arm. "Do you smell that?". The late morning breeze carried an unfamiliar scent - something sharp and metallic that made her nose twitch. She paused, scanning the tree line.
Liam inhaled deeply, his shoulders tensing. "Could be nothing. Hunters sometimes pass through these woods."
"Not these hunters." The words slipped out before Selina could stop them, an instinct she didn't understand. The scent reminded her of something from her dreams - the ones filled with fire and blood.
Kurt suddenly raised his head and sniffed the air, his usual casual demeanor became tense replaced with alertness. "We need to move. Now!" His voice was low and urgent. He was already heading for the car, his movements precise and quick as he motioned Selina forward as he passed her.
A crow suddenly took flight from a nearby tree with a piercing caw, followed by another, then dozens - all heading away from the northern woods. The unusual silence filled with the cacophony of the screaming birds made the hair on the back of Selina's neck stand up.
"He's right," Liam murmured, guiding Selina toward the car with a gentle push. "Better to be paranoid than dead or tortured."
The trio hit the road again with Kurt once again behind the wheel. No one spoke with each one trying not to think of the sudden fear and change of atmosphere they quickly left behind. With Liam focused on studying the tree line for any sign of danger and Selina anxiously watching out the rear window for folloany vehicles following them, Kurt broke the uneasy silence. "So Liam explained things. I just have one question. Selina,". Kurt glanced at Selina through the rear view mirror before continuing, "That scary weirdness back there, do you think it's following us or can you feel it following us?"
Selena shifted so she faced forward and looked at the back of Kurt's head with her face twisting into a look of confusion. "Hmm, I'm not sure…" Selena paused and thought about her mother's letter and reminder to trust her instincts. I just need to calm down, clear these negative thoughts and try to empty my mind ..and relax, Selina thought to herself while taking some slow controlled breaths. "Give me a minute." Selina said while her fingers tapped and slid across her phone's screen while her eyes scanned for the perfect song.
Selina began to hum along with the lyrics and drummed her fingers to the beat. Selina lost herself in the song, waving her hands in the air while the top half of her body danced. She abruptly stopped and answered Kurt's question, "I think we're good. I don't feel it coming this way.", while turning off her music.
"Glad to hear it. I trust your instincts. Now you did have a valid point about the danger with entering unknown packs. I know a thing or two about pack politics." Kurt stated, while glancing back at Selina once more. " Keep in mind, each pack has its own rules, especially concerning newcomers. We need to respect their boundaries and be prepared for any... tensions."
"Right," Liam chimed in from beside Kurt. He shifted to face Kurt. "So what's the plan, how do we deal with these tensions?".
"If we run into trouble, I know how to navigate through it without stepping on any toes. Just follow my lead and don't speak too much." Kurt stated, his voice warm and confident. "And remember to stick together. Communication will be key. If one of us senses something off, we speak up immediately, no second-guessing."
"Are you sure?" Selina asked. "You make it sound so easy."
"Lina," Liam said as he shifted to face her. "Don't forget, Kurt and his parents were pack wolves until just a few months before came to live with them. He knows what he's doing, just follow his lead.
A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Oh right. Thank Goddess you decided to crash our little journey Kurt. That does lessen the fear a bit."
Liam reached back and grabbed Selina's hand and spoke "Together, we can face whatever comes our way. Just remember, fear is a natural reaction; it means you're aware of what's at stake."
"Yeah, awareness," she echoed, though her heart felt less assured. Outside, the scenery shifted from dense forest to rolling hills, casting shadows that danced across the landscape—a reminder of the changes they were headed toward.
"Just think about the positives," Kurt said, breaking the tension with an easy laugh. "We'll meet new people, learn more about ourselves, and maybe—" he hesitated, a playful grin spreading across his face, "We'll meet our mates. That's something that wouldn't happen if we spend our lives in the cabin"
Selina felt heat rush to her cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and hope stirring within her. That thought had crossed her mind far too many times already, each time leaving her with a flutter of excitement intertwined with dread.
"Let's not put too much pressure on it," Liam suggested, sensing the shift in mood. "One step at a time."
"Agreed," Kurt nodded. "This will be a blast! Road trips are meant for adventure. Think of all the stories we'll have afterward."
"Stories and fun," Selina murmured, trying to latch onto that thread of optimism. She leaned back in her seat, allowing herself a small smile. It hadn't occurred to her that they may have fun along the way. She had been too focused on her fate and how little they knew. Selina felt her mood improving and began to look forward to their adventure together.
The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting golden rays that filtered through the trees, illuminating the road ahead. With every passing moment, the world outside transformed, mirroring their shifting emotions—a blend of anxiety, anticipation, and the promise of something extraordinary waiting just beyond the horizon.