
Kayal's insult

Till now you have read,

Aarav laughs and says, "This time, Kayal will leave this college on her own and that too of her own free will."

Now forward,

After a while, Kayal enters from the gate of her college and she is surprised to see Principal Naresh Gautam in front of her and says in her mind, "How is he still alive? I have to do something or the other to kill him today and "After that I must carry out my next objective."

Thinking this, Kayal moves ahead that the college students were laughing at her and staring at her as if she has committed some big crime but Kayal ignores everyone and moves ahead when suddenly a girl comes in front of Kayal and While slapping her hard she says, "Just one slap from me is enough for girls like you"It's understood, let's get out of this college."Saying this, the girl pushes Kayal, due to which Kayal gets a little scared.

Then Aarav comes and says in swag style, "Hey, why do people hate Kayal so much, anyway it is Kayal who deserves to be hated."

Kayal understands that it is Aarav's plan in this, then Kayal stands up and says, "Truly, I deserve to be hated but why should I go from college."

Then the girl who slapped Kayal says, "This Kayal will not study in this college and such girls will not study in this college and such girls who hang new boys every day will study in this college."

Then Kayal screams at the girl, "On what evidence are you accusing me and no matter what I do, who are you to accuse my character?"

Then Aarav points towards the girl and the girl hesitantly says, "Hey, what kind of proof, how can you say this, you are a characterless girl and you are a loser, understand, you can't do anything, you are an ugly person." That's why you can't study in a college, do you understand?"

Then Kayla says smilingly, "When you all have proof for me then only speak and one thing is that I am ugly and I will remain okay." Saying this, Kayal leaves from there.

After Kayal leaves from there, Aarav angrily says to the girl, "You couldn't do even a single task for me and from today onwards you are considered out of my friend list and don't even try to contact me." Saying this, Aarav goes out angrily.

Here, as soon as the college principal Naresh Gautam goes to his office and looks under his table, he sees an envelope lying there, and he picks it up and as soon as he opens that envelope, he gets surprised and gets scared. He feels nervous and becomes unconscious.

As soon as Kayal enters her class, Mihir comes to Kayal and says, "Be careful today, Aarav is going to do something that will make you leave this college, so be careful." Saying this, Mihir leaves from there i.e. class.

What is going to happen with Kyle?