
Principal's death

Till now you have read,

As soon as Kayal enters her class, Mihir comes to Kayal and says, "Be careful today, Aarav is going to do something that will make you leave this college, so be careful." Saying this, Mihir leaves from there i.e. class.

Now forward,

Then Komal comes to Kayal and says, "Today there will be a competition in the college in which you can participate if you want and Kanika will also take part in this competition. If you want, you can defeat her and shatter her pride." "

Kayal tells Komal, "Today I cannot participate in the competition because I have important work today. Anyway, one day I will definitely break Kanika's pride but not today." Kayal is able to say just this much when suddenly there is chaos outside the class, all the students are running towards the principal's office.

Seeing this, Komal says convincingly, "Come on, let's see if the color has dissolved. Come on."Kayal and Komal also walk with that crowd and when Kayal and Komal see that the crowd was stuck not in front of anyone else but in front of the Principal's office and as Kayal moves towards the Principal's office and sees the As soon as she comes out, she gets surprised and drops of sweat are clearly visible on Kayal's faceIt was visible and even Kayal's hands and legs started trembling slightly.Kayal sees that there was blood all around in the principal's room and Principal Naresh Gautam was also soaked in blood, his severed neck was hanging on the office fan and the rest of the body was lying on the ground. Which looked quite frightening. Whoever saw the dead body of the principal felt as if his soul trembled. After all, everyone was scared and Kayal says in her mind, "After all, who did all this, who took revenge for me and who killed this king under the surveillance of cameras, I have to give him this good news as soon as possible."

While Kayal was thinking so much, the police comes and seeing the police, Kayal gets more nervous due to which drops of sweat start floating on Kayal's forehead. Then the vice principal of the college, Monica Sharma also comes, seeing whom Kayal is scared. The rustling increases further.

Then Monica Sharma says to ACP Sir Vikrant Rathod, "Sir, you have to find out about the murder of Principal Sir as soon as possible, who had so much courage, and it is worth thinking that how did the murderer commit the murder in so many cameras. "

Vikrant Rathore says, "Ma'am, don't worry, we will try our best and we will leave no stone unturned in this endeavor."

When Monica Sharma and Vikrant Rathod were talking to each other, Kayal thinks in her mind, "Because of the letter I had written in the principal's room, I will not get trapped and I will have to go to the record room and check all the documents." The records have to be erased only then can I be saved."

Then Vikrant Rathore makes an announcement in the college and says, "No student can go out of the college until the murderer is found."

Hearing this, Kayal becomes even more nervous because now she was left with no other option.

Then Aarav enters with swag and without hesitation he says to ACP Vikrant, "Oh SP Vikrant Rathod, I have to leave this college quickly, so let me go from here, otherwise if I want, I can get your uniform removed right now, understand."

Before Vikrant Rathod could say anything, a constable came with the recording and the constable said, "Sir, there is nothing in these recordings, now we have no evidence, what will we do now sir?"

Vikrant Rathore angrily slaps the constable and says, "You can't even do a single task properly, really, you guys are of no use." Saying this, Vikrant Rathod goes to the principal's room and starts investigating.

Hearing all this, Kayla says in her mind, "Who is this who is helping me or taking his revenge?"

After all, who killed King Gautam?