Chapter 43: The Boss Vs. Sorin

Her gaze shifts to a fallen bandit, his sword still clutched in his stiffening hand. A practical thought crosses her mind—why not take their weapons? She crouches beside the corpse and reaches for the sword's hilt.

It doesn't budge.

Sorin's brows furrow. She tightens her grip and pulls harder, but the weapon remains stuck, as if welded to the ground.

"What…?" she mutters under her breath.

She tries another body—this one had a dagger strapped to his belt. But no matter how much she pulls, it refuses to come loose. It's as if the weapons are mere props, part of the environment, and not something she can claim.

A cold realization washes over her. 'So I can't loot them? This place is weird?'

Her lips press into a thin line. She doesn't understand the logic behind it, but standing around won't give her answers. Pushing the thought aside, she continues deeper into the cave.