Men and women clutch their throats, their veins turning black as agony spreads through their bodies. Some collapse, convulsing violently, while others stagger forward before their legs fail them.
"Shit—! I can't—!" One man drops his sword, falling to his knees as foam bubbles from his mouth.
Groth stands further down the wall, his hands glowing with flames. Unlike the others, his attack isn't meant to kill. Not yet.
He raises both hands and begins hurling fireballs into the approaching army—but only Tier 1 spells. Small, weak, almost laughable.
Yet, that's the point.
"Ha! This monster is weak as hell!" A warrior laughs, batting away one of the fireballs with his shield. "This ain't even—AAAGH!"
The moment his guard drops, an arrow finds its mark in his exposed neck. Blood gushes from the wound as he collapses, gurgling.
Groth smirks. "Idiot."