Unveiling the Prophecy Pt. 2

Time accelerated around Morvane and the old man, the cabin dissolving into a blur of fast-moving days and nights. Morvane remained unaffected, watching the scene unfold like a silent observer.

"What's happening?" he asked, his voice tense.

"Just watch," the old man replied, his tone unyielding.

Through the accelerated time, they saw Hiraya's demeanor change. Her once-confident posture sagged, and a hollow sadness settled in her eyes. She sat on the cabin's floor, clutching her arm, blood dripping from a fresh cut. She had been trying to summon her crow-like shadow beast, but nothing happened.

"She's cutting herself to bring it back," Morvane said, his voice trembling. "Medas… He took the one thing she valued most—her power."

The old man remained silent, letting the scene speak for itself.