In the grand Land of Baltalaha, the Awakening Ceremony is the most anticipated event of the year, where 15-year-olds from across the kingdoms discover their innate powers. Morvane, an orphan raised by a healer grandmother, eagerly joins the celebration with his best friends, Luna and Esmael, each dreaming of the abilities that will shape their destinies.
As rulers from the seven kingdoms display their awe-inspiring powers, the arena buzzes with excitement and wonder. One by one, children receive marks signifying their newfound abilities, the crowd erupting in cheers with each display of elemental magic, healing, and unique gifts.
However, when it’s Morvane’s turn, silence falls over the arena. No mark appears on his shoulder. Confusion ripples through the crowd, and Morvane’s heart sinks. In a moment meant to define his future, he faces an unimaginable question: What does it mean to have no power in a world where everyone else awakens?
Unbeknownst to all, Morvane’s fate is tied to a mystery that could reshape the balance of Baltalaha forever.
Why is this having less review? My first time rating a book 5.0 this is so amazing. Those who doesn't get what they want early sometimes get something bigger.
The writing quality of the story is very traditional which I like. The pacing is also well-written. Every chapter reveals something that helps develop the MC's power. Keep it up, author!
Good work here . This author is pretty good and i must say his story is indeed catching and revealing. I look forward to see more from the author.