An Order is an Order

Medas groaned as his eyes fluttered open. The soft glow of sunlight filtered through the curtains of his room, illuminating the familiar surroundings. His body ached with every breath, the aftermath of the battle weighing heavily on him. He tried to sit up but winced as pain coursed through his muscles.

As his vision cleared, he spotted a figure seated at the edge of the room, waiting silently. Crimson.

"You…" Medas rasped, his voice hoarse. His eyes narrowed. "Why did you intervene?"

Crimson remained seated, his expression calm and composed. "Because someone had to," he said evenly.

"You shouldn't have," Medas snapped, his voice gaining strength despite the weariness in his body. "That fight wasn't your place to interrupt."

"Calm down," Crimson said firmly, holding up a hand. "You've pushed yourself to the brink, Medas. If I hadn't intervened, you and Drevon would've torn each other—and everything around you—to pieces."