Chapter 1 Rose’s Love Story (Snow White’s Daughter)

We all heard the famous tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs but what happened after the Princess woke up and was taken by her prince back to his castle. Well after getting married and as time went on they had two kids. One son's name was Stefan and one daughter's name was Rose. Stefan was a brave young lad and he became king. He got married to a young noble lady named Leah and she became his queen. His little sister however was someone who was quiet and she looked just like her mother but she wasn't like the other noble ladies. She loved practicing swordsmanship. This is her love story.

Rose was in the courtyard teaching a young prince named Prince Phillip. Rose, "You still got ways to go." Phillip was 7 years old. Phillip, "Watch, I will show you that I am stronger than you." Rose, "Oh really?" Phillip, "I will slay a dragon to prove to you that I am stronger than you." Rose, "Good luck." Well eventually Prince Phillip will after he saves Rose's niece Aurora but that's a different tale for another day. Rose laughs and Phillips pouts. Rose, "I am sure you'll be a great hero one day." Leah came to check on them. Leah, "Snow, don't tease the young boy." Rose, "That's no fun Leah." Leah shakes her head. Leah, "You got another mail." Rose, "Let me guess your hand in marriage?" Leah, "How did you know?" Rose, "I am sorry but I don't find any of the lads here interesting." Leah, "Have you tried?" Stefan, "Leah you know how stubborn my sister is." Rose, "Stefan!" They hugged each other. Stefan came back from a meeting from another kingdom. Stefan, "You never know Rose." Phillip, "Auntie Rose finding a husband, now that's a sight to see." Rose pinches Phillip's cheek. Phillip, "Ow.." Rose, "Your father is here to pick you up." Phillip leaves with his father. Rose cleans her sword. Stefan, "Rose…I made a promise to father to protect you but if anything were to happen to me." Rose, "I know but I want someone to love me for me." Stefan went quiet. Leah, "You know she is right, Stefan." The next day, Rose went to the forest dressed like a peasant and she started to sing a song her mother used to sing to her before she passed. 

Rose: Someday my prince will come. Someday we'll meet again. And away to his castle we'll go. To be happy forever I know. 

Meanwhile, a prince nearby was riding his horse and he overhears Rose's singing voice. He finds her standing by the tree staring at the castle. 

Rose: Someday when spring is here. We'll find our love anew. And the birds will sing. And wedding bells ring. Someday when my dreams come true. 

Rose sighs and a bird flies next to her. Rose, "How can I find love when I am not able to be myself? Don't you think someone should love you for the way you are and not the way you act?" The bird nods its head. Rose, "Maybe I will go visit my Godfathers to help get an answer. Would you like to come with me?" The bird nods its head. The prince nearby heard everything and he decided to follow her. Rose heads to the Seven Dwarfs cabin with her new friend. Rose arrives at their home. Rose goes to knock on the door. Happy opens the door. Happy, "Princess Rose is here!" Rose, "Hi Uncle Happy." The prince overheard what her name was. Prince, "What brings her highness here?" Rose went inside to ask for advice. Grumpy, "Screw love, if anything we can protect you." Rose laughs and eventually she leaves the cabin. Rose sees the bird that followed her. Rose, "What's wrong? What?" Rose grabs a stick and heads back. Rose starts to sing again. 

Rose: I wonder…I wonder…I wonder why each little bird has someone. To sing to, sweet things to. A gay little melody. 

The prince follows her again and Rose decides to go a different way. He follows her down that path. 

Rose: I wonder…I wonder…If my heart keeps singing, will my song go winging. To someone who'll find me. And bring back a love song to me. 

Rose saw that the bird that followed her has a partner as well. Rose sees the horse that the Prince is riding on hiding behind the bush. Rose climbs a tree and grabs an apple. Rose tosses it to the horse. The horse eats the apple. Prince, "Night." Night didn't care and then eventually came out. While that was happening the Prince was getting hit by bushes. Rose jumps down from the tree. Rose laughs at the Prince and then points her stick at his throat. Rose, "Who are you? And why are you following me?" The Prince puts his hand in the air. Prince, "Well…I heard a beautiful singing voice." Rose, "Oh really?" Prince, "I just happen to follow it?" Rose, "All the way to a cabin and now in the forest?" Prince, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you my lady." The prince comes down from his horse and bows. Prince, "The name is Alex." Rose, "Alex Airum from the De La kingdom?" Alex, "How did you know?" Rose, "I got your letter." Alex, "Well, I didn't send it out. My mother did." Rose, "Well, my name Rose." Alex, "I figured. What brings you out in these woods?" Rose, "The only place I feel free." Alex, "I see." Rose, "Sadly, I am looking for a husband." Alex, "Is that so?" Rose walks and Alex follows her. Alex, "What do you want your husband to be like?" Rose, "Someone who is tall and handsome." Alex knows he checks those boxes. Rose, "And is good at swordsmanship." Alex, "I see." Rose, "And someone who loves me for me. I like swordsmanship myself as well." Alex, "Really?" Rose, "And you?" Alex, "Well, I like a woman who is confident and strong but also kind and understanding." Rose, "Really? What does she look like?" Alex, "I say someone with black hair dark as night, and skin as white as snow. Lips red as the rose." Rose, "Well she sounds lovely." Alex, "She is very adventurous and has a beautiful singing voice." Rose, "Well that's interesting. I think I know someone like that." Alex, "Care for a dance your highness?" Rose, "I would love that but we don't have music." Alex, "We don't need music." Alex and Rose started to dance. Then eventually Alex escorted Rose back to the castle. Stefan and Leah saw them together. 

Alex helps Rose off his horse. Alex gives her a flower and the birds from before came with them. Rose heads inside and Alex smiles. He watches her go to her room and she looks at him from the window. 

Alex: Now that I've found you here is what I have to say. One song…I have one song…One song only for you…One heart…Tenderly beating… Ever entreating… Constant and true…One love..That has possessed me…One love..Thrilling me through. One song…My heart keeps singing. Of one love…Only for you.

Rose pecked one of the birds and the bird flew down to Alex. Alex got the peck and the birds flew away. Rose smiled and blushed as she closed the blinds to her room. Stefan and Leah approve of Alex. Alex leaves with his horse. The next day, Rose was in the courtyard and she was staring off into space instead of swinging her sword. General, "Now I know that look." Knight, "What look?" General, "Seems like our princess has fallen in love." Knights, "What?!" Knight 2, "Your highness!" Rose, "Yes?" Knight 2, "Is it true? Are you in love?" Rose, "What? No. Let's get back to practice." General laughs and Rose hides her embarrassment. Stefan and Leah on the other hand arrange a meeting for Alex and Rose to meet. Stefan, "She finally fell in love." Leah, "She is 21 afterall. It was time for her to find love." On the other hand Alex wasn't focusing on his lessons on being King. His teacher Emily stares at him. Emily, "Your highness!" Alex, "Oh sorry what?" Emily, "What has gotten into today?" Alex, "I met this wonderful person yesterday." Alex's mother came into the room. Alex's mother, "Alex! King Stefan and Queen Leah have invited you to their castle." Emily, "For what?" Alex was excited and he looked at the letter. Alex's mother, "To meet with his bride to be Princess Rose of course." However, the day Alex was supposed to come he didn't show up. Rose was heartbroken. 

Rose: I always dreamed that my life would be. Like a fairy tale, a perfect fantasy. Every day is a new adventure. On some undiscovered shore. Was it nothing more than a dream? Then one magic night with a single dance. I found more than just a storybook romance and for once my life was perfect as we glided across the floor. And it was so much more..So much more than a dream. I could say it never happened. Just a dream from the start but then I'd live my life with a broken heart. 

Leah hugs Rose and Rose starts to cry. Leah, "Oh Rose. I am sorry." Stefan came running into the room. Stefan, "Rose he has gotten missing." Rose, "What?" Stefan, "He was on his way here." Leah wipes Rose's tears. Rose decided she was going to look for Alex and go out on the adventure to find Alex. Rose headed out on her horse Light. 

Rose: 'Cause in a Prince's arms, I've found a love I can't deny. If there's any chance to set things right. I've simply gotta try. So I'll trust my heart. What else can I do? I can't live in dreams, if my dreams are to come true. There's a better life that's waiting past the mountains I must climb. I will take a chance on love, to get my once upon a time. Oh, I want so much more so much more. Then a dream. 

Meanwhile, Alex was lost in the forest and he sighs. Alex, "Where are we Night? How did I get here? I need to meet her again." 

Alex: And she is just out of reach. Agony… That can cut like a knife! I must have her as a wife! 

And then it started to rain and he sighs. Alex, "Let's go find a cave Night." His horse shakes his head. Meanwhile, Rose was looking at the map while riding Light. Rose, "I think we are in a maze?" Rose whistles and her hawk Hazel comes. Rose, "Hazel!" Rose gives Hazel food. Rose, "Can you find Prince Alex?" Rose leaves a note on Hazel's ankle. Hazel flew over the woods and ended up flying in the rain. Hazel sees a cave light up. Hazel goes into the cave to see Alex half naked in front of a fire. Alex sees Hazel. Alex, "What are you looking at?" Alex was stressed out. Hazel goes up to Alex and Alex sees something on Hazel's ankle. Alex takes the note wrapped on Hazel's ankle. Alex gives Hazel food as he reads it. Alex, "She came for me." Alex writes back. Alex, "Tell her where I am." Hazel heads back to Rose. Rose gets the note from Alex. Rose breathes in and out. Rose goes into the forest with her horse Light. The next day, Rose sees the cave and then she sees mud. Rose grabs a rope meanwhile Alex just woke up and he hears a noise outside the cave. Alex looks outside and he sees Rose. Alex, "Your highness!" Rose, "Prince Alex!" Rose looks up to see Alex half naked. Rose covers her eyes and he realized he was still half naked. He goes back inside to change. Rose, "It's very muddy over here!" Alex and Night come out of the cave. They scratched their heads. Alex threw a stick into the mud and it sinked. Rose, "I have a rope." Alex, "I do too." Rose tied the rope around a tree and made sure it was sturdy. Rose throws it to Alex and Alex catches it. Alex, "Okay Night, you have to go first okay?" Night looked at him like he was crazy and then Night saw Light. Light was confused. Night fell in love and he put on a brave face. Light was eating grass. Night goes across and Rose helps Night up. Rose, "Good boy." Rose gives him food to eat. Rose, "Your highness, are you ready?" Alex, "Who knows." Rose throws the rope and Alex slowly walks. His feet slowly started to sink in but he was able to move until he got to the middle. Alex, "Your highness?" Rose takes the last rope and she goes into the mud. Rose goes towards him and grabs his hand. They slowly moved as they sinked and then they slowly pulled themselves out of the mud. Alex, "Love you too Night." Night didn't care and Light didn't care either. Rose, "No carrots for you." Light comes over quickly and comforts her. Night came over and did the same thing to Alex. They couldn't be mad at them. Alex and Rose then looked at each other. They both laughed together. Rose and Alex walked with their horses. They took their time to get out of the forest. They finally found a pound. Alex, "You go ahead your highness." Rose goes into the pound first naked and she washes herself. Then she comes out. Alex, "Are you done, your highness?" Rose, "I am grabbing my towel. You can look." Alex turns around to see her only covered in a towel. Rose, "I didn't bring extra clothes." Alex, "Well, I didn't either." Alex heads into the pond and he washes himself. Rose looks the other way. Alex grabbed his own towel and covered his lower half. Alex, "I am done." Rose turns around. Rose, "I think we should get some firewood." Alex, "Yeah." They gathered wood and some leaves to make a tent. Then started to make a fire to keep themselves warm. Rose and Alex talked to each other that night. Then they eventually fell asleep. However, Rose gets cold easily. Alex, "Rose?" Rose wakes up. Rose, "It's cold." Alex, "If I may, can I hug you?" Rose,"Yes you can." Alex hugs Rose tightly and she hugs him back. Alex stared at Rose. Rose, "Is there something on my face?" Alex, "No..I am just looking at a beautiful woman." Rose's face turned red. Rose, "Stop messing around Alex." Alex, "I am not. I am serious." Rose could hear his heartbeat as she was holding him tightly to keep warmth. Alex, "Thank you for coming for me." Rose, "Of course, I'll be honest I thought you weren't coming." Alex, "Hey, I am here with you now right?" Rose, "Yes." Alex, "It's getting really cold." Alex holds Rose closer to him. Alex could see Rose's ear red. Alex was also blushing. Alex, "Rose." Rose, "Yes, Alex?" Alex, "I…I love you." Rose was surprised. Rose, "I…" Alex, "Hm?" Rose, "I do too." Alex was happy and so was Rose. They eventually kissed. The next three days they were stuck in a maze and they eventually made it out. Stefan and Leah were in front of the forest getting ready to head inside. Rose, "Brother!" Stefan and Leah see them both. They run to hug her tightly. Stefan, "I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost you too." Rose, "I am fine." Leah, "Hi your highness." Alex bows to them. Alex, "I owe my life to her." They headed back to the castle. After changing and eating breakfast together. Rose showed Alex her home. Alex, "May I have this dance?" Rose, "Of course." A servant came with a violin and they started to dance. Stefan was tearing up. Leah, "I told you she will find her prince." Stefan, "There is just one problem left." Leah, "What is that?" Stefan, "I don't want to say goodbye to my baby sister." Leah hugs him. Then a week later, Alex and Rose get engaged. Alex, "Ready to go?" Rose gets on Light. Rose, "Last one to get to forest owes the horses snacks." Alex, "You're on." Alex gets on Night and they head to the forest together. Rose won so Alex ended up feeding all of them. Alex hugs Rose and Rose is confused. Rose, "What's wrong?" Alex, "I feel like I don't deserve you." Rose grabs his face. Rose, "Just because you were a bad person in the past doesn't mean you can't change. You changed for the better right?" Alex, "Yes. I am just scared the past will catch up to me and I am not able to protect you." Rose, "Hey whatever comes our way we face it together like we always do." Alex, "You're right." Rose and Alex kissed each other. Alex didn't become King and his brother did instead. Alex takes Rose to see the world. Once they were finally done traveling the world they finally married. They decided to live out in the countryside. Rose, "Honey!" Alex, "Yes!" Rose, "Dinner is ready!" Alex came in and was annoyed because Rose was moving. Alex picks her up from cleaning and puts her on the sofa. Rose, "I was cleaning." Alex, "I told you let me do that." Rose, "But." Alex, "Like I am going to allow my pregnant wife to do all the cleaning." Rose was three months pregnant and Hazel came with a note. Rose reads it. Rose, "Oh my god finally. Queen Leah gave birth to a baby girl." Alex, "Let's go." Rose, "Yes I am excited to meet my niece." They headed back to the castle and that's when they saw Maleficent for the first time. Maleficent, "She'll prick her finger on the spinning wheel and die." Leah runs to pick up her daughter Aurora. Leah, "Oh no." Afterwards, Rose faints and Alex catches her. The next morning, Leah and Rose talked. Rose holds her hand. Rose, "You will see your daughter again. I know it." 16 years later, sadly Rose passed away from giving birth. Alex raised their son Seth. Alex and Seth were waiting for Aurora to return. They ended up falling asleep because of the three fairies. Alex had a dream about Rose. Rose, "Alex." Alex, "Rose, where am I?" Rose, "You're under a sleeping spell." Alex, "What? Why?" Seth, "Mom?" Rose, "Seth!" They hugged each other tightly. They talked with each other for a long time. Rose, "Well, looks like it's time for you guys to wake up." Alex, "But.." Rose smiled and kissed him. Alex wakes up at the same time Seth does. They see Aurora return with Prince Phillip. They started to dance. Afterwards, Aurora hugs Alex and Seth. Aurora, "I met Auntie Rose." Alex, "She was watching over you wasn't she?" Aurora, "Yes she was and guided me so I didn't get lost." Phillip, "Hi, you must be Seth." Seth, "Your highness." Phillip, "You look just like Auntie Rose." Seth, "Thank you." Then many years passed Alex grew old and Seth got married, and had his own kids. Alex closed his eyes and he reunited with Rose in the afterlife. Everyone lived happily ever after even in the afterlife. In the afterlife, Alex had to go through trials and he met Hades. Hades, "Hm…Not bad. Your wife is waiting for you." Alex, "And you are?" Hades, "Hi I am Hades. Ruler of the underworld." Alex, "Nice to meet you sir." Hades, "Now move along." Alex heads to where Rose was. Rose was in a courtyard practicing her swordsmanship. Alex, "Rose!" Rose stopped and turned to see Alex. Rose drops her sword and runs to hug Alex tightly. Rose, "You made it." Alex, "What do we do now?" Rose, "From what I know lord Hades has people go through trials and if you pass them you are here. If you don't, you're stuck in the river of souls." Alex, "He seems interesting." Rose, "He is still mad that his nephew beat him." Alex, "So he is a villain too?" Rose, "I guess you can say that." Alex, "I saw Maleficent though." Rose, "Yeah she is here too but she is where the other villains are." Alex, "There are others?" Rose, "Well magic mirror, the evil queen, and now Maleficent." Alex, "I am confused." Rose, "Welcome to the club and also time is different here." Alex, "Not going to lie, the three headed dogs scared me." Rose, "They were nice to me." Alex, "Seems like someone hasn't changed." Rose smiles. Alex kisses her hand. They danced and danced for many lifetimes to come. The end.