Chapter 2 History Repeats Itself (Cinderella's Son)

Once upon a time there was a kingdom. There was a King named Henry and a Queen named Cinderella. Well, we all know her famous story of how she married her prince when she tried her glass slipper. However, the wicked stepmother tried to take away their happy ending but was stopped because her stepsister Anastasia did the right thing. She too found her own happy ending. So what happened afterwards? Well, you see King Henry and Queen Cinderella had a son named Ciel. This is his story of his happy ending. 

Cinderella: What a perfectly perfect life. It's a fairytale come true. I am a mother and a wife all because I fit a shoe. When I dreamed of love, who would've guessed I'd end up here. At the end of a perfectly perfect year. Henry, "Would my perfectly perfect wife put on her. Perfectly fitting shoes." Cinderella, "You found my shoes." Henry, "Better hurry, fairy godmother's waiting and it's Ciel's birthday." Cinderella, "What were the mice using them for this time?" Henry helps put on her shoe. Henry, "Boats." They headed out on their horses. 

Cinderella: What a wonderfully perfectly perfect year! Ciel was riding his horse and he saw his parents together. Ciel came out to his parents not too long ago and they accepted him for him but he too wanted to find true love like his parents. Ciel slowly headed towards the forest where his parents were. Fairy godmother, Jaq, and Gus were getting a birthday surprise ready. Ciel took his time to get there. 

Ciel: Somewhere there must be someone who'd love me. They'll show me a world that I never knew. They'll ask for my hand and I'll say I do. Oh wouldn't it be finer than fine. If that perfectly perfect love were mine. 

The Fairy Godmother uses her magic. Cinderella, "Hopefully we aren't late." Henry, "I think we made it just in time." Fairy Godmother, "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!" They were wearing their outfits when they met each other on the night of the ball. Cinderella, "Where is Ciel?" Henry, "I told him to meet us here." Ciel arrived. 

All of them: Surprise! 

Ciel was touched and his clothes transformed as well. He dances with his mother and his father smiles.

Ciel: It's sure to be another magically.

All: Perfectly perfect year! 

Afterwards, they all ate at the table together. Cinderella, "Now, honey, what is your wish this year?" Ciel, "I…I want to find love. Like how you and father did." Henry pats his head. Henry, "Follow me, Ciel. I have a story to tell you." Cinderella helped clean up as the two of them went for a walk. Henry tells the story about his grandparents. 

Henry: No matter how your heart is grieving. 

Ciel: If you keep on believing. 

Cinderella came to join them. 

Cinderella: The dream that you wish will come true. 

They hugged him tightly. Henry, "Do you want to throw a ball?" Ciel, "No, I want to find my own way of love." Cinderella smiles and kisses him on the forehead. Cinderella, "We know you will find someone." Henry takes out a gift for Ciel. Ciel, "Isn't this mom's glass slipper?" Fairy Godmother, "Well, I adjust it to fit you. Your highness." Ciel, "Thank you." Afterwards, they headed back to the palace. Ciel looks up at the star. Ciel closes his eyes and makes a wish. The next day, Ciel was practicing his swordsmanship with Henry. Ciel, "I win." Henry, "You have gotten better." Ciel, "Thank you." Then Henry goes back to doing his King duties. Ciel went to the garden. Ciel was about to pick up a flower until a man picked it up. Ciel and the man stared at each other. The man thought Ciel was a stable boy because he had training clothes on. Man, "Uh…Hi.." Ciel, "Hello." Cinderella, Jaq, and Gus were passing by. Cinderella, "Oh my. Now I know that look." Ciel, "I am sorry." Man, "No you can take the flower." Ciel takes the flower.. Ciel, "Thank you." Man, "You're welcome." Ciel, "Do you need help? You look lost?" Man, "A little, I was invited by my teacher." Ciel, "Who is your teacher?" Man, "King Henry. The name is Frances." Ciel, "My name is C." Cinderella was listening to the conversation. Cinderella, "I wonder how Henry is going to feel about this." Henry, "Feel about what?" Cinderella covers Henry's mouth and they listen and watch. Frances, "Do you work here?" Ciel, "You could say that." Frances, "I was told there was going to be a ball tomorrow." Ciel, "Interesting, I was told there wasn't going to be a ball." Cinderella stares at Henry. Henry, "Look it wasn't me. I just found out today too. It was my dad." Cinderella, "Oh boy." Frances, "I believe the former King is hosting the ball." Ciel, "I see. Well, I better head back to work. See you around Frances." The next day, Ciel gets ready for the ball. Ciel likes men and women. He knows he has a lot of people to greet. Henry was arguing with his father. Cinderella was outside of the room all dressed up. Ciel comes out of his room. Ciel, "Mother, how do I look?" Cinderella turns around. Cinderella, "You look wonderful." Henry walks out of the room and sees Ciel. His grandfather comes out as well. Grandfather, "You look just like your father." Henry, "No he looks like his mother." Ciel, "Shall we get this over with?" His grandpa grabs his shoulder. Grandpa, "I just want you to be happy and find your true love like your father did." Ciel, "I know Grandpa." He hugs him. Ciel, "Wish me luck." Then the ball started and Ciel was standing greeting people. Ciel sighed. Former King, "...." Henry, "I told you." Cinderella, "Hm…" Ciel decided to take a break in the garden. Ciel fixed his glass shoes. Frances came late because he had to do something for Henry. Henry sees Frances. Henry, "You're late." Frances, "So where is this son of yours?" Henry, "He is in the garden. Why don't you go introduce yourself? I mean you are his rival after all." Frances, "I guess." Frances heads to the garden. Meanwhile, Ciel hears the music playing and he was hoping to dance with someone that night. Ciel pretends that he was dancing with someone. Frances's eyes were wide open when he saw Ciel. Frances, "And I thought he was a stable boy?" Frances coughs and Ciel stops. Ciel saw Frances. Ciel, "Sir Frances." Frances, "You knew who I was and you know why I am here. Yet you still greeted me with respect and kindness. Why?" Ciel, "Well, it's better to get along then not too right?" Frances, "You're not wrong and you're not mad?" Ciel, "Why would I be?" Frances, "I thought…" Ciel, "My mother didn't raise a fool." Frances, "Sorry, I thought you would be like others." Ciel, "It's okay." Frances, "Well, since there is music playing, care for a dance?" Ciel, "I would be honored." They started dancing. Cinderella and Henry were watching from the balcony. Cinderella, "I told you they wouldn't fight." Henry, "Well, he was raised by two amazing parents." Cinderella, "True." The former King came and saw the two of them dancing. Former King, "And throwing a ball was a bad idea?" Henry, "Oh hush." They danced and talked for hours. They sat at a bench and kissed. Then the clock strikes midnight. Ciel realized what they were doing and so did Frances. Ciel, "I...I better get going. I have lessons tomorrow and you should get some sleep as well." Frances, "I will." Frances walks Ciel back. Ciel, "Good night." Frances, "Good night." Once Ciel went inside Francs was about to leave. Until, he saw that one of Ciel's glass fell off. Frances, "Your.." Ciel is gone already and Frances takes it with him. Ciel went to his room to change and then lay in bed. Ciel then looks down at his glass shoe to only see one pair. Ciel picks it up and then he screams into a pillow. Frances was holding the glass shoe and stared at it as he walked to his room. He sat by the window and looked at the star. 

Frances: Do I love you because you're beautiful? Or are you beautiful because I love you? Am I making believe I see in you. A man too perfect to be really true? 

Ciel was also staring at the same star from his window. 

Ciel: Do I want you because you're wonderful? Or are you wonderful because I want you? 

Ciel/Frances: Are you the sweet invention of a lover's dream? Or are you really as wonderful as you seem? 

The next day, Frances was holding the glass shoe again and Cinderella came up to him. Cinderella, "Hi sir Frances." Frances, "Your highness." They sat down together. Cinderella stared at the glass shoe. Cinderella, "Do you love my son?" Frances, "I don't know. All my life I saw him as a rival and now I don't know what to feel." Cinderella smiled. Cinderella, "Why don't you go tell him how you feel?" Frances, "But what if he doesn't love me back? Then what?" 

Cinderella: Are you making believe you see in him? A boy too lovely to be really true? Do you love him because he's wonderful? Or is he wonderful because you love him? Is he the sweet invention of a lover's dream? Or is he really as wonderful as he seems? 

Frances stands up with the glass shoe. Meanwhile, Ciel was talking with Henry in the garden. Henry, "Do you love that boy?" Ciel, "I don't know, Dad. My brain tells me one thing but…" Henry, "Your heart tells you another thing." Ciel, "Yes." Henry, "You know when I first saw your mother at the ball for the first time, that was the first time I followed my heart. I never once regretted it because we had you." Henry and Ciel hugged each other. Ciel heads out to meet with Frances. They sent a letter to each other to meet each other in the woods that evening. They both looked at the sky. 

Frances/Ciel: And the dearest love in all the world, is waiting somewhere for me. Is waiting somewhere. Somewhere for me! 

They went to the forest and Frances got there first. He hears an old lady singing a song. It was the fairy godmother. The Fairy Godmother was making an outfit for Ciel and Frances. 

Fairy Godmother: Salagadoola menchicka boola. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Put'em together and what you got? Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. 

Frances, "Who is she?" Ciel arrived after. Ciel, "She is my fairy godmother." Frances, "You're here." Ciel, "Hey." Frances puts on his glass shoe for him. Fairy Godmother, "My, my what have we here?" The Fairy Godmother saw one glass shoe. Fairy Godmother, "Well, since you both are here." 

Fairy Godmother: Salagadoola menchicka boola. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. It'll do magic, believe it or not. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. 

Their clothes transformed into new ones. Frances takes Ciel and they dance until they get out of the forest. Cinderella and Henry saw them dancing. Cinderella, "Well you look at that." Henry, "Reminds me of when we first met each other." Cinderella, "Indeed." 

Cinderella: Mmmmmm….Mmmmmm..So this is love…Mmmmmm..So this is love….So this is what makes life divine…I'm all aglow…Mmmmmm…And now I know

Henry: And now I know 

Cinderella/Henry: The key to all heaven is mine

Cinderella: My heart has wings, mmmmmm…And I can fly

Cinderella/Henry: I'll touch every star in the sky. So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of…

Cinderella: Mmmmmm

Henry: Mmmmmm

Cinderella/Henry: So this is love…

Frances and Ciel weren't wearing the clothes anymore. Ciel was still wearing the glass shoe. Ciel, "Thank you for keeping this safe." Frances, "Of course." It was quiet between the both of them. Ciel, "So sir Frances…" Frances, "Frances is fine." Ciel, "So Frances, what was your life like before you came here?" Frances, "Well…" Frances told Ciel how he was poor and he grew up on the streets and how Henry saved his life. He tells Ciel why he wants to become king and Ciel listens to him quietly. Eventually, Ciel tells his story to Frances and what he actually wants in life. Frances grabs Ciel's hand. Frances, "Maybe we can rule this kingdom together?" Ciel, "What do you mean?" Frances breathes in and out. Frances, "I love you, Ciel." Ciel, "I…I love you too." Frances, "Will you marry me?" Frances gives him a ring. Ciel, "Yes, I do." They kissed each other. The wedding was set and everyone was getting ready. Ciel was trying out his outfit. Ciel, "Does this look good you guys?" Jaq and Gus give a thumbs up. Ciel, "That's good." Ciel was excited and Frances came to check on him. 

Ciel: Now there is finally someone to love me. He'll show me a world that I never knew. With two simple words. All my dreams will come true. I do…I do…

Frances, "Ahem…" Ciel was embarrassed. Jaq, "Hi Sir Frances." Gus, "Hi." Frances, "Hi you two." Frances picks up Ciel and twirls him around. Ciel laughs with Frances. However, a few days before the wedding the former king passes away. Ciel went to his grandfather's room and held his hand while crying. Grandfather, "I am so proud of you Ciel. You have grown up to be a fine man. I know you'll make a great king someday just like your father." His grandfather coughs. Frances was standing behind Ciel. Grandfather, "Take care of my grandson and make sure he never loses his smile." Ciel started to cry even harder. Henry and Cinderella came into the room last. Frances escorted Ciel out of the room to let them talk privately. They were called back into the room. Henry held his father's hand tightly one last time. Grandfather, "Take care of each other." He closed his eyes and passed on. The four of them cried and the news was spread throughout the kingdom. They postponed the wedding and ended up having a funeral instead. A month later, the wedding was held. Frances, "You ready?" Ciel, "Yes." They said their vows and were leaving until Ciel lost his shoe. Henry helps him put it on and hugs him one last time. Ciel, "I love you, Dad." Henry, "I love you too." Ciel waved bye to everyone and left with Frances. They got onto the carriage and headed out on their honeymoon. They kissed once last time. They lived happily ever after. 

Sometimes history does repeat itself but in different ways and sometimes in good ways. Do you believe in true love? The end