Chapter 3 The Curse Returns (Aurora's Granddaughter)

Queen Aurora and King Phillip have ruled and their granddaughter Briar Rose who is someone full of adventure. She was just like her Great Aunt Rose, wanting to explore the world and learning new things. However, she didn't believe in the story that her grandmother was pricked by a spinning wheel and that the curse wasn't real. Reason being is because it wasn't recorded in the history books she reads in the library. She didn't understand why there were no spinning wheels. Briar Rose believed in science and not magic. Until, one day the curse returns and she too will fall victim to the spell. 

Briar Rose was reading a science book in the library. Her advisor came into the room. Advisor, "Your highness, it's time to do your lessons." Briar Rose, "I already finished my lessons." Advisor, "What?" Briar Rose's tutor was reading a book. Tutor, "She finished her lady lessons, studies, and dancing." Advisor, "It's only 10 am." Briar Rose then leaves the library as the advisor starts complaining. Briar Rose heads to the forest and she starts to sing. Briar Rose's mother Leah who was named after Aurora's mother used to say she sounded just like her grandmother when she was younger. Briar Rose's animal friends came with her as she was holding her science book. Briar Rose sighs. Briar Rose, "You have to do this. You have to do that. I wish I could just be free and just read my science books all day. Is that too much to ask?" Briar Rose, "Although lately, I have been having strange dreams." The animals listen carefully. Briar Rose, "I saw a spinning wheel in a tower. I heard a weird voice that didn't sound like anyone I knew before. Then I find myself sleeping in bed not waking up and then I see a handsome prince. He comes and he leans down. Then…" The animals were hoping that she said a kiss. Briar Rose, "Then I wake up." They were disappointed. Briar Rose, "I know but I wonder who the Prince was. That reminds me of a song my grandma used to sing to me as a kid. I would dance with grandpa in the ballroom." Briar Rose starts to dance and slowly sings the song. 

Briar Rose: I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam. Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem. But if I know you, I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream. 

Knight, "Your highness! Your highness!" Briar Rose, "Looks like it's time for me to go back. I'll see you guys at the same time?" Her animal friends nodded their heads yes. Briar Rose heads back to the castle. Briar Rose, "I am coming." The knight escorts Briar Rose back to the palace. Briar Rose gets ready for the ball. Her mother comes into the room. Leah, "Happy birthday sweetie." Briar Rose, "Thank you mom." Leah, "I can't believe you're 18 years old now." Briar Rose, "Do I have to dance with all the men in the kingdom and other kingdoms?" Leah, "I am sorry sweetie." She sighs and Leah brushes her hair. Leah, "There." Briar Rose was wearing Aurora's blue dress. Leah, "I'll see you soon." Briar Rose then heads down after her mom leaves. Briar Rose walked down the steps and all the people were in shock. They whispered about her. Briar Rose danced with many men. Until, it came to her personal knight Adam. Briar Rose sighs in relief. Briar Rose, "Thank goddess." Adam, "You look like you need saving." Briar Rose, "You have no idea. I probably danced with over 50 already." They both laughed together. Leah notices that Briar Rose was talking more with Sir Adam. Adam, "I have to say you look beautiful tonight, your highness." Briar Rose, "You look handsome tonight Sir Adam." Adam, "I told you to call me Adam." Briar Rose, "I told you to call me Briar Rose." They both laughed. Adam, "Do you remember the song we used to sing together?" Briar Rose, "You want to sing it now?" Adam, "Unless you want to dance with those guys?" Briar Rose saw a long line of men ready to dance with her. Briar Rose, "I'd rather sing with you." Adam smiled and he points at the band. They changed up the music. 

Adam: Ten minutes ago, I saw you. I looked up when you came through the door. My head started reeling. You gave me the feeling, the room had no ceiling or floor. Ten minutes ago, I met you. And we murmured " how do you do?" I wanted to ring out the bells and fling out my arms and sing out the news. I have found her! She's an angel. With the dust of the stars in her eyes! We are dancing. We are flying and she's taking me back to the skies. In the arms of my love, I'm flying. Over mountain and meadow and glen. And I like it so much. That for all I can tell. I may never come down again. I may never come down to earth again. 

People were surprised Adam could sing and he twirls Briar Rose. Adam, "You ready? It's your turn." Briar Rose, "I know." They both laughed. 

Briar Rose: Ten minutes ago I met you. And we murmured, "How do you do?" I wanted to ring out the bells and fling out my arms and to sing out the news. 

Adam: I have found her. 

Briar Rose: I have found him. 

As they danced Maleficent's dark magic had returned from the grave. Aurora, who has retired and grown old, was asleep and she heard the scary version of her favorite song. 

Maleficent: I know you…I walked with you once upon a dream…I know you…That look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam… 

Aurora sees Maleficent in her dreams and then looks on the ground to see Briar Rose. Aurora ends up waking up screaming. Phillip, who went to use the bathroom, came running and hugged her. Aurora, "She is coming back…She is coming back..Philip." Phillip, "Who is coming back?" Aurora, "Maleficent…Briar Rose…She is…She is in trouble." On the other hand Adam and Briar Rose danced out of the ballroom together. They talked and walked together. The ball ended. Adam escorts Briar Rose to her room in a tower. Adam, "Good night my princess." Briar Rose kissed Adam on the cheek. Briar Rose, "Good night." She heads inside the tower. Adam sighs in happiness. Leah, "Sir Adam." Adam, "My Queen." Leah, "Let's talk shall we?" Adam, "Okay." Aurora and Phillip traveled back to the palace. Knight, "Who goes there?" Aurora and Phillip took off their hoodies. The knight lets them in. Meanwhile, Briar Rose get's back to her room and she sings as she brushes her hair. Aurora runs inside and she finds Leah. Aurora, "Leah!" Leah, "Mother?! Why are you here?" Aurora, "Where is Briar Rose?" Leah, "In her room why?" Aurora, "I told you to never leave her alone!" Leah, "Mother what's going on?" In Briar Rose's room she hears a voice. 

Maleficent: And I know it's true…That visions are seldom what they seem…But if I know you…

Briar Rose, "Who is there?" Briar Rose was scared and she grabbed her father's sword before he passed away he gave it to her. Briar Rose heads out of her room and she sees a greenlight. She follows it. Aurora, Leah, Phillip, and Adam get inside the tower. Aurora, "Briar Rose! Don't leave your room!" Briar Rose couldn't hear them since she was all the way at the top. She goes to an empty room pointing her sword out. Briar Rose didn't see anything there. Briar Rose, "Maybe it's just my imagination." Time was ticking and the four of them got to Briar Rose's room to find it empty. Adam, "She has to be up in the empty room." The room that everyone is banned from entering. Briar Rose was about to leave the room until the door shut. She tries to open it. She bangs on the door. Adam hears the bang. Adam, "Yeah she is up there." They all went there and Adam tried to open the door. Adam, "What?! It's slammed shut tight!" Briar Rose, "I know! I tried on my side already." Then a spinning wheel appeared out of nowhere. Aurora, "Whatever you do. Do not touch anything!" Leah, "Briar Rose! Sweetie!" Briar Rose, "Mom!" Leah, "We will get you out of there okay?" Briar Rose, "Okay." Then Briar Rose heard the voice again. 

Maleficent: I know what you'll do…You'll love me at once…

Briar Rose becomes possessed. Adam, "Briar Rose! Your highness!" Aurora, "No…" Phillip and Adam tried to break down the door together. Briar Rose ended up pricking her finger and falling to the ground by the time the door was open it was too late. 

Maleficent: You're too late! HA HA HA HA! 

Adam runs to Briar Rose and Leah falls to her knees. Briar Rose was laid on her bed and Adam held her hand. Adam touched her face. 

Adam: Always ten steps behind…Always..Ten feet below…Agony…That can cut like a knife…I must have her as my wife… 

Leah, "So it's true? The sleeping curse?" Aurora, "I warned you many times Leah." Phillip, "Of course it is. I slayed Maleficent a long time ago." Leah, "I thought she was just a myth." Then the three fairy godmothers arrived. Aurora, "Flora! Fauna! Merry weather!" Flora, "We got your message!" Fauna, "Where is she?" Merry weather, "Is she okay?" Leah, "You guys are…" Flora, "Oh my Leah you have grown." Fauna touches Briar Rose's face. Fauna, "You poor child." Adam. "Can you help her?" Merry weather, "I remember true love kiss broke the spell but I don't know if it can work this time." Leah goes to Briar Rose and cries. Leah, "I love you.." Leah kissed Briar Rose's head. She didn't wake up. Merry weather, "It's a true love kiss." Leah stares at Adam. Adam, "Oh no..I…" Leah, "Adam, how long are you going to keep running away from your feelings?" Adam, "...." Adam sighs because he doesn't even know if Briar Rose has the same feelings he has for her. Adam leans down to kiss her. Everyone hoped the kiss worked. Meanwhile, Briar Rose was in a weird world. There was fire everywhere. Briar Rose, "What in the world? Where am I?" Snow White appeared in front of her. Briar Rose, "Queen Snow White?" Snow White smiled and covered her eyes. Briar Rose wakes up to see everyone crying with their heads down. Briar Rose, "Are you guys okay?" Adam looks up and hugs her tightly. Adam then kissed her and she was surprised. Adam, "I thought I was going to lose you." Briar Rose kissed him back. Leah sighs in relief. Leah, "Finally." Briar Rose then hugged her mother and her grandparents. Briar Rose, "Grandma I saw someone." Aurora, "Who did you see?" Briar Rose, "Queen Snow White." Aurora, "I remember seeing her too. I guess she has found her purpose if anyone falls into a sleep like death." Briar Rose, "I don't think the curse will ever go away." Aurora, "I don't think so as well." They all were worried but for now they enjoy dinner together. They lived happily ever after.