Chapter 4 Melody’s Adventure (Ariel’s Daughter)

Melody is Queen Ariel's and King Eric's youngest daughter. When Melody was old enough she decided to go stay in Atlantica. Melody arrived with Flounder. King Triton, "Welcome Melody." Melody, "I haven't been here since…" Sebastian, "Oh don't worry about it your highness." Triton, "We shall show you around." Melody was given a tour and she greeted her aunties. She was introduced to her male cousin Cuan. Cuan, "Hi Melody." Melody, "Hi." Triton, "Show her around Cuan." Cuan, "Will do. Follow me." Cuan shows Melody where all the young folk merpeople hang out. They were playing music and Cuan took Melody to go dance. The merfolks joined with Melody. There was laughter and singing. Then Melody decided to go off on her own. Flounder, "Melody!" Melody, "Flounder!" Flounder, "Follow me." Melody, "Where are you taking me?" Cuan follows Melody. Cuan, "Melody, where are you two going?" Melody shrugs her shoulders. Then Melody runs into a young lad. Melody/Young lad, "Oh sorry." Cuan, "Hey Alex." Alex, "Oh your highnesses." Flounder, "Ahem…" Melody, "Well, we got to go. Nice to see you again sir Alex." Alex, "You too." Melody swims away with embarrassment. Cuan, "Seems like someone has a crush." Melody, "No I don't cousin." Cuan, "Alex isn't seeing anyone by the way." Melody hits her cousin. He laughs as they follow Flounder to Ariel's secret place. Melody, "Woah…" Cuan, "What is this place?" Flounder, "This is your mother's secret hiding spot. She always wanted to see the world." Melody looked at all the things her mother collected. Melody, "She collected human things while I…" Melody took out her bag. Melody,"I collected shells." Cuan, "Runs in the family huh?" Melody, "You collect things too?" Cuan, "Books." Melody, "Nerd." Cuan, "Hey they are interesting okay. You know grandpa doesn't allow me to go to the surface unless I am going to visit your parents." Melody, "Human world is messy." Sebastian, "I agree." Melody and Cuan were surprised to see Sebastian. Melody, "Don't scare us like that Sebastian." Sebastian, "It's getting late. We should head back." All four of them headed back. The next morning, Melody went to go find more seashells. Her dolphin friend comes with a new shell. Melody examines it. Tip and Dash arrived. Tip, "Melody!" Melody, "Tip! Dash!" The three of them hugged each other. Tip, "Now what are you doing?" Melody, "Collecting sea shells." Alex sees Melody and her friends. Alex swims up to her and they bump heads this time. They both laughed at each other. Sebastian came and saw what was going on. Sebastian, "Hey you two we need your help." Tip and Dash waved bye to Melody. They left the two alone. Alex, "So how have you been? I haven't seen you since that incident." Melody, "I have been well and you?" Melody looks at her shells. Alex talks with her and he notices she wasn't listening to him. Alex grabs her shell. Melody, "Hey!" Alex, "Now do I have your attention?" Melody made a pouty face. Then they both laughed together. Cuan came to check on Melody. Cuan, "Oh…Well…Look do we have it here." Triton, "Hm….I'll invite him for dinner." Cuan, "You know she isn't going to like that." Triton didn't care and the both of them left. Melody and Alex talked with each other. As Melody's dolphin friend comes up to them with sea shells. Melody talks about her interests and Alex listens. Then Alex tell his interest and she listens as well. Alex and Melody headed back. Alex was invited to dinner with them. Alex was nervous but he hid it. Melody could see him shaking and Melody held his hand. Melody, "Grandpa may look scary on the outside but he is actually very sweet." Triton coughs. Triton, "So Sir Alex. Care to tell me who you are and which family you are from?" They talked about political stuff which Melody found boring but she still listened. Afterwards, Cuan and Alex were hanging out together while Melody went to wash up. Melody came back out. Melody, "Brother Cuan!" Cuan, "You're finally calling me brother!" Cuan felt proud and Melody laughed. Alex, "Same as always." Melody, "You guys know each other." Cuan, "We go way back." Alex, "You see he was a troublemaker." Cuan, "I don't know what you are talking about." Alex tells stories to Melody and then Cuan does the same. Sebastian, "Ah! Your highnesses and Sir Alex." Alex, "Hi Sebastian." Sebastian, "I was wondering why you weren't at the night party. We miss you dancing." Alex, "Well…I was with…Her highness." Alex, "I can see that. Now follow me, you two." Cuan, "I have paperwork to do so go have fun." Melody, "Brother!" Sebastian takes them both to where Triton and Athena first met. Sebastian, "Beautiful isn't it." Alex, "I didn't know this place existed." Sebastian, "This is where King Triton and Queen Athena first met when they were kids." It was a beautiful coral reef that was hidden from the outside world. It had all kinds of sea creatures. 

Sebastian: Percussions…Strings…Winds…Words… 

They both started hearing music. Melody, "Sebastain." Alex, "Just go along with it." Melody shakes her head. They stroll along together as the music plays in the background. 

Sebastian: There you see her…Sitting there across the way. She don't got lot to say. But there's something about her and you don't know why but you're dying to try. You wanna kiss the girl.

Alex and Melody ignored Sebastain's song and explored the coral reef together. 

Sebastian: Yes, you want her. Look at her, you know you do. Possible she wants you too. There is one way to ask her. It don't take a word. Not a single word. Go on and kiss the girl. Sing with me now. 

Fish appeared and swam around them while singing. 

Fish/Sebastian: Sha-la-la-la-la-la 

Melody and Alex were dancing together until they felt the ocean shake. Melody and Alex swim back to Atlantica. They see that everything is fine until they see Poseidon. Triton, "Father!" Poseidon, "Hello there. I heard my great granddaughter is here." Melody hides behind her Cuan and is holding Alex's hand. Melody, "Am I in trouble?" Poseidon, "Oh no sweetie, Morgana used you because you were young and just a small girl. No one is mad at you. If anything you saved the ocean and the seas." Melody, "Really?" Poseidon gives Melody seashell as a present. Poseidon, "A little dolphin told me you liked seashells. I do as well." Poseidon winks at her and Melody takes the gift. Melody, "Thank you." Poseidon, "How have you been, Cuan?" Cuan, "Same as always." They both laughed together. Alex bowed to Poseidon. Poseidon, "So you're the young merman that has taken interest in my great granddaughter?" Alex, "Yes sir." Poseidon makes a sword and a shield appear. Poseidon, "Take these and keep them with you at all times." The sword turns into a pen and shield turns into a bracelet. Alex, "Thank you sir. I'll protect her with my life." Poseidon, "Well, I must be going now. I just came by to check to see how you all were doing." Poseidon then leaves. Cuan, "Po-Po needs to stop showing without announcing." Triton, "You know how he is." Melody, "Po-Po?" Cuan, "That's what we are allowed to call him." Alex. "I can't believe I got to meet my hero." Melody, "I thought he was scary at first but he is a sweetheart." Triton, "Please he became a softie after I had granddaughters. Spoiled them so much." Melody touches the seashell and then she sees memories of her Grandmother and her aunties and mom. Afterwards, Alex and Melody were hanging out again. Melody was humming. Alex, "What song have you been humming about?" Melody, "Just a song my grandmother used to sing to my aunties and mom." Attina sees Melody and Alex together. Attina decided to follow them and she overhears their conversation. Alex, "Can I hear the song?" Melody breathes in and out. 

Melody: Oh, the waves roll low. And the waves roll high. And so it goes. Under a bright blue endless sky. Waves try to measure. The days that we treasure. Wave hello and wave goodbye. 

Attina, "Now how does she know that song?" Alex, "Is that what Poseidon showed you in the shell?" Melody, "Yeah, I am happy that I got to see how my aunties and mom were like when they were kids. I missed my aunties." Attina came out from hiding. Attina, "Ahem.." Melody, "Auntie Attina!" Melody goes to hug her and Attina hugs her back. Attina tells Melody and Alex about Athena. Melody, "What?!" Alex, "No music?!" Attina, "However, Ariel your mother brought the music back to our kingdom. Laughter and singing came back." Melody, "Mom looks like grandma but I feel like Auntie Attina is more like grandma." Attina, "You think so?" It was getting late and Alex was given a guest room to stay in. Attina decided to tuck Melody in. 

Attina: Oh, the waves roll low. And the waves roll high. 

Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina came into the room. They hear Attina singing their mother's song for the first time. 

Attina: And so it goes. Under a bright blue endless sky. Waves try to measure. The days that we treasure. Wave hello and wave goodbye. 

Attina tucks Melody who fell asleep. Attina, "Goodnight Melody." Alana, "Attina." Attina turns around. Attina, "When did you guys get here?" Adella, "Just now." Aquata and Arista went to make sure Melody was comfortable and sleeping well. Arista, "You sound like our mother." Andrina, "I didn't think you would sing the song again." Attina, "Me either." Then her aunties left the room. The next day, Melody decided to explore outside and she came across Ursula's lair. Sebastian, "Melody!" Melody, "Oh Sebastain." Sebastian, "This area is forbidden." Melody, "Why?" Sebastian, "Do you remember Morgana?" Melody, "Yes." Sebastian, "She was Ursula's sister." Melody, "What did she do?" Sebastian takes Melody somewhere else. Alex finds them together. Melody, "No wonder why mother wanted to keep me away from the sea." Alex, "What are you guys talking about?" Sebastian decided to leave them alone. Melody, "Talking about Ursula's lair." Alex, "My parents were trapped by her." Melody, "I am sorry." Alex, "Don't worry they are back. Care for a dance?" Melody, "Sure." They danced together and the fishes came around them. They both laughed together. It was time for Melody to head back to the human world. Alex, "We will see each other again." Melody, "Promise?" Alex, "Of course." Melody was there for 3 months. Alex, "Melody, I…" Melody, "Yes?" Alex, "I…L…" Sebastian, "Melody, your parents are here." Melody, "I will come in a bit." Alex, "I love you." Melody's eyes were wide open. Melody, "Me too." Alex and Melody kissed each other. Sebastian comes and he sees what happened. He leaves those two alone. Afterwards, Melody heads back to the surface. King Triton transforms Melody back to a human. Ariel, "Melody!" Melody, "Mother!" Eric, "Welcome back!" Melody, "Father!" They headed inside and talked about the past three months. Ariel, "Sir Alex? That little boy you dance for the first time?" Melody blushes. Eric, "Hey, is he good at swordshipman ship? Is he smart? Is he a noble? Is he more handsome than me?" Melody, "Father slow down. He said he will come visit when he has the chance." Eric, "Alright." A week later, Alex shows up to the castle as a guest. Alex meets Eric and Ariel. He greets them with grace and kindness. Ariel, "My daughter told me so much about you." Alex, "She did?" Eric glares at Alex. Ariel, "Sir Alex, would you like to have a seat?" Alex, "Of course, where is her highness?" Meanwhile, Melody was out at sea swimming with her dolphin friend and collecting seashells. Sebastian, "Melody, sir Alex is here." Melody, "He can wait." Melody swims for a while and then heads back. She sneaks into the castle and showers. She wears the dinner dress her mother wore the first time she arrived at the castle. Ariel comes to the room to see the maid help Melody get dressed. Ariel, "Oh..My baby girl is all grown up." Melody, "How do I look?" Ariel, "You look beautiful." Carlotta, "She looks just like you when you arrived at your highness palace." Ariel hugs Melody tightly. Ariel, "I don't want my baby girl to grow up yet." Melody, "Mom." Ariel, "You ready? He has been waiting for you." Carlotta fixes Melody's hair and then they head out. Alex and Eric were waiting in the dining area with Grimsby. Grimsby, "I believe this the same time Eric brought Princess Ariel to the palace." Eric, "Has it really been that long?" Grimsby, "Yes it has." Ariel, "Come on Melody." Carlotta, "Come child. You look wonderful." Melody was shy and when she arrived in the dress Alex was awed. Grimsby was grinning and Eric rolled his eyes. Alex walked up to Melody. Melody, "Hi Alex." Alex, "You look beautiful, your highness." Alex grabbed Melody's hand and kissed it. They all sat down at the dinner table to eat. Melody shows Alex around her home this time. Ariel and Eric were watching from the balcony. Ariel, "Ah this brings back memories." Eric, "Indeed it does. I just can't believe our little girl is growing up." Ariel, "Hey, it's her time to see the world for her own eyes. She'll be fine." Eric, "I just.." Ariel started to tear up. Eric, "Now you're tearing up." Ariel, "Oh hush. I talked to her today. I didn't want her to grow up yet." Eric, "Time passes by fast." Meanwhile, Melody and Alex talked about stuff. Alex, "I want to see the world. I was wondering." Melody, "I would love to come." Alex, "Really?" Melody, "Of course, I want to see all the seas and oceans!" Alex laughs. Alex, "I want to see the human world with my own eyes." Melody, "Together?" Alex takes her hand. Alex, "Together." However, they both had to finish their studies first. Which took a couple of more months. They both finished around the same time. Melody was packing her things. Melody looked around her room one last time. Melody, "I am off." Alex was ready with a ship and his men. Alex, "You ready?" Melody, "Yes, I said my goodbyes already to my parents and everyone." Ariel and Eric come on the horse before Melody and Alex leave for their adventure. Melody, "Mom! Dad!" They got off the horse and hugged her one last time. Melody and Alex get on the ship. Ariel touched her stomach. Ariel, "Your brother or sister will be waiting for you!" Eric, "Alex!" Alex, "Yes sir?" Eric, "Don't forget our promise!" Alex nodded his head. The ship sails out to sea. Melody breathes in and out the smell of the sea. Melody looked out to the sea and Alex stood behind her. Alex hugs her from behind. Alex, "You ready?" Melody took out a piece of paper and a pen. Melody, "Of course." These two young couples eventually got married and started their own family but that's a story for a different time. The end.