Once upon a time there was a young lad cursed by a source and if he doesn't fall in love by the time the last petal of the rose falls he will remain a beast forever. However, time passed and the beast learned to love because a young lady came to the castle. She taught him how to love and the curse was broken. Many years later, they had a son named Altair which means brightest star or falcon. He had Belle's eyes and his father the beast Adam's hair. He spends his time in the library reading and learning about the world. However, he did not believe in magic. He was more into science and facts. Until, one day he found a book about his father and mother. Altair, "Why am I just finding out about this book now?" Then the book glows and he ends up being transported into the past. He sees a young version of his mother Belle. Belle started to sing and Altair was surprised. Then he starts to see the rest of the townspeople sing as well. Altair, "Excuse me? My mother is not strange." Altair decided to watch the scene unfold and he followed her to the bookstore. Altair, "I can see where I love books." He follows to see what happens next. Altair, "That sheep ate the book." Altair keeps following Belle and then he hears a gunshot. Then turns around to see Gaston. Altair, "Ugh…Not that guy."
Gaston: Right from the moment when I met her, I saw her. I said she's gorgeous and I fell. Here in town there's only she. Who is as beautiful as me. So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle.
Altair wanted to throw up but he decided to blend in the crowd. Altair didn't like the fact the town called his mom weird and different. Altair shakes his head and the scene changes to where Gaston falls into the pigs den and he laughs. Then Belle comes out after Gaston leaves.
Belle: Is he gone? Can you imagine? He asked me to marry him! Me! The wife of that boorish, brainless…
Altair holds in his laughter.
Belle: Madame Gaston. Can't you just see it? Madame Gaston. His little wife! No sir, not me. I guarantee it. I want much more than this provincial life. I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell. And for once it might be grand. To have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned.
Altair, "Mom wanted to be somewhere for adventures huh?" Then the page turned and Altair was in the palace. Altair, "Woah…Is this how the castle you use looks like?" Altair was in his father's old room. He saw the rose and his eyes were wide open. He saw a beast who looked lonely and looked out the magic mirror. Altair was going to go forward to see what the beast looked like. Then the beast leaves the room and Altair is horrified. Altair hides and then he sees a painting that was ripped. Then next thing he knows he sees the beast screaming at Belle. Altair, "No way…That was father. How rude." Then the scene changes and he sees Belle tending to Adam's wound. Belle, "Thank you for saving my life." Adam, "You're welcome." Altair, "So how did father become a beast?" Then the page turns to the beginning. Altair was in shock how his father became the beast. The next thing, Altair knew he was back in the future holding a book in his hand. Belle and Adam came to the library. Belle, "Altair are you okay?" Altair, "Mom! Dad!" He hugged them both tightly. Altair, "Father, I have a question?" Adam, "What is it?" Altair, "In this book. Is it true you were a beast?" Adam, "I guess it's time to tell you what happened." The three of them went to the fireplace and Adam tells the story from his side. Belle had no idea how Adam got cursed. Altair, "Father you were quite rude to mother." Adam, "I know." Belle, "But he changed for the better." Adam, "Your mother taught me so much about life. I had no guidance. I was an orphan." Altair, "I am glad you met mom." Adam, "Me too." Adam hugged them both. They all laughed and smiled. Sometimes love comes from family and sometimes you don't need to find true love when you are loved by the people around you. They lived happily ever after.