Chapter:39 Iruka!

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O} {N}


Weird people.

This left only one source of information regarding the Yondaime that Naruto knew was unbiased regarding him, as well as highly likely to know about the jutsu and the man himself; his Jiji.

He'd go and pay the man a visit after he'd finished his tutoring session with Sakura-chan. It was the only thing to do.


After Classes End

Naruto's Apartment Building

"This is your new apartment building?" Sakura asked dubiously. She obviously wasn't very impressed with it, judging by the expression on her face.

"Yeah, it's owned by Jiji." Naruto replied nonchalantly, "I'm a high profile target for vandalism, so the rest of the Landlords refused to consider renting one of their places out to me, so Jiji bought this building for me."

This was the cover story that he had been told to use when explaining the Hokage letting him use the former ANBU HQ entrance to those below the rank of Jonin.

"Naruto, show the Hokage some respect!" Sakura scolded him as they entered the building, "He is the leader of the village after all."

"You sound like Iruka-sensei." Naruto grumbled, "I'll tell you the same thing I told him; I knew him as the man with the funny hat before I knew him as the Hokage. He's the closest thing I have to family, Sakura-chan."

The pinkette's expression softened. "Sorry. I…most people in our class aren't orphans, so I keep forgetting."

Naruto nodded. Most of Sakura's fellow civilian-born students in their class were either adopted or unaffected by the Kyūbi's attack twelve years previously. Most of the orphans had been older than them, like Higurashi Tenten.

"It's OK, Sakura-chan, just be more careful in future, ne?" he said with a smile.

"Fair enough." Sakura nodded, before she looked around the hall they were walking through, "Urgh, this place needs a good clean! It's filthy!"

"My apartment's clean as a whistle." Naruto told her, "I'm planning on cleaning up the rest of the building once I get settled in. Jiji isn't charging me rent, so the least I can do is clean the place up and maintain it."

Sakura was silent as they approached his room. Naruto couldn't even begin to guess what she was thinking about. Mentally shrugging, he led his crush into his home.

"Ojamashimāsu…" Sakura muttered as she entered Naruto's house for the first time. Peering around, she made an odd humming noise as she took in the rooms.

"I'm surprised that the place isn't full of empty ramen packets." she commented.

"Oi! It's only been a day since I moved in!" Naruto grumbled good-naturedly, "Give me some time and it will be a mess!"

"Oh no you don't." Sakura countered, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at the blond boy purposefully, "I will not be subjected to a mess every time I come over. Either you keep this place spick and span, or you come over to my house to study. Pick!"

"I was joking, Sakura-chan." Naruto sighed, "I couldn't keep my last place clean, because people kept breaking in and messing it up, so I'm out of practice with the whole 'tidying up' business. I will do my best though. Do you want a drink?"

"Sure." Sakura nodded, "What do you have?"

"Water, iced tea, barley tea, fruit juice and Sencha." Naruto recited.

"Iced tea please." Sakura said as she sat at the table.

Naruto fetched a pair of glasses and a new bottle of iced tea from the fridge and sat down opposite her, pouring them both a generous glassful of iced tea.

"Cheers." Naruto said as he sipped the drink. He hadn't tried iced tea before and found it odd, but pleasant.

"Now…what exactly do you need help with?" Sakura asked after sipping at her drink as well, "I know your written test scores are slightly higher than Kiba's…"

"I've memorised everything in the textbooks to do with the Hokage." Naruto replied, "The rest…I don't really see the point of knowing it. The Code of Shinobi Conduct has been broken so many times that it's held together with duct tape and it's unrealistic. As for the history of the Elemental Nations? Interesting, but again, not something I can see as being absolutely vital to being a Shinobi."

"What do you mean about the Code?" Sakura asked, "Every Shinobi abides by it."

"Well…take the rule about showing no emotions." Naruto said thoughtfully, "I mean…even shinobi are human, right? So saying we have to be emotionless golems is a bit much. All we have to do is keep our emotions from affecting us while we're on missions…and by missions, I mean ones that are C-Rank and above, not D-Ranks."

Sakura was taken aback by the thought that the Class Dobe had put into something she had taken as an absolute. She quickly rallied however.

"I'll give you that one Naruto, but you still have to learn the rules in order to pass the written section of the Genin Exam." Sakura reminded him, "The history section is intertwined with the Hokage, so a little brushing up on the battles they were involved in should help you there as well…"

She looked around for a moment before asking, "Err…can I use your bathroom first?"

"Second door on the right once you leave the living room." Naruto told her. As she headed out, Naruto whispered, "{Observe}", prompting a window to appear with her details on it, which Naruto quickly scanned.

Name: Haruno Sakura

Class: Braniac

Level: 7 Next Level: 55.25

Title: Academy Student (+25% EXP to LV10)

Age: 12

HP: 550/550

CP: 250/250

STR: 10 (-5)

STA: 10 (-5)

DEX: 20 (-5)

INT: 45

WIS: 40

LUK: 25

Status: Uchiha Fangirl (-25% to all EXP Gain, -10% to Teamwork), Bookworm (+10% INT per Level, +25% EXP for reading textbooks), Absolute Chakra Control (-50% CP Cost for all Jutsu), Civilian Ancestry (25 HP and CP less added during Level Up).

Perks: -Secondary Personality

-Eidetic Memory

-Honour Student

Flaws: -Malnourished


-Mercurial Temper


-Low Stamina


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O}