
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Haruno Sakura is the Clan Heiress of the Haruno Clan, a rising power among the Civilian Clans of Konohagakure. Although she possesses far more potential than the average Civilian Genin Candidate, she squanders all this potential by chasing after the Last Uchiha as one of his rabid Fangirls.

"Dear Kami!" Naruto muttered as he took in Sakura's stats. She had barely any STR or STA, although her INT and WIS were definitely very impressive. Her DEX and LUK were so-so. The statuses were a mix of good and bad, but the only one that HAD to go was the [Uchiha Fangirl] status.

The [Civilian Ancestry] status was something she had been born with, so he doubted anything could be done about that. The other two were definitely positive ones that he wasn't going to mess with.

Frowning, Naruto touched the perk labelled [Secondary Personality], prompting another window to pop up.

[Secondary Personality]

You possess a secondary personality as a result of repressing your true feelings over a number of years. While this 'Inner' version of yourself often gives you bad advice, it also acts as the perfect defence against the mindwalking skills of the Yamanaka Clan, as well as other mind-reading jutsu.

- Passively increases the chance of bad judgement calls by 20%

- Passively increases resistance against Genjutsu by 10%

- Actively increases resistance against any mind reading skill by 75%

This Perk can be completely removed by fully accepting all of your repressed feelings, or partially removed by accepting a part of them.

Naruto read the description of the perk with increasing incredulity. Sakura? Repressing her feelings? She certainly never had any trouble expressing when he had irritated her beyond her tolerance!

Closing that window, he moved to the next one.

[Eidetic Memory]

You posses a very sharp memory, able to recall something after seeing it only briefly. While not as good as a Photographic Memory, it is still an amazing benefit to learning.

- Passively adds 10% extra EXP from learning from books or scrolls.

- Whenever you learn a skill from a scroll, you start off with 20% EXP in that skill.

This perk can be lost if you receive critical brain damage.

"Sounds like Sakura-chan alright." Naruto muttered to himself, moving to the next one.

[Honour Student]

You are the teacher's favourite student due to your dedication to learning, perfect attendance and lack of rule breaking while in school hours.

-While enrolled in school, you gain an additional 10% EXP boost.

- As long as you maintain your good conduct and keep this perk, you are guaranteed to be Top Kunoichi.

This perk is automatically lost after being assigned to a genin team after graduation. It can also be lost before then by either constantly rule breaking for a month, being absent without cause for a month straight or your grades dropping by a significant amount in a short period of time.

Naruto found himself nodding, right up until he read the bit about Sakura definitely becoming Top Kunoichi. This wasn't entirely unexpected, but he doubted Sakura would actually do any training if she got onto the Teme's team as long as she had the [Uchiha Fangirl] Status.

While he had started her down the path of being a real Kunoichi rather than a Fangirl Kunoichi, it evidently hadn't been enough to break her of Fangirling over the Teme. If he wanted to make sure she had a good chance of surviving to the rank of Chunin, he'd have to get rid of both the [Uchiha Fangirl] Status and the [Fangirl] Flaw.

Hearing Sakura coming back, Naruto hurriedly closed the windows, but resolved to use his [Observe] skill on her again so he could finish reading her stat page.

[Observe] has levelled up!

Ignoring the new window, Naruto beamed at Sakura as she came back into the living room.

"Ready to get started, Sakura-chan?" he asked with a gesture at the books he had piled to one side of the table in preparation for the study session.

"We might as well." the pinkette sighed, "Let's start with history today, as that seems to be an area that at least interests you somewhat."

The next two hours were somewhat awkward for the two preteens, as this was the first time they had spent any time with each other without having their classmates around them. Sakura got by it by focussing on the material at hand, as well as thinking up ways to draw Naruto's interest to the subject matter by drawing his attention to the famous historical battles that the Hokage were involved in first, then adding in background information.

It worked. Go figure that one.

As he saw Sakura off with a wave and a smile, Naruto thought that these lessons might not be such a bad idea. His INT and WIS had both gone up by one already, and that was just from the sheer volume of material he had read through. Just thinking about it made his brain throb from information overload.

Deciding to stop thinking deep thoughts for the moment, Naruto decided to go read the [Observe] data he had floating in front of him from using [Observe] on Sakura before she turned the corner. Retreating to the living room, he pressed the Flaw called [Fangirl], as he knew exactly what [Malnourished] was doing to her.


You are obsessed with an individual to the point that you think of little else but that person, driving your friends away and making the subject of your crush/obsession dislike you.

- A 10% reduction to [Teamwork].

- For every [Fangirl] action taken in front of the subject of your crush, your Reputation with that person is lowered by 50.

This Flaw can be lost by facing the truth of who the subject of your obsession is and what they are really like.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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