If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O} {N}
Towards that end, once you have finished reading this note, channel some chakra into this paper. You will like the result.
The Forest Lord."
"OK, who is this Forest Lord guy?" Naruto demanded as he looked around suspiciously, "Is he watching me or something? Jeez…alright, let's see what this paper is all about."
Placing it very carefully on the ground, Naruto channelled chakra into it with a single, finger. A puff of smoke erupted from the paper, revealing…
…an ingot of a silvery metal? It was about the same length and breadth as an A4 notebook and was at least four inches thick. It had to weigh at least 50 kg!
[Chakra Metal Ingot]
A solid bar of the rare and potent Chakra Metal. A skilled blacksmith can melt it down and forge it into weapons or armour.
Metal Purity: 999.90
"Holy hell…this…this must be worth a fortune!" the blond said as his jaw hit the ground. He didn't know squat about the purity of metal, but he did know, from what he had heard around town, that the purer the metal, the more value it had. If that was anything approaching the truth here, the purity of this ingot meant he could buy the Uchiha Clan Compound with this block of chakra metal, if not a bit more than that!
Picking the ingot (slab seemed more appropriate, but whatever), Naruto heaved it with great difficulty into his inventory. He was really appreciating the fact that it was weightless.
"Whew…time to head home, I think." Naruto said, "Need to rest up for my match with Sakura-chan tomorrow."
With that, he jogged off to the exit.
The Next Day, After the Academy
Training Field 14
Naruto peered cautiously into the training field, keeping a cautious eye open. This was a training field in use by an active-duty quad of shinobi, not an abandoned one like Training Field 13.
Standing in the centre of the field was a boy who looked to only be about three years older than he was. The boy had neatly cut dark green hair, wore a pair of plain glasses and was dressed in the standard Konoha Chunin outfit. He was throwing kunai at a Training-kun dummy that was nailed to a nearby tree, making it look like some freaky voodoo ceremony.
"You can come out now, Academy Student-kun." the boy called without breaking stride in his throwing.
"You aren't half-bad." Naruto noted as he left the tree line. He hadn't been using his [Stealth] skill, just keeping quiet, like any ordinary Academy Student would be doing, not having learnt stealth to the point the had.
[Chunin Squad 14 Leader]
LV23 Kitamura Yūsaku
"So what're you doing here, kid?" the chunin asked as he turned around.
"Ummm…I'm looking for Aisaka…pardon me, Takasu Taiga." Naruto replied, "I have a message for her from Higurashi Tenten."
Kitamura paled slightly. "Oh no…don't tell me she found out about Toradora?"
"Kinda." Naruto replied, "I found it in Training Field Thirteen while I was, well training. I thought it could be fixed, so I took it to Tenten. She went spare and almost strangled me demanding to know where I found it."
"Yikes…" Kitamura muttered, "Taiga is due here in the next five minutes or so. You can wait for her here."
"Thanks." Naruto nodded, "What was that fast draw technique you were using, by the way?"
"Ah? Oh, that." the Chunin grinned, "That was my Shurikenjutsu specialty, the Kōtō Kenbu (Soaring Sword Dance) Fast Draw Technique. It's a mid-chunin technique."
"It makes my Hikō Yoshin look slow by comparison." Naruto shook his head, "I've got a lot of training to do."
"Don't be downhearted; a master with the Hikō Yoshin can easily beat an amateur using Kōtō Kenbu." the chunin told him kindly, "If you like I can critique you on your technique?"
"I thought active-duty shinobi weren't allowed to teach Academy students." Naruto pointed out, something his Jiji had told him.
"Ah, but I'm not teaching you." Kitamura corrected him with a grin, "I'm just going to offer constructive criticism while we wait."
And so it was that Naruto, through a quick five-minute tutorial from Kitamura, earned two levels in his [Hikō Yoshin Fast Draw Technique] by the time the newlyweds arrived.
[The Palmtop Tiger]
LV24 Takasu Taiga
[The Delinquent Dragon]
LV23 Takasu Ryūji
The girl he had come looking for was tiny. Really, she was only a head taller than he was, if that. She had tired eyes that indicated she had only gotten up not long ago. She wore black kneesocks and shinobi sandals, a pair of sports shorts covered by a short skirt, a red kimono top, a chunin vest and had a sword slung over one shoulder. Her long orange-gold hair was tied back into a sensible ponytail.
Her husband was at least a couple of feet taller than she was. He was built solidly, but wasn't overly muscled. His face was scary because he had sanpaku eyes and his short blue hair had a long fringe as if to cover that up. He was dressed similarly to Kitamura and had the hilt of a tantō poking up over one shoulder.
"Takasu-kun, Taiga." Kitamura greeted his teammates, who were holding hands.
"Kitamura-kun." Taiga said with a yawn.
"Yūsaku." Ryūji greeted him warmly, "Who's the kid?"
"Tenten's found out about Toradora." Naruto stated bluntly.
This bit of news jerked Taiga fully awake. She glared at Naruto with her dark amber eyes.
"Say what?!" she growled. Naruto though that he could see some panic past the grumpy anger in her narrowed eyes.
The blond boy sighed and recounted the tale for her yet again, with more details this time.
"Damn that bitch Ami!" Taiga growled.
"Eh? Katsuragi Ami's in my class." Naruto protested.
"Kawashima Ami, from our class." Ryūji explained, "She's a Genin on Team 15, along with Kushieda Minori and Kanō Sumire."
"An all-kunoichi team?" this surprised Naruto greatly. The normal set up was similar to Team 14 in front of him, two ninja and one kunoichi. On rare occasions, it was two kunoichi and one ninja. Single-gender teams were very, very rare.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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