Chapter:61 Hakage

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Yep. When we graduated, there were more kunoichi aspirants than ninja aspirants in our class, so two all-kunoichi teams were formed." Kitamura replied, "Ami's team were the only one of the two to pass. She and Taiga get along like oil and water."

"Stupid Chihuahua." Taiga groused, "Stupid infiltration specialty. Stupid gauntlets."

"Eh?" Naruto couldn't make out any kind of reason to those statements.

"'Stupid Chihuahua' is what my wife here calls Ami." the male Takasu explained, "They were rivals of sorts at the Academy. Taiga specialises in Kenjutsu, while Ami was a Stealth and Infiltration specialist. Her weapons of choice are a matched set of gauntlets called the Kanibasami Kago-te (Crab Scissor Gauntlets) that break most weapons that they catch between them."

"The damage looked like a hammer or some kind of massive weight hit the blade though." Naruto pointed out.

"Exactly what you're supposed to think." Taiga spat out, "The gauntlets have a pair of spikes in each of them that are engraved with Fūinjutsu that greatly magnify the concussive force of their hits. Being trapped between the gauntlets and hit by both spikes simultaneously from both sides is what destroyed Toradora!"

"It was during a spar shortly before I proposed to Taiga." Ryūji took up the tale, "Ami can be…abrasive, personality-wise and Taiga has a habit of being blunt to the point of rudeness, although she is getting better at that. Anyway, they got worked up in the spar and Toradora was broken. Ami threw it away afterwards, but it puzzles me as to how it got into Training Ground 13."

Very likely, Naruto knew, his [Gamer] power had something to do with it.

"Anyway, Tenten says that if you want Toradora back, you'll have to go to her shop in…two days and explain exactly how Toradora broke." Naruto completed his message.

"Unfortunately, we are leaving on a border patrol mission tomorrow morning." Kitamura said regretfully, "Could you inform Higurashi-san that Taiga will pick it up in a month?"

"She…was pretty pissed when she was talking about reforging it." Naruto said slowly, "She might sell it or something. If you're heading out tomorrow, I'd find her and explain everything today. That way, she can make a decision today about what to do with it."

"Sounds like a plan." Kitamura agreed, "In fact, we'll all go and explain things."

"B-But Kitamura-kun!" Taiga protested, before Ryūji interrupted her.

"No buts, Taiga." her husband told her firmly, "I'm not going to let you explain something on your own. You try and take the blame entirely on yourself and act surly and get into a fight. You know that as well as I do."

"Buuuu!" Taiga pouted cutely at Ryūji.

"OK then…I guess I'd better go then." Naruto said, "Good luck with Tenten."

"Thanks kid." Kitamura said with a nod, "Keep practicing and good luck graduating. Team 14, move out!"

With a swirl of leaves, the three chunin vanished, leaving Naruto alone in the training field. He raised an eyebrow as a window popped open.

[Quest Updated!]

A Broken Blade can still Cut!: You have delivered the message to Takasu Taiga and advised her to talk to Tenten as soon as possible, as her team is leaving on a mission. Return to Higurashi's in [2] days time to complete the quest.

"OK…this is weird. Why is there no Quest Reward or Failure notices?" Naruto wondered. What an odd quest.

The boy shook his head. He had to get back for his tutoring session with Sakura, not to mention the Taijutsu fight afterwards. That was something he was not looking forward to.

Later On

Naruto's Apartment

"No, Naruto." Sakura sighed, "You use this equation to calculate the angle of the shot and this one to calculate the force involved."

"I hate maths." Naruto groaned, "When I become Hokage, I'm so doing something about this."

The pinkette had decided that today, they would attend to the theory of Shurikenjutsu, although even she had to admit that she saw little point in it other than as a way to explain how to execute an especially complex throw, like the infamous Uchiha Shuriken Tawami no Jutsu (Uchiha Shuriken Deflection Jutsu).

Needless to say, Naruto hated it.

"C'mon Naruto." Sakura coaxed him, "It's just numbers."

"Evil numbers." the blond grumbled before reluctantly buckling down to fight against the endless legion of numbers in their many and varied complexities.

"That'll do." Sakura said an hour later. She had to admit that Naruto had done his best, although he had made several mistakes. Still, they were minor ones, so progress was perceivable if not all that quick.

"Thank Kami for that!" Naruto cheered.

"Inside voice, baka." Sakura rolled her eyes at Naruto's exuberance.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan." Naruto grinned, "Ready to get your butt kicked?"

"As if!" the pinkette shot back, "The one who is going to lose around here is you, Naruto!"

"That's the spirit." the blond boy's grin didn't abate an inch, "Let's get down to the dojo room and we'll get right down too it."

Sakura followed him down to the room he had showed her the previous day and was pleasantly surprised to see that it looked as good as new. The mats were brand new, the floorboards were freshly polished and the walls were clean.

"You did a good job." the pinkette admitted.

"Iwa Bunshin are really good at chores, as long as the orders are simple." Naruto replied with a shrug, "Clean this, scrub that…you know stuff like that. Anything more complicated tends to get messed up."

This made the kunoichi aspirant look thoughtful. She made a note to do some research on solid clone jutsu, as they really looked useful.

"Let's get to it then." Sakura stepped into the middle of the room and waited for Naruto to move opposite her, "First to fall three times loses. Agreed?"

"Yep. No gouging or hitting below the belt or you lose by default." Naruto said with a nod.

"How do we start things off then?" Sakura asked.

"Like this." Naruto pulled a one Ryo coin from his pocket, "When the coin hits the ground, we start."

"Sounds good." she agreed.

With a simple flick of his thumb, Naruto sent the coin spinning into the air. Sakura assumed the basic defensive stance of the Academy's Hakage Taijutsu style, while Naruto assumed a neutral stance that favoured neither offence nor defence.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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