13: You Are Only Mine, Ji Yang. Is His Secretary Obsessed With Him?

When Ji Yang saw that he was coughing, he dropped the cigarette and crushed it with his foot. "Don't you think that today you are doing more than just a secretary's job? Don't you think you're talking to me carelessly?Remember, I am your president,"

Seeing Ji Yang drop the cigarette, Cheng smiled because Cheng knew that Ji Yang's knew, Cheng was allergic to cigarette smoke, so he dropped the cigarette.

Cheng said while bandaging his hand. "I remember, but besides being a president, you are also my friend and I take care of my special friend at all costs."

Ji Yang immediately took his hand from his and stood up. "Stop talking. He didn't touch anything else in the house." Cheng stood up and said, "No, sir. The important things in the house haven't been touched at all.

The kitchen is in disarray. Everything is in disarray. Maybe he took some food with him from home, and he had opened the door to one of the two rooms in the house."

Ji Yang looked at Cheng with his menacing eyes. Cheng was shocked to see him like that and forced a smile on his face. "Haha, you don't need to worry President. The door and lock of that other room are safe. It hasn't been damaged. It seems he was digging a bag to store the food."

"Take a look around the entire area and find out how far his footprints have reached".

Cutting him off, cheng immediately said, "Yang."

"President, call me President Yang."

Cheng's face turned sad. "Yes, forgive me, President Yang. Do you mean to say that you want to bring back a fugitive?"

Ji Yang looked at him seriously. "Don't ask questions and do what you're told."

"Do you really love him so much? Why is that? . . . Ji Yang ignored the words he had said, "Secretary Cheng, if you don't want to do this job, I can hire someone else to do it. And yes, you are nothing more than a secretary to me, so you don't need to know these things".Saying this, he left the room.

Cheng was disappointed to hear his words that he was nothing more than a servant for Ji Yang. He went to the washroom and entered. He saw that the mirror was lying in pieces on the floor below and there was blood on these pieces and the floor was also red with blood.

He went to the pieces of glass and sat on one knee. Among them was a large piece. Cheng picked it up in his hand. There was blood on this piece. He looked at it seriously. He brought the piece close to his mouth and licked the blood on it with his tongue. And he held the piece of glass tightly in his palm. He swallowed the blood that he had licked from the piece of glass.

"Your blood also contains the same pleasures that are inside you. I am going crazy just thinking about it You don't belong to anyone else but me. You are only mine Ji yang ."

A few hours later, Ji Yang's people came and spread out in the forest and started searching for Yi Xia, but they did not find any trace of Yi Xia.

Ji Yang was sitting in the hall of his house and was smoking a cigarette. He had emptied a lot of cigarette packs. Cheng entered the hall and stood next to him and said,

"President Yang, you should not smoke so many cigarettes. It is not good for your health." Seeing Cheng, Yang dropped his cigarette. "Stop this nonsense and tell me what you found out about Yi Xia."

Cheng took out his phone and showed Ji Yang the pictures on it. "President Ji Yang, we found some blood, but we are not sure if it is Ye Xia's or not."

He took the phone from Cheng's hand and started looking at the pictures. "Of course, there is blood there, President Yang, but there are no bodies or injured people near him, and our people have not found any injured people or bodies."

Ji Yang said in a low voice, "Take me there, Cheng." "As you say, President Ji Yang."

The two of them left the house and went there. He went near the branch of the tree that had Yi Xia's blood on it. Seeing the blood on the branch of the tree, he felt a pang of fear.

Ji yang ran his fingers over the sharp branch of the tree, which caused blood to get on his fingers. Seeing the blood on his fingers, Cheng came forward and took out his handkerchief and handed it to Ji Yang.

"President Yang, your fingers are stained with blood. Take this handkerchief from him. . . . " As he was about to say something else, Ji Yang said in anger and solemnly in the deep darkness, "Step back and don't say anything."

He looked at the branch with disappointment and said, "Why did you leave me and run away? How much pain must have been in your heart?" "How did you get out of that sharp branch of this tree? My heart aches just thinking about it."

Ji Yang turned back and shouted to everyone, "Find him, even if you have to search the sky and the earth," Everyone said, "Yes, President."

Ji yang : Secretary Cheng,

Cheng : Yes, President Yang.

" Check all the hospitals in the city to see if there is an injured patient named Yi Xia". Yes, President Yang. "And yes, keep an eye on the Han (Yi xia) family every move. Who knows, Yi Xia may return to her family. As you say President Yang. Cheng left for his work.

Ji Yang looked carefully at the blood on his finger. "You made a mistake. By running away, you only increased my interest in you".


"Ahhh, wher...where.. a.m ..I"?

Yi Xia slowly opened her eyes. Things seemed blurry to him. "Ohhhh, you're awake Thank god. You've been unconscious for the past week".