14:My Miserable Life? Misery Upon Misery!

Yi Xia was lying on the floor, his head was resting on a pillow, and a little girl was sitting next to him. Yi Xia tried to get up. The little girl saw that Yi Xia had regained consciousness.

"Oh, you have regained consciousness. Don't try to get up. You have been unconscious for the past week. Your wounds are still fresh, so lie back down".

Yi Xia looked up at the ceiling and said, "I . . . Where am I?" Yi Xia looked around the room. "What place is this?"

The little girl came closer to him and lifted his shirt with her hands. "What are you doing?" Yi Xia said in shock.

There's no need to be afraid. I'm just here to change your bandage. The little girl started changing the bandage on his stomach.

"By the way, my name is Hannah and yours is".

He was stunned to see Hannah bandaging her like this. How could a little girl who he thought was 13 or 14 years old know how to bandage so well?

"Ummm, what did you say?" He was lost in thought, so he couldn't understand Hannah's words. "I said, My name is Hannah and yours".

Yi xia: "Oh, Hannah is a very cute name, mine is Yi Xia. By the way, where is this place?"

Hannah didn't want Yi Xia to get know about what kind of trouble he was in now. Hannah changed her words and said, "You are recovering quite quickly. Your wound has healed quite quickly."

"Oh, really? By the way, how did I get here and what is this place?" Hannah applied his bandage and sat up straight and said, "Now that you are asking so much, I will have to tell you that you are in an illegal basement".

Yi Xia was shocked. "What do you mean, I am in an illegal basement and what nonsense are you saying". "I am not talking nonsense. I am just answering the question you asked".

Yi Xia quickly got up and removed the curtain of the window next to him. "Hey, what are you doing? I said that your wounds are fine. It doesn't mean that you are completely healed. Go back to your place if you don't want any trouble for yourself".

Yi Xia didn't see anything special outside the window except for a barren basement. He sat back in his place and said in a bored tone, "If this is an illegal basement, why did they save an injured person like me and put him here?".

Hannah replied to him, "You don't know what you are, people like you are treasures to them."

Yi xia: What do you mean", there's no point in explaining Yi xia, you'll figure it out soon, just rest now, you have to work hard later". Hannah got up and started to leave, suddenly she stopped and turned, by the way, I forgot to ask an important question, where are you from?

Yi Xia was confused why he called this question important, it's just a simple question,"Aa ahh Me, I'm from China". "Ohhhh, things are about to get interesting and don't move too much, it can be harmful to your wound, ok then take care of yourself" and Hannah left the room.

Yi xia was confused,"Why did she ask this stupid question when she knows we are in China? Didn't she even know? Wait . . . this question, no, no, don't say I am in another country."

Yi Xia was sad that why did he have all these problems? He was living a normal life. Why did these troubles suddenly arise in his life?. After being freed from Ji Yang's cage, he was injured by a sharp branch of a forest tree and now he was in an illegal basement.

Thinking about this, the memory of those files came to his mind. He looked around and became even more worried. "The files, where are those files? Have they dropped my files? As far as I remember, I was holding those files in my hand. No, I can't lose those files. I hadn't even read them completely."

He stood up with great difficulty, groaning and started to walk towards the door. He tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside. He went back to his place and sat down.

He knew what Hannah was trying to explain to him, and now he wanted to escape from this basement as soon as possible.

Yi Xia lifted his shirt and looked at the wound on his stomach, which was not completely healed. He knew that he could not escape from here with this wounded stomach. He would have to wait for his wound to heal before he could escape.

Time passed. Like every day, Yi Xia would give him his food and like every day, Hannah would come to change his bandage and like that, the two would talk.

Weeks passed and his wound had completely healed.

He now also knew what kind of work was done in this building and in this basement of this building.

Like every day, Hannah entered his room today too.

Yi Xia was reading a psychology book that Hannah had secretly brought for him because Yi Xia was locked in his room all day. To relieve his boredom, Hannah asked Yi Xia about his favorite books and brought him his favorite psychology book.

As soon as the door opened, Yi Xia, who was reading the book, said, "Hannah, you know that my wound is completely healed now, so I don't need to bandage it anymore."

Hannah entered and said, "I didn't come to change any bandages, I came to give you these clothes at the owner's request."

Clothes," Yi Xia looked at him, "I don't understand what you mean." Hannah walked over and placed the clothes on the table next to the window.

The owner orders that you wear these clothes and prepare yourself well to go to the party tonight.

Yi Xia closed the book and got up, "What do you mean I'll go, and what party?"