Now George has been hospitalized for 3 weeks.

And he is in the process of packing his clothes and is about to be discharged.

After the psychiatrist has added melatonin to George's medication and increased his nerve medication, things have gotten a little better over time, one day at a time. The psychiatrist believes that George is ready to be discharged on a trial basis. Since the nightmares and hallucinations have become milder. And he believes it will work out as long as George takes his medication at his current dose he is receiving.

On his way out of P2.'s department. George is waiting for his contact person at reception so that he can be driven home. And he gets his medication home, which is enough for a month.

While he is waiting for his contact at the reception, the psychic medium comes to say goodbye but mostly to warn George.

And she says

: You know you are powerless against her without your medicine! Yes? What will you do if you lose your medicine? Huh? And something tells me that she will probably make sure that you lose your medicine!... Yes?

Good luck with everything! And I will pray for you! Yes?

And then she gives George a necklace with a silver Valknut pendant and helps him put it on and says

: For protection, if you should lose your medicine! Yes? And my senses tell me that you will need the amulet! Yes?

The Valknut is a sacred symbol, with divine power, an amulet that protects against evil, evil spirits and invisible forces.

Then George thanks the psychic medium. And she goes back to her two-person table and continues playing tarot cards.

On the way home in the car George holds his Valknut pendant and looking at it with both hands and rotates it a little bit every now and then. He feels like he can hear the psychic medium from a long way away and said those words with spatial sound when she gave George the amulet.

: For protection, if you should lose your medicine! Yes? And my senses tell me that you will need the amulet! Yes?

After he was driven home by the contact person, they are in the process of filling the pill box with George's medicine. And the pill storage box is a weekly set. And when they were finished, the medicine pills are just floating visibly on the table in the living room...

The pill weekly dosage box is ideal for storing tablets for the entire week - morning - noon and evening. The weekly dosage box can dose for one day of the week at a time. This means that the contact person helps George fill up the box when he arrives.

So George has an easier time controlling when he takes his medicine so he doesn't have to take it twice in one evening by accident.

Today is Friday the thirteenth in the late morning and the contact persons are going to have a weekend for this week. And they won't be back until next week. That means George will be all alone for the weekend for the first time since he was discharged.

On his way out the door the contact person asks George if he needs help with anything else. Then he says no.

Then he asks again to be sure

: Are you sure? I can't help you as soon as I'm out the door because I'm having a weekend! If you need extra medicine, we can't do it until next week...!

Remember to take your P.N if you feel unwell, like the doctor said! Ok?

then George says

: Ok!

And the contact person continues

: You can again consider saving up for a cell phone like the doctor said! If you had a cell phone it would make it much easier to get help if you get sick. Especially on the weekends when I'm not at work...!

: I probably can't figure it out!

Answers George.

Then the contact person says

: We can teach you! It's as easy as pressing the PlayStation buttons! If you buy a user-friendly old-fashioned cell phone with buttons! Older people use it too, it's that easy!... Well, then you have something to think about for the weekend! Now I'm saying goodbye for today and this week and I'll see you next week and you must have a really good weekend!

Then they say goodbye to each other and the contact person drives home and has his weekend.

Later that day George goes out to buy food, enough for the whole weekend with the last food money he has for this week. And he had a little extra, enough to buy a cheap bag of chips, a cheap bag of gummy bears, a cheap chocolate bar and a large cheap soda.

After he gets home. He doesn't really feel like eating dinner. He just eats something sweet instead.

Ding dong.

Then someone rings the doorbell and he goes into the hallway to see who it is and it's his cousin Jacob...

George is very relieved and happy to see him, mostly because he was longing to solve Sara problem.

When they saw each other, George noticed that cousin Jacob was not quite himself tonight. Both in his behavior and his clothes are more sloppy than the last time he saw him. And he is shaking a little and scratching himself a little sometimes.

George welcomes him because he is worried. And not least he wants to solve Sara problem.

Then George asks

: Would you please give Sara to her famil...?

: Do you have any money? Can I borrow it if you have?

Jacob interrupts before George finished asking. And it feels as if Jacob doesn't care about Sara problem, and as if it doesn't matter.

Then George answers

: No, unfortunately! I've used the last of this week's food money for weekend food! But you can eat if you're hungry!

: No thanks, I'll throw up if I eat!

Jacob replied and got a little irritated because George didn't have any money.

Then George tries again but more skeptical this time

: You have to give Sara to her family! She won't leave me alone and she comes into the dream in a creepy way and she...!

: Are you sure you don't have any money?

Jacob interrupts again and a little more aggressively this time and in his body language he acts as if it doesn't matter. And as if Sara isn't the problem at all...

: Sadly no! Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom, because I just drank a big soda! And I want to talk more about Sara when I'm done!

Answer George. And go to the bathroom.

Then Jacob says ok and gets irritated like a little child.

While George is in the bathroom for a good while after all that soda, he can hear some noise in the living room. And it sounds like someone is moving the table and then he can hear someone coming out of the front door.

When he finished washing his hands he comes out into the living room to talk more about Sara. When he entered the living room he can see the TV table has moved forward a little and Jacob is gone. George tries to call him and looks for him throughout the apartment. Nope he's gone.

Then he realizes that his PlayStation console and the games are gone. Then he panics a bit and tries to understand what is going on. A short time later he realizes that it was Jacob who stole his console.

And then he looks at his table and realizes that his medicine is also gone. Then he goes to the table to check if they have fallen on the floor and checks around the table and under the sofa and then says

: No no no no no no no no not good not good!!!

Cousin Jacob stole medicine too.

What does George do? He is powerless against Sara without his medicine. It is now that he has to take his medicine and he can feel that the effect of the medicine is waning.

What does he do now? He can neither call the psychiatrist nor the contact person because he does not have a cell phone and he will not be able to get any new medicine until 3 days after the weekend.

And he feels like he hears the kitchen cupboard close once in the kitchen. And then he hears Sara's slow laugh with a spatial sound

: Heh!




