George has gotten a little better since the first night in P2. department, several days ago. That night he cried and when the nurse gave him a hug he cried even more.

After he cried, he felt a little better.

Since the Sara situation arose, George has felt like he is dragging a pallet down on the ground without a pallet lifter. And the pallet is loaded with large stones weighing between approximately 300 kg. to half a ton per stone.

And both of his wrists are shackled with thick rusty chains and they are locked with unusually large rusty heart-shaped padlocks around his wrists. And the opposite ends of the chains, they are chained to two posts at the end of the pallet under the stones with identical padlocks

And he is wearing a necklace that hangs around his neck and the pendant is the padlock's key, which is heart-shaped in the key's grip. And the key hangs around his heart area by the chest.

He has the opportunity to unlock the padlocks and free himself from the chains and continue to move forward in life and leave the burden pallet that is loaded and stacked with large stones.

All he has to do is lift the key from the heart area. And lighten the heart by unlocking the padlocks. And go on with he's life without burden pallet.

Still, he chooses to drag the burden pallet and it barely moves forward.

After he cried the first night in P2. He felt as if a few large stones fell from the pallet. So the pallet became a little easier to drag forward. But it is still difficult to tow.

Some say it's healthy to cry.

And some believe that in some cases women are happier than men because they are more open in their feelings and they are better at sharing their feelings when they cry together and not least they are more understanding.

That is why George felt a little better the first night he cried and when he got contact from the nurse's body contact by hugging him.

And the hug helped a lot...

George has been admitted for the last 10 days. His nightmares has become milder. Because the psychiatrist has given him a melatonin medicine when he needs to sleep.

Melatonin is a sleep-enhancing hormone that reduces nightmares.

The hallucinations have also become milder because the psychiatrist has also increased the dosage of George's nerve medication.

Although additional medication has helped. Still, George fears and suspects that Sara will probably find new ways to haunt George. And she will probably have to find a new method to find a loophole so she can haunt him further.

Once in a while George takes a little walk in P2. the ward's walk to stretch the legs a bit. And once in a while he sits down in the department's common room. There are also some other patients who sit and process with their mess in their head.

Some patients sit and knit.

Others sit and read old-fashioned newspapers made of paper.

In the common room there is also an elderly man who has no wrinkles on his face, whose name is Peter. And he is such a person who has lived an exciting and very interesting life and is really good at telling exciting stories.

Everyone around him becomes excited and captivated by the story when he tells it.

A bonus about him is that his body moves a lot when he tells his story, so it becomes extra entertaining and exciting. And it's like he's performing in a little ONE MAN SHOW.

One of the patients asks Peter how old he is. Then he replies that he is 69 years old. And then the patient asks Peter again why he doesn't have wrinkles at his age.

Then he begins to tell the story.

And when he was about to begin, all those sitting around him leaned forward a little to get a good sound from him.

Then he begins…

: I think I was about 20 years old in the winter of the 1900s! I worked in a gas station, I was new and a bit clumsy.

: I filled some petrol cans with gasoline! The ground was quite slippery and I was wearing very slippery winter rubber boots without having metal rivets non-slip, so I could very easily slip and fall!

: After I filled the cans I screwed on the screw caps! And when I had to screw the last one on, I slipped so that I almost fell and my reflexes made arm movements to stabilize the balance!

: When I did the arm movements I ended up throwing the screw cap far away and had to walk a long way to retrieve it! Then I lifted the can without a screw lid and have to get the screw lid so I can screw it on!

: On the way to where the screw cap was, I slipped and fell so that I landed on my back and the can landed on my stomach and the canister hole where you screw the cap on was in my chest area, so it spilled a lot of liquid gasoline on my work clothes!

: And I thought

'never mind. It's just a little gasoline, nothing will probably happen to it and it will probably just evaporate by itself'

: And so much later in the day I took my first lunch break and ate my packed lunch! And after lunch I had to light a satisfying after-meal cigarette!

: But then I realized that I fell and spilled a lot of petrol on my work clothes earlier! And I hesitated a little to light the cigarette!

: And I lit the cigarette anyway and was extra satisfied because I had just eaten. And nothing happened. And I thought

'Thank God nothing happened. The petrol has probably evaporated long ago'.

: And then I was stupid enough to light the lighter and place the flame on my work clothes in the chest area!

And only a small flame ignites on the clothes, and then I put it out by tapping it with my palm afterwards!

And you can see that Peter is sitting and looking down at his ribcage and pretending to have a lighter in his hand and pretending to light it and place it on his ribcage and tap it afterwards.

And he continues

: And I did it repeatedly!

But by the fourth round! Then I heard the sound FFWWFFROFFF!!! Then a huge flame ignites on my chest and stomach area!

And then Peter gets up on the chair and continues to tell.

His narrative body language performance is so good that it's like being present when it happened.

And then he continues

: And I panicked! My face was exposed to flames the most! And every time I tried to take off my work clothes by grabbing the zipper, I burned my hands, and I tried several times but without success!

And you can see the performance of Peter's story with pretending that he tries to take off his work clothes and how he tries to grab the zipper to zip down from around his neck area and burns his hands and then shakes his hands after the attempt.

Peter's body movements are so authentic it's like there are real flames in his chest.

And then he continues

: And then I had to run outside to extinguish the flames with snow. But my inner instinct told me that it's a bad idea, because that's where the gas tanks were! And the whole area would explode if I ran outside!

: But luckily one of the employees was washing the floor at the time! And then he grabbed the bucket and splashed on me, and then thankfully the flame went out thanks to the dung dirty bucket of water!

: And unfortunately for me as a fire victim, I got bad burns on my face but not as bad on my hands!

And the face burn was so bad that you could see skin bubbling in my cheek!

: Then I entered the toilet to wash the dirt off with clean cold water in the sink with the palms of my hands!

And Peter covers his face with both hands and slides down a single time saying at the same time

: And when I started to wash the dirt off my face, I ended up scraping off my burnt skin bubbles!

And just as soon as the skin peeled off!

Then came great pain!

: Woe to me, how it hurt! And I walked with great pain in my face for days!

To soothe the pain at home, I filled the bathtub to the brim with cold water and dipped my face in, how good it felt! But I could only do it for a short time at a time because I had to hold my breath when my face was underwater!

: And luckily I got an idea to use the shower hose as a snorkel so my face can be underwater for a longer time!

You can see that Peter pretends to screw off the shower hose in the air while he is talking and then pretends to hold one end of the shower hose in his mouth and hold the other end up high with the other hand and then bend down.

And then he sits down in the chair again and then he finishes his story.

: Yes! That's why I don't have wrinkles on my face to this day and I quit smoking cigarettes right after I burned my face!

: The end!

People around Peter were well satisfied by the story and sit back thereafter.


One of the patients is a psychic medium who often sits alone at a two-person table in P2.'s common living room, a little further away where it is a little more private. And she often plays tarot cards.

Tarot cards are a collection of 78 cards used to connect with the spiritual and offer insight. They are used both to predict future events and to explore solutions to questions or problems.

George is a little afraid of her. Because that

when they make eye contact with each other, George has the feeling that the psychic medium knows very well something about Sara's situation.

A little after Peter finished telling the story. It was time for dinner and all the patients get up from their chairs and go to the canteen to get some dinner, except the psychic medium. She just sits and looks suspiciously at George.

George is the last to leave the room.

On the way out, the psychic medium offers George to sit down and keep her company.

And when George politely declines, her voice changes and says

: It was not a question, Sit down I insist!

Her voice sounds exactly like Sara's voice when she changed her voice.

And George almost feels like he was hypnotized and sits down anyway.

Then the psychic medium's voice returned to normal and says

: Give me your hand and let me see your past, present and predict future!

Then he holds out his hand and gives it to the psychic medium and she continues

: Ah I see! I see!

Unloved, abandoned and neglected when you were a small child in the past! Yes?

Uhhh how exciting, haunted by Sara in the present! But I can't really predict your future! No!? Because that half rotten Sara won't let me, she blocks my ability to predict your future, she just won't let me do it! No no!?

Sara's desire to rest in peace is far too great and strong! Yes?!

George is shocked and surprised and he thinks

'how can she possibly know anything about Sara? And how does she know I'm haunted by Sara? I never told anyone'

Then the psychic medium interrupts George's thoughts and says

: I know everything about the spirit world and can therefore communicate with the dead! Yes?

And then suddenly it feels like the psychic medium is in a completely different place and like she enters the spirit world and she continues

: Sara tells me that you hold the key to removing hauntings and nightmares! yes? but you refuse to use the key because of your cousin! No no! So you have a heart of gold! Yes?!

: She tells me that your cousin's life is a mess at the moment that needs fixing!

So says George

: But if I report him, he comes to...!

Then the psychic medium interrupts again before he has finished saying the words

: Sara says that your cousin needs a slap on the wrist and needs to get his punishment where he has to stand in the corner of shame and think about what he has done! Yes?

So says George

: I can't!

Then the psychic medium begins to speak in two voices at once. One voice is her own voice and the other is Sara's voice and they say

: You must!

And then the table begins to shake between them. And then George says.

: I don't have the strength for that!

Then the psychic medium says again in two voices but more aggressive this time.


Then a strong pressure wave forms in the middle of the table between them, it is so strong that both fall backwards onto the floor and land on their backs.

After the pressure wave, you can see that they are surrounded by the psychic medium's tarot cards that fall into the air around them. Then the fortune teller takes hold of the edge of the table top and uses it as a support to stand up. And then she says

: Sorry! Unfortunately I can't help you! No no! Sara's desire to rest in peace is too great! Yes?! and she is too strong for me! No no! You have to manage yourself! Yes? But I will pray for you...! OK? Good luck with it all!

And then she begins to pick up her tarot cards from the floor. And George helps her pick them up. And then he asks the last time

: Are you sure you can't help me?

Then she answers

: Yes unfortunately, it's between Sara and you! Yes? She doesn't want me to have anything to do with it...! No no! And I want nothing to do with it! No no! She's too scary! Yes? TOO SCARY!?

Then George gives the tarot cards to the psychic medium and goes to the canteen afterwards to get something to eat.