Ch 01. Dream of Saiyan

Ron a 24-year-old electrical engineering college student in the U.S. consistently got C's and A's in his classes, according to him, C's are because he was too lazy to study for the courses and wanted just to pass. He was interning at a Billionaires bio-health lab researching how to simulate cells to prevent aging and promote cell activity with electromagnetic forces and other things as a qualified assistant, despite his age and grades he was a machinery enthusiast and a well-qualified smart man.

He was one of those people who tried to build colliders in their backyard, except Ron as a kid who loved anime wanted to become a super saiyan and thus electrocuted himself while feeding himself low volt current. But he did not die for that, rather he died due to drowning in the makeshift rejuvenation tank he designed while testing he forgot that it is supposed to make you fall asleep, and kept it as such during the testing phase, and as a result drowned.

The world around him seemed to hum with an electrifying energy. He could feel it in his skin, a crackling sensation that made the hairs on his head stand on end. The storm that had raged through the night had left the skies clear, but the air was thick with the aftertaste of lightning. It was as though the storm itself had imbued the very land with power, leaving behind an almost overwhelming sense of static energy. with a baby cry, Ron was born. He reached up instinctively to rub his eyes but realized he couldn't.

He was just born, his body had not developed. But his mind was running fast, faster than any baby, which seemed to be not possible although in the first 6 months, the brain grows rapidly. Babies' brains are highly flexible at this time, developing connections between neurons as they learn from their environment. This is the time when sensory processing (sight, sound, touch, taste) becomes more refined. Babies begin to recognize faces, voices, and objects. Despite that, his soul was there with memories and experiences of 24 years as an academic enthusiast, after all, memories and knowledge also represent the development of the soul, at this moment Ron had just been born after dying perhaps in the womb or now after being birthed he recalled all his life and memories from his would, impacting his brain as the body promotes the growth of the soul and the soul impact the body, his brain was changing and growing at an exponential rate forming neurons and connections from his past life experiences.

The brain collects information and promotes growth in the development stage not only by the new information but also by the existing info as a base for forming new neurons, so Ron was in a wonderful state where his brain would grow/form new neurons and connections at a certain rate based on the existing so if his brain had 100 he would get 10 more the next day and if he had 110 he would get 11 the next day as an example except the brain grows in an exponential rate, but within a few days after he was born Ron's brain had developed to a man whose brain was at the peak of development for humans at of ages 18-26, and after which development slows down, and he was a genius type researcher who was even better at the age of 24.

But now Ron who was just born still has years of development and the next year, since he was born, will be a phase of massive growth based on that 24 years' worth of neuron development. Maybe a man with thinking power stronger than a supercomputer is being born, but now Ron has fallen asleep as a result of his near-death experience, and his brain going into super-fast development due to just being born. And it will be his discovery later.