Reverse Haku

Nick couldn't believe his eyes even as the smoke cleared.

That gargantuan beast, that humongous creature of power... was really just a girl!

Juliana huffed somewhere to the side, seemingly reading his mind and ready to show her king just how strong a girl could really be. Especially a perfect one as talented as her!

The last bit of smoke was dissipating around her as she stepped forward. Ugyr was almost completely nude, something that Nick simultaneously really loved but really hated. On one hand, she was bad as hell... on the other, she was strong as hell so if she had a temperament similar to Juliana...

'I'm gonna die!'

Especially considering the fact she was plenty tall, at least a few inches taller than even Nick.

Ugyr had perfectly smooth ebony skin that radiated light. Around her boobs and crotch were white scales, clearly designed to accentuate those curves while being able to pretend they were 'hiding' them.