"Now, you listen here mister! I don't know what you think this is, but you're about to eat a face full of lightning if you don't stop this instant!"
"Eek! J-Juliana! I-it's ok. I- I'll just pay what he asked. N-Nick, t-tell her that it's fine before she kills him!"
"Huh?! H-hey Juliana... uh, you mind putting the man down?"
Juliana scoffed at her party and their weakness.
First, they let Yck just run off even though he did absolutely nothing to help clear the first dungeon. Then, he let that new dragon girl take to the skies. It was already suspicious that she didn't want to be bound to Nick, but for nobody but Nick and his valkyries to be able to see her...
Well, she just didn't trust Ugyr.
Same with this stupid owner! He said that this oyster she ordered was 30 gold coins when the menu clearly said it was only 30 if she ate the whole thing!
Her plate had a whole crumb left!