In a world divided by realms, each brimming with vibrant cultures and lurking dangers, siblings Emilia and Pasta set out to experience the thrill of an adventure before returning home. Accompanied by their bodyguard, a renowned swordsman, they venture across lands on the brink of war, where ambition and the lust for power threaten to consume everything. And who else can stop this but three quirky adventurers?
As the trio navigate mysterious lands and encounters both allies and adversaries, the swordsman must protect his charges while confronting the shadows of his past.
A fun-loving trio, a richly detailed power system, unforgettable characters, and a glass of comedy to wash it all down
This novel is a part of my larger series that has yet to be released.
First chapter in and I'm instantly hooked. A bit disappointing as it only has two chapters, but please keep up updating as I will be supporting this novel. The world building is great, pacing is absolutely fantastic it felt like I was in the book and fully immersed. How you portray the characters make me feel hatred (looking at you, Ragnar) and awe. Overall, a great novel in the making!