Chapter 05: The Djin Hunter


Djin!... what is that? (Black Shadow looked at the soft eyes of Amina hearing the word which is known to him…)

Some call them jinn or in the west, they call them genies…

Yes… Genies… I have heard some of the tail of Djini…. I know something about Djin.. they have superpowers!

Not like that, Djin are the not like human but they are made of fires…. They can grant you wishes and speak in the wind…

They can be used for good or evil…said Amina.

And the worst man in this world is Hakim… Hakim Al Tawa…

He is also known as the Djin Hunter..

Some believe Hakim has captured Djin and used them for his advantages...

The king of Persia had a weapon…. Hakim Al Tawa…

Hakim became the superior worrier… He became very strong and powerful with the power of Djin… He became more powerful than the King's army more powerful than another human being in the Persia…

There were no better worrier than Hakim..

I have heard that, he has strength of bull..

But he has a evil brain… so sharp… evil…even sharper than knife that will harm people...

He is very clever and he is pure evil; he is probably the evilest man on this planet…

Some said he killed his parents just for money…. Some say he is a paranoid…

He is a monster in the form of human… he has soul of a devil…

The king Abu Jafar is even afraid of him….

They knew that for each and every battle he must use his most feared weapon Hakim… Because Hakim is unbeatable… Many have fought before but all have lost against Hakim… even now all his opposition army knows what they were up against.. Even no one has power enough to match Hakim and his Ibex army….. So every one is afraid of Hakim and his men… No one has any authority over him… no one! (Amina spoke to Black Shadow with his soft she looked pale and afraid by the name as she was speaking)

Amina continued….

"Some say that while Hakim was a small boy…

Hakim used to fight with other boys and trick everyone... He was very cunning and made his neighbors unhappy by killing their pets, bullying their kids and children and made lots of harm to others… So everyone was fed up with him and began to avoid him …

But as day progressed he began to cause major damage to the life and property of others…. So all the neighbors and people in his village complained to the house lord that Hakim and his parents must leave the province..

The house lord was about to throw Hakim out of the province but one Imam who was local religious leader decided to take care of Hakim and he will help this boy to change…

The priest kept coming at their house while Hakims parents honored the priest which made Hakim very unhappy…

So, one day, Hakim's threw a rock at the Imam ….

The Imam was highly annoyed but continued to ask Hakim to change his behavior and join with his prayers for the goddess of moon…

Hakim had only one weakness….

He was sexually addicted with small children.. As he has the fetish habit of this sexual pleasure which is only met by the little children's body…

He wanted to enjoy them by making love with the younger boys forcefully… 

His parents warned him to stop abusing children and stop harming innocent people.. So he killed both of his parents… He was so evil that he hanged the bodies of his parents in front of the house. There was a local Imam, who had good relation with the locals and prayed to the moon gods.. use to make rituals and purify evil soul… So this Imam wanted to clean Hakim's soul… 

He thought Hakim is a kid and poses by demon, and wanted this evil spirit out through prayers.

One day he saw the Imam …. Local Priest who was well known, had a little boy name Musa….

This Imam (Priest) tried to change Hakim.. so he called Hakim to join with his devotion and offerings for the gods..

So, Hakim followed the Imam and continued his rituals as the imam showed …

Even he joined him at home and also was like a part of his family..

But while Imam or his wife was not at home Hakim forcefully take advantage of the little boy..

Hakim tortured the boy for his pleasure.. he raped him..

And made cuts to different parts of the body…

 As the Imam and his wife came back they found the boy…..

dead with blood all over the place ..

After that Hakim was thrown in a big well outside the town..

and his parents were thrown out of the city.

Some say that Hakim found strange ways to capture Djin in the well..

So everyone called him…Hakim Al Tawa.. Hakim the Djin Hunter…

Because no one can truly tell what happened to Hakim.. one day after 10 to 11 years suddenly Hakim came back…

He had powers of black magic and use herbs for lethal drugs and poison..

He was all grown up… Heavy body and very sharp…

He use to rob the people and steal jewelries and joined fights for fun…

to kill people.. torture people.... beat and rape small children and women…

One day the king of Persia…arranged a fight to pick the finest fighter for the battle…

No wonder….. Hakim joined the fight..

He killed some strong fighters with his strength and others with his medicine or black magic..

Some say he possess Djin…

He uses the power of the Djin to even control others at his will…

So, the king made a pack with Hakim…

He gave authority to Hakim to control most of his work…

The king was the crowned king but everyone knows who is really in charge….

Hakim used all his power and brain to control everything…

Hakim was the ruler even powerful beyond king of Persia.. the monster..

Everyone is afraid of Hakim… and everyone feared and obey him more than the king..

By this time Hakim made an army of his own by the name of Ibex.. 

These are special army formed by Hakim himself…

These Ibex army is very loyal of Hakim and they are cruel, powerful and dangerous…

These Ibex army is spread through out the region… and they control major part of the territory…