70: The gaurd's mood-swings- Part 1

"Liam, what's that? Let's head to that shop next. No, wait! Maybe that shop—"

Asger dragged Liam's body behind him as soon as he saw something that interested him. It seemed easy for the half-dragon to be able to drag someone like Liam behind him without any trouble.

Liam had stopped complaining ten minutes ago once he realized that there was no point in trying to speak up. Asger was mentally a kid, and all kids were stubborn and unyielding to a fault.

The only way to control Asger would be to let him tire himself out.

Luckily, Liam was not going into this situation blind. He had a plan he was going to execute now.

For the past few days, Liam had been practicing his magic control, and he was proud to say that he had gotten efficient enough to be able to influence its intensity.

Since Asger was dependent on Liam's magic and its consumption, slowly lowering the amount going through the connection would make the half-dragon tire out quicker.