71: The gaurd's mood-swings- Part 2

The guard's tone changed for a second time, and became polite. Liam felt amused to see these changes happening so quickly and right in front of his eyes.

His request to be shown a room was responded to by the guard this time.

"Of course, Mr. Liam." 

The guard hurried to comply, leading them through a different corridor and opening a set of polished mahogany doors to reveal an extravagant resting chamber. 

Plush couches, a faintly glowing fireplace, and even a small table set with refreshments adorned the space.

Asger wasted no time flopping onto the largest couch, stretching out comfortably.

"Mmm... comfy. You're alright, Liam. I'm taking a nap. Wake me up if you need my help."

Asger was finally out and Liam breathed a sigh of relief. With this, at least one problem had been dealt with.

Liam smirked before stepping back into the hallway. Just as he turned to address the guard again, the man's expression shifted.