In the sleepy town of Ravenwood, 17-year-old Lena Grant struggles to find her place. Scarred by a childhood accident and ostracized by her peers, Lena feels like an outsider.
But everything changes when Kaelin Darkshadow, a mysterious and handsome transfer student, arrives at Ravenwood High. As Lena and Kaelin grow closer, they must navigate the treacherous world of supernatural creatures lurking in the shadows.
Asher Blackwood, a powerful werewolf, watches Lena from afar, his motives unclear. As the full moon rises, Lena finds herself at the center of a centuries-old prophecy that threatens to destroy the fragile balance between humans and supernatural creatures.
With her heart torn between Kaelin and Asher, Lena must confront the darkness within herself and make a choice that will determine the fate of Ravenwood forever.
"Moonfall" is a captivating tale of love, magic, and self-discovery that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.