Jack Done, a skilled yet unfulfilled corporate worker, leaves behind a monotonous life on Mars to join the Argos Station, a melting pot of interstellar cultures and technologies. Here, Jack discovers the joy of applying his versatile talents to real-world challenges, from repairing ventilation systems to mediating conflicts between alien species. However, his journey takes an unexpected turn when he inherits Aetherion, an advanced glove created by his grandfather, capable of manipulating Ether—a powerful, emotion-driven energy source.
As Jack navigates the complexities of life on Argos, he builds a dynamic team including Tsukiko, a disciplined former soldier; Kael, a pragmatic Rysal; and Va’ar, one of the enigmatic Alfars. Together, they uncover sinister plots by the powerful Orith Nexis corporation, whose unethical experiments threaten galactic stability.
"Jack of All Trades" is a story of resilience, innovation, and unity in the face of intergalactic challenges. Jack’s journey showcases the power of collaboration and the strength of following one’s true path, leading to a brighter, interconnected future for all species.
I’ve been absolutely hooked on this novel! Your world-building and character development are phenomenal, and as a fellow writer I must say I really love your writing style. I recently started my own sci-fi novel, The Strongest Interstellar Soldier System, and it’s been an exciting journey so far. It’s about a young man, Caden Arden, who inherits a mysterious system from his father, a former traitor to humanity, and embarks on a mission to prove himself while navigating a high-tech, interstellar world. I’d love for you (and any fellow readers here!) to check it out and share your thoughts. Your support would mean the world to me as I grow as a writer. Keep up the fantastic work, and I hope we can support each other in this incredible journey!