Chapter 8: Smuggling Shadows

Jack was in his apartment, working through a physical exercise routine. To fully utilize the glove's potential, his body needed to endure the Ether's energy flow. The reduced gravity in the industrial sector wasn't particularly helpful, but it was a start.

"Mr. Done," Praetor's voice echoed from a nearby speaker. "The station's guard has requested your assistance. Commander Tsukiko Holmgren awaits you at the entrance to Sector G."

Jack paused, slightly out of breath and surprised. He had never worked directly with the station's guard before. Standing up, he clenched his fist, and the glove adjusted to his arm like a second skin. Andy, his assistant android, appeared ready for action, his glowing eyes fixed on Jack. Jack had rented Andy from Argos to help manage his workshop and farm; the workload had become overwhelming, and he needed reliable help.

"Ready, Andy? I think this is going to be interesting," Jack said with a slightly nervous smile.

"Always ready, Mr. Done. Let's try not to die today, though," Andy replied dryly.

Sector G was deserted. The blue lights pulsed faintly, and a gentle vibration in the walls hinted at the station's constant mechanical activity. At the entrance, Jack spotted a woman with short red hair in a gray tactical uniform. Her royal blue eyes regarded him with a mix of professional evaluation and curiosity.

"Jack Done? I'm Commander Tsukiko Holmgren," she said, her voice firm and direct. "Thanks for coming."

"Didn't know I was in such demand, but here I am. What's going on?" Jack asked, shaking her hand briefly.

Tsukiko gestured toward a massive steel door.

"We've received intel about a clandestine depot in Sector G. We suspect smuggling of explosives, possibly linked to recent sabotage. Inside, we're detecting unstable energy sources. We need someone who can assess the situation without triggering a disaster."

"And I'm that someone," Jack said, raising an eyebrow.

"Correct. Plus," Tsukiko added, nodding at the glove, "Aetherion seems like the most advanced tool we have available. Praetor will guide you. My team and I will secure the perimeter."

Jack, Tsukiko, and Andy entered the depot. The metallic walls were lined with pipes worn by time, and the dense atmosphere carried an acrid smell of fuel.

"Detecting significant energy fluctuations behind that structure," Andy said, pointing toward a stack of containers.

Jack approached, activating the glove's molecular scanner. Blue holograms illuminated the area, revealing the internal structure of the containers.

"Confirmed," Jack said. "These are military-grade explosives, highly unstable. There's a faulty circuit that could trigger a chain reaction."

Tsukiko's hand moved closer to her holstered weapon.

"Can we neutralize it? We're in trouble if we get pinned down here," she said, her eyes fixed on Jack.

"I've got it. Andy, stay ready for anything," Jack replied, focusing on the circuits.

Suddenly, a metallic noise reverberated through the space, followed by a burst of sparks from the panels. Without warning, one of the containers exploded, releasing a shockwave that threw everything into chaos. Jack raised his arm, and the glove emitted a translucent energy shield, enveloping everyone nearby.

"We're alive!" Tsukiko shouted as she got to her feet. "Without your shield… we'd be done for."

"Let's not celebrate too soon," Jack said, breathing heavily. "Aetherion, identify remaining instabilities."

The glove projected a stream of holographic data.

"Two sources remaining," Aetherion's deep voice reported.

"Neutralize them!" Jack commanded, activating an energy pulse that stabilized the remaining containers.

With the situation under control, Jack examined one of the intact containers. Aetherion connected to the station's database through Praetor's network, rapidly processing information about the container's markings.

"The explosives originate from a transport ship identified as Raven's Wing," Praetor said. "It is still in proximity to our sector and preparing for departure."

"Associated transactions trace back to shell companies linked to Orith Nexis," Aetherion added.

Tsukiko clenched her fists, frustration evident on her face.

"I could've bet on them. Now we have proof. We need to intercept that ship before it escapes!"

Guided by Praetor, Tsukiko's team, along with Jack, arrived at the coordinates where Raven's Wing was anchored. The ship, hidden under an advanced defensive shield, was guarded by a well-equipped insurgent crew, busily loading the final containers and refueling.

"Jack, you'll disable the defensive shield. Once that's down, we'll take over," Tsukiko said, readying her team for the assault.

"On it," Jack replied, activating the glove's holographic scan. Aetherion enveloped the ship in glowing blue lines, analyzing weak points.

"Access point identified. Preparing for destabilization," Aetherion announced.

Jack launched a thin energy beam that penetrated the barrier, progressively disabling the defenses. Realizing the shield was failing, the insurgents opened fire on the team. Demonstrating her tactical and combat skills, Tsukiko countered with precision.

"The shield's down! Tsukiko, it's your turn!" Jack shouted.

The intense firefight lasted a few minutes. Outnumbered and stripped of their defenses, the insurgents eventually surrendered. Tsukiko's team secured the crew while Jack and Andy documented the evidence aboard the ship.

Among the prisoners, Jack recognized a familiar figure—the Xerithian representative from the station, known for his cold demeanor and ambiguous behavior. Confronted by Tsukiko, he quickly fell into a guilty silence.

"Orith Nexis paid me to organize the shipments. I didn't know about their sabotage plans, just the smuggling," the Xerithian said, avoiding Tsukiko's accusatory glare.

"Smuggling or not, you're directly responsible for what happened on Argos," Tsukiko replied. "You will be detained and handed over to the Interstellar Diplomatic Council."

Following the mission's success, Praetor announced the Interstellar Council's decision to reward Jack.

"Mr. Done, due to your actions, Raven's Wing will be confiscated and transferred under your command. The ship will be retrofitted for civilian use and exploration projects. Congratulations."

Jack, surprised, looked at Tsukiko, who gave a slight smile.

"Looks like you've got yourself a ship now, Jack. Let's hope you use it wisely."

"Grateful, as always," Jack replied. "But, let's be honest, who doesn't love an exploration ship?"

"Especially one with a story," Tsukiko added, raising an eyebrow.