350 years ago, mysterious realms began to appear on Earth, each serving as a gateway to unique and otherworldly dimensions. Humans were summoned to these realms, chosen to become heroes and granted abilities tailored to the worlds they entered. Each journey promised adventure, but the cost of these newfound powers was far greater than anyone could imagine.
WARNING: This is not your typical isekai novel. It delves into the dark truths of humanity exploring raw emotions, the grim reality of war, the weight of sacrifice, and the cold grip of manipulation. This story challenges the very essence of heroism and survival. Prepare for an unforgiving journey where even victory comes at a price.
Hello everyone author here if your planning to read the book please leave a review here or in the comment section on what can i improve i upload everyday so commenting helps me to be motivated to write more chapter:)
wow probably the only iisekai with ACTUAL development in it lol
First chapter read, good concept and execution. Hoping for this series to thrive!
Brother this is wild,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, You got me hooked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Your novel has potential,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
haven't fully read it i just click the chapter 20 but would recommend it's a fast paced action
first time reading a webnovel i think this is a good starter for reading I've actual enjoy it so far would recommend
The book is well-written and very readable. The story is good so far, and I’m looking forward to Shin’s journey and what will happen to him next. nice one author