A Brother's Embrace

The stars at the ceiling of the Academy Infirmary twinkles as Knox patiently looks upon Lucien's face.

The two of them is kinda look alike. They both have light brown hair, fair skin complexion and nice smile.

The only difference is that Lucien has blue eyes. He got their grandfather's eyes.

Meanwhile Knox has gray eyes. The same as his Father's eyes. Their grandmother and mom both has light brown eyes.

Oh. And also, Lucien is a bit taller than Knox, but Knox is already catching up with Lucien's height.

"My, my Lucien. Look at how clumsy you are today-you lost to me in our race; you forgot your own ID badge, and now you even get yourself sent here in the Infirmary." Knox whispered to his brother.

Earlier, Knox hurriedly enter the infirmary as the teleportation magic brought him and Professor Midca from the Great Hall. Lucien is the only patient in here, making it easier for Knox to easily spot him. From then on, he grabbed the chair on beside his brother's bed and watched him as he sleeps peacefully.

"You know, getting into trouble is not your thing. It is supposed to be my thing. Why are you taking role, huh?"

"I can still recall when we are kids. I think you just got your broomsticks that time. It is your 7th birthday."

" I'm already 4 years old that time as my birthday comes before yours. It is the time when I got jealous that you are receiving such a gift from grandma,when I only received some pair of new shoes."


+8 years ago+

"Happy Birthday Lucien!" grandma Estrella sings as she brought in Lucien his cake with a sparkling candle on top.

"Make a wish. Make a wish." Lucien's mom cheered as she is taking some photos.

Lucien closed his eyes and make a wish. He then blow the candle a clapped his hands happily.

"We have a special gift for you!" Grandma Estrella bring forth a small box wrapped in a beautiful red cover with golden ribbon around it. "Open it."

Lucien eagerly grabbed the gift and opened it by pulling the golden ribbons. To his surprise, inside it is a small keychain of an ivory-white broomsticks.

He thought he will not be receiving anything this birthday. He knew his parents haven't had any stable job yet.

"It is my pal before, my dear grandson. It is yours now. Please take care of it well, kay?Try casting some spell in it." Grandma Estrella gently said.

"Thank you grandma!" Lucien hugged her

"You can count on me! I will take care of your pal!"

Grandma Estrella smiled.

"So, what do I say Grandma?" Lucien happily asked her. "What do I do?"

"Stretch out your hand as you hold the keychain.Imagine the keychain transforming into something bigger. Then say the words 'Reformidant!'" she explained.

Lucien grab the keychain as instructed and then closed his blue eyes to focus.

"Lefolmindant!" He shouted seriously. A surge of light blue energy emerge from him then to the keychain then back to him and it ended up to his hair *poofff* a trail of smoke erupted from his head.

"Hahaha.", a burst of laughter was heard from his grandma, mom and dad.

"No dear, it is Re-for-mi-dant. Try again." Grandma instructed.

Lucien focused once more as he taps his head to removed the smoke. He closed his eyes once more as he holds the keychain in front of him. His birthmark glows light blue as he tap into magic.

"Reformidant!" A surge of light blue energy swirl around him then to the keychain. This time, the keychain glows and started to transform into an Ivory-white broomsticks with a phoenix wings inscription at the end of the handle.

"Yey. Very good my dear. Very good!" Grandma Estrella gave Lucien some hugs and kisses.

Their Mom and Dad is also delighted to see Lucien being able to transform the keychain to a broomstick. Now he only have to learn how to fly at the elementary school.

That they, the whole family eat together and have some small celebration for Lucien's birthday.

Meanwhile, on one side of the room is the small baby Knox who is watching closely as his brother received his gift.

"Mom, Dad. I want tome broom bloom too!" Knox approached his parents.

"Baby Knox. You will have your own broomsticks soon. Be patient okay? Soon, we'll when you turned at the right age." Knox's dad explained

"But..but...ahhhh..I want one now! I want one now." Knox cried.

To stop him from crying. Grandma Estrella decided to keep the broomsticks and transform it back to a keychain.

"Reformidant!" She casted.

"Okay baby Knox. We are not yet using it today. Only for brother's school. How about I give you 10 bronze? Go with Lucien outside and but some snacks?"

"Yey. Tenyu glandma!"

Their Mom and Dad opened the door outside their house so that the two can buy some snacks outside.

"Grab my hand Knox. Don't let go of me okay?" Lucien instructed.

"Okey!" Little Knox grab his brother's hand and gladly walk outside.

Lucien's and Knox's house is located in a small village. Outside their house across the street is a small playground where some snacks is being sold in the afternoon.

The playground is surrounded by a tall fence. Beyond that fence is a forest where slimes tribes. The fence serves as a barrier to separate the two place.

Lucien and Knox happily bought some ice cream from the vendor at the playground. Lucien gave the payment to the vendor when Knox slipped away from his hand.

Lucien immediately look back to where Knox is, only to find his brother entering a small hole on the fence behind a bush. It is not noticeable as the leaves of the bush covered it.

"Knox! Comeback here!"

Lucien run towards his brother who is now outside the fence. Unknown to him, the area beyond the hole is a small cliff. He can see Knox at the bottom of the cliff, crying.

As he cries, some poison slime is coming towards him. Lucien dropped his ice cream, and immediately run to his brother's rescue.

"Help me! Mom! dad! " The ice cream vendor noticed Lucien running towards the fence earlier. He is a non-magus, but he immediately rush to Lucien who is now also beyond the fence calling for help.

Lucien, roll down the cliff to his brother's side. His knees and legs got some wounds from sliding down. He got caught by some stones and small spiky bush.

"Are you okay Knox?" Knox hugged his brother, crying, while the poison slimes are fast approaching.

"Are you okay there little one?" The ice cream vendor call from the fence above the cliff.

"Mister, please call mom and dad! They are at the grayish house near the playground!" Lucien shouted.

"Yeah, I know your house. Will be right back! Don't go anywhere further into the forest!" The ice cream vendor shouted as he run towards the Spring's house.

"Just hug big brother okay? Don't cry. Okay? I'm here. I'm just here." Lucien hug his brother away from the slimes.

He lifted his left arm and try to imagine a simple spell thought by his grandpa during one of their practice. He closed his eyes and focused.

"Protectio!" A swirling blue energy emanates from his body and started forming a wriggling bubble around him and Knox

The slimes splurge some green extract towards them, but the wriggling bubble protected them. Lucien keep his left hand raised as he tried to maintain the bubble.

The slimes splurge another green extract, but the barrier is indeed effective. Lucien is starting to feel his energy being drained however, but he must maintain the barrier.

"Ahh.. Lucien ..Luchien...the slimet..the slimet!" Knox cried as he hug his brother much tighter.

"Calm down Knox. I will protect you. Always. Lucien is here. Calm down."

"Lucien! Knox!" A familiar voice shouted from the fence. It is their dad.

"Flameo Serpentine" a swirling snake-like flame emerged from their father's wand and caught the poison slimes and burned them.

"We are safe now Knox. You are safe now."

Knox lost consciousness as he breaths faster than normal. Lucien hugged him tight to support him.

Their parents went down the cliff to fetch them and then repaired the broken fence to prevent any same event from happening.

That night, the two brothers were burning hot with fever.


+Present time+

Knox hold his brother's right hand.

"Sorry for that time Lucien. It is your birthday back then, but I put you in danger. It is actually my fault that time as I tried hiding from you. "

" I was jealous of you that time for receiving something great. But you? You never showed any jealousy towards me even when I received much better things in my seventh birthday. "

"You are always happy to see me happy. You always cared for me. So wakey now, big brother. "

"And please, you are not allowed to put yourself in danger when I am not around too!This time I will make sure to protect you too. I will repay with the same way you did your best back then to keep me safe."

Knox whispered, some tears are forming around his eyes as he look at his brother's pale lips.

"Knox is here, big brother. I am here."

"Just regain your energy fast. You are not supposed to be lying in here. We are supposed to be eating some ice cream at the cafeteria by now."

Knox is not able to stop himself as tears fall from his eyes towards his brothers bed.

"I should have went back with you earlier. It is just a short ride back home. I should have went with you. If only I went back with you, maybe you are not here."

As tears fall from his eyes, Lucien's hand suddenly grasped back Knox's hand.

"Hey. Your big brother is still alive. I'm just sleeping. Why are you crying all of a sudden huh. You are always crying."

Lucien reached out to mess Knox's hair.

Knox lean down to give Lucien a hug.

"St*p*d brother. Clumsy Lucien! It is just a short ride back home and yet you have to send yourself here."

Lucien laughed a little at his brother's remarks and hugged him back. His energy have now returned and he is ready to go.

The door at the Infirmary glowed once more and their mom and dad are there to bring them home.