
It's been three days since she arrived in the tribe and Hanzo got the permission to go to a more secluded spot, in this time Lyla drawed a outline of the home she wanted

It included 4 rooms that was split into different living quarters, a bedroom for herself, a bedroom for Hanzo, nursery and library

Of course there was a living room and kitchen! But the bathroom is a problem

So she designed an outhouse, wait no ew scratch that she will try to design a modern bathroom! She dared her comfort!

Plus the people here are small with urine and shit, very unhygienic! Lucky when she met Hanzo who was fairly clean and just smelt green- like you know.. sweaty people's armpit-

Ok she will shut up

But anyways, showing the outline to Hanzo he was confused, Lyla gently explained and his eyes brighten

"I will do my best!" He grinned at her and Lyla couldn't help but grine too! His smile was foolish but very contused!

"Oh the tribe leader wants to meet you" Hanzo suddenly inform, Lyla frowned and asked "Why?"

"Will..I don't know I was to tell you two days ago but I forgot!" He scratched his back head

Lyla blankly looked at the silly man and tsked in defeat

"Whatever, let's go meet him now and get this over with quickly!" Lyla turned making her braids sway gently

"Ok!" Hanzo hurriedly took her small but fair hands and head the way


"So you're the new female? You are very much like the rumors" the robust middle age man stated before looking towards her stomach

"Congratulation female" the male smiled

"Thank you tribal leader" Lyla gave nonchalant smiled her voice polite but cold

"My son she is a fine mate be gentle with her" the tribe leader said and again Lyla was stunned

"Yes Father I will!"

Lyla blinked rapidly, so I just meet the in-laws? Oh my-

"Uncle!!!" A female rushed in and pounced onto the man

The woman was very pretty and plump, with a bird's nest of hair, tan skin and narrow triangle like eyes that were a strange cold of meddy drown and blue strange indeed

But yes she is pretty not a high class beauty but enough to catch attention, after all with that round and cute face.. hehe

"Uncle~! That damn female Onana is trying to steal my stuff again! Please talk to- no better if you scold her to death! Daring to steal my things!" The girl whined to the clan leader

Lyla watched the show very interested but she really had to complain a bit! Who said the beastwoman in these types of worlds were ugly with a pointy nose? She's been lied to!

Even though they smelt bad they are not ugly after all how can you have an insanely hot dad and not be decent looking?

But that must have ramped up the beauty standards then

But back to the topic, this girl is calling the tribe leader Uncle… Is she Hanzo's cousin? Speaking of Hanzo

Lyla looked up and her lip twitched

"Don't be upset sister ok? I will bring our brother's to avenge you!" Hanzo coaxed

"Humph! You better!" The girl grin and she finally noticed Lyla in the room


"Ah she's my future mate Lyla" Hanzo explained to the girl

She looked at Lyla blankly for a bit before nodding, after all female normally don't talk to each other until it's for a fight

How could they coexist in a tribe where they will fight over mates? Strong mates?

"Lyla meet Sally, she's my sister from a different male" Hanzo introduced her

Lyla nodded "it's nice to meet you"

After introducing the room fell into a silence, "uhm.. anyways hurry uncle! Don't let that ugly duck get my things!"