The tribe leader gently coaxed Sally as he lead her out of the cave, Lyla was about to leave to her own territory but being nosey she followed with Hanzo trailing behind her
Lyla helded out her hand, "hold it"
Hanzo's eyes brighten and he gently took her smaller hand in his
Lyla pulled him along, soon they reached at the spot, many males were there watching the fun and in the middle of that spot was a woman
Her skin was tan with visible dark patches that looked like sunburns, her skin like everyone was very oily and not smooth at all but she was very pretty like usual, she was heavier than Sally 2× her weight, her hair is very matted like most others, her hair is a bright orange color and her eyes were very dark like ink very pretty but with a nasty attitude that decreased her attractiveness for Lyla
Getting closer Lyla could small the mix smells of others it turned her stomach making her want to poke after all hygiene us is dipping into the water for them every few weeks
She really needs to introduce hygiene to these people!
"Hmph! Uncle there she is that ugly duck that is troubling me again!" She whined aggrieved
"Don't worry Sally, I will talk to her!" The leader coaxed her but before he could do anything
"Ha! That's what you get for stealing my future mate!" The female in Sally's cave yelled arrogantly
"He wasn't yours in the first place! He is mine! Finders keepers!" Sally like a child yelled back
Lyla grimaced but the males didn't even flinch, treating males like objects but no one feels this is kinda weird?
My poor little boy is going to be miserable in this world!
"Whose is that..?" Lyla asked Hanzo as she watched the girls yell like kindergarters
"She's the tribe doctor's granddaughter Kiara"
"Kiara? Mhm.." Lyla frowned and looked at the chubby female
"Will! That's because I have more males than you and I have more cubs!" Kiara yelled boosting about her high fertility
"W-will! I just came off age! And have three males already and you're an oldie only having ten males!"
Kiara gasped and yelled "HOW DARE YOU AM NOT-"
"ENOUGH!" The tribe leader yelled feeling frustrated, Kiara mates hearing the yall stopped smashing
Lyla's lip twitched, she leaned into Hanzo's arms saying as she pulled out a small bag of watermelon seeds to eat from her space
"Hold me"
This drama was very ridiculous
Hanzo's eyes brighten and he gently took the female into his arms, the girl is very warm and soft in his arms he likes it
"Sally and Kiara stop fighting! How can you guys fight like this? What happened?"
"Will uncle! I was with my new mate when that duck came over and randomly smacked me and called me a mate stealing slut!
So I told her 'fuck you duck i didn't steal nothing your just ugly-' "
"SHHH! Lies I tell you! I-" Kiara yell was about to yell when her eyes like a fucking microscope dilated maxing out on Lyla
Lyla's felt her senses tingling warning her something was about to-
"Who's that ugly female??" Kiara suddenly asked and Sally very confused paused and said
"She's Lyla brother's new mate"
Kiara's eye's widened and like a child stomped her feet huffing, "Why her!? I asked you to mate with me but you said no! And I am prettier than her! Ugly! Why do you like her!!"
Lyla now being involved now was baffled and annoyed so without a damned thought she said sounding like a real kindergarter
"because am very soft and smell good unlike a some ugly matted duck like you, saying nonsense with such a attitude"
"...." Kiara
Hanzo "..."
"...heh.." Sally
"...." tribe leader
"...." others
What? Not true?
Sally fell into giggles and started to cheer! "Hahah! True! You're so ugly why would my brother want you? Plus you're not soft at all!"
Kiara's face heated up in anger and with a thought or world walked up to Lyla with not much difficult and pounced onto the girl
"Holy fuck-!" Lyla cursing as her pregnant self dropped to the ground Kiara trying to pull at her hair
Lyla with anger pushed her off herself! What if her weight flattened her baby? That made her mad! Lyla swiftly grabbed the girl's hair and started to beat her, maxing her pain and venting her worries!
Everyone was dumbfounded and Sally like a bug joined in the fun beating poor Kiara up too
The mates "...."
Hanzo knowing it was looked down upon to hit or hurt a female even in extremely uncomfortable situation turned his frustration onto Kiara's mates and all of a sudden jumping them
Sally's mates looking at each other shrugged before joining, the numbers were very overwhelming and (of course) Hanzo the poor baby was beaten up
Seeing the males beating her man Lyla abandoned Kiara with Sally and started to beat the enemy males, the males paused feeling helpless
After beating till her heart's content she soon dragged her poor fluffy fox away checking his wounds with heart ache
Lyla frowned and shrugged it off for now, she focused on withs on hand right now
The tribe leader watching all of this in a safe zone lips twitched
What the fuck?
He took a deep breath and started to scold and rebuke everyone (except Sally and Kiara) and at some point the doctor come along scolding some more especially at Lyla
Lyla just rolled her eyes and dragged her poor foxy boy with her ignoring the angry yells off the doctor
At second thought this place isn't very suitable to like
"Hey! Wait up!" Sally yelled as she followed Lyla and her mated followed too
"Hehe you're so cool! It felt good beating Kiara! She's such a duck! Hoarding all male for herself not wanting anyone to mate in peace!"
Lyla frowned "is she really like that?"
"Yea! She is!"
Lyla groaned, yep this ain't a good place
"Am Sally and your Lyla right?"
"Good! I like you even more!"